Friday, May 22, 2009

I officially apologize to u all for not posting in a long time. Other things have got in my way. Life doesn't stop...i just found that out. Haha. I still have to write about my horrible Friday a few weeks ago. It is official I am a curtain opener magnet! if some one wants to pull open the drapes from the darkness they always sit by me. Today, a lady yelling at an older couple for boarding before we got off. Seriously rude. I saw Dolphins again last week. I am really going to miss these beautiful sunsets. Tonight while we passing San Clemente some one threw something at the Window. It was just a big thug. Last Friday on the way to LA to catch my cruise a teen jumped in front of the train to kill himself. Then seconds before we hit him he jumped out.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ok so I am downstairs in the sleepy car and I am sound asleep in the back row all by myself and it is very dark, oh and I don't feel well. It is like an oaisis. Really like one because all of a sudden this jerky guy comes in sit across from...there are plenty of other open seats and he yanks open the curtains completely and just starts reading his paper. Never once even acknowledging me. Even though I practically jump out of my seat startled! Seriously! What the heck? Who does that crap? So totally rude! Wow I guess some people only care about themselves. I am so annoyed! oh well guess I really did not need the nap. He better be reading the los angeles time!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Ok tell me are late for the train and as you are walking towards the station and you see the train pulling in. So you start running but u only have your backpack on one shoulder and u r talking on ur phone. Why? Seriously hang up ur phone, put your backpack on and run. No you'd rather look dumb and run with your arms flailing all over and chance missing the train. Well I hope that call was really worth it I walked with the amish today. Saw my first masked couple today. No swine flu for them. Lol. Well it s friday May first and 6 different marches were held downtown today. Pictures will be sent soon. I also had a friend from work ride the train home with me. He made fun of me for taking the pictures of the marches. We laughed at people together