Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I just got on the train and this guy is asking another guy about what drugs he has. Once that guy leaves he starts hitting on some 16 year old girl behind me. He said you got a man? She said yes. So he says so you can't have two? The he starts talking about weed, hooking up, ssi. He was in jail for a year, just got out last month. You should here this dude. He is so ignorant. He's gonna go get a car from an auction. Fully loaded, top line truck with all the "shit". Gonna take his ssi and move to palmdale and get a bomb ass apartment, where he is gonna be legit with his whole $750 a month. Lol. He only need 7 more classes to get his high school diploma. Then he's gonna go to college & make bank in the medical field. Oh the American dream is still alive!
Ode to a dead bird
my fine featherd friend flying around the station
Hopping from on pole to another trying to catch your lover
My how she teases. My how she flirts
Making you fly in circles for her love
What happened? What went so wrong?
That you are left hanging fried and upside down on that pole?
The end.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

One seat per person!

Do you think you are special...of course you are.  Do you think the rule don't apply to you.. of course they don't. But if I stand right next to you and hover in your space does that make you uncomfortable? What if when the train stops I bump you "accidentally"? Then MOVE YOUR BUTT OVER AND GIVE ME THAT SEAT.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do people who smoke pot think they don't smell? Or are they just to high to care? Oh and why do they always have to sit near me!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear My Tales Readers,
I've sent you a video to ask for your support in my efforts to help repair the circle that cancer breaks through this year's Relay For Life.

Believe it or not, you are actually featured in the video-but you'll have to watch it to see how!

With your help, we can repair the circle and continue to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I hope you enjoy the video and will join my circle of supporters by making a donation today!

Watch Video

Friday, April 2, 2010

All in one day...really wow

So the other day the train pulled away from the station and then stopped about 30 seconds later in the middle of the tracks and the doors opened and low and behold our drive steps on the train and someone else gets off. Talk about curb side service...maybe he should leave his house a little earlier next time.

That same morning on the green line this guy was on the train was asking for money, no asking for money is not new or the reason I am tell you this story. We are going to focus on the person. The man was a bit heavy set, his clothing were in pretty good condition and he was pretty clean. So why does a man that looks like he must have a place to live and clean up need spare change? Well based on the fact his eye were glossed over and he was looked BLAZED....he must have been out of pot. Best part was that he spoke in the best "blitzed surfer" accent. Then at the end he asked if anyone had a spare cigarette. LOL - seriously you make it hard for people to give money away to other homeless people when you do that.

Then on the blue line as the doors open and everyone gets out we all start to file in and this man in front of me just stand in the middle of the doorway so no one else can really move by him surveying his seating options. I'm not kidding he really was contemplating which of the 4 open rows he wanted to sit in while the rest of us are like "GET OUT OF THE WAY". Some people are just strange.