Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello honey...

Hi honey, hey I will be home later then usual. I feel asleep on the train and I missed my stop. Yes I feel asleep. What? It happens. Said the 30 something robust lady in front of me on the train. The best part is she must be lying because she was no where near the station stops she said she slept through. Lol

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Elevators? Yes I am adding elevator stories to the blog.

But before I do that I have to mention that I an currently on the train listening to the conversation of two drag queens. Lol pretty darn funny, but you really have to be here to truly appreciate it.

On to elevators. Here is a little background:my current office building at the Times has 10 floors and I am on the 9th. Though there are days that I actually walk up or down the complete 9 floors, most days I take the elevator. It seems that I have become an elevator snob. Let me explain that. I have started to think that all elevators should work up and down like they do but they should not be able to only go up one or even two floors. Yes I realize that there are people in this world who are unable to walk up or downstairs, but those are not the people I will write about in this here blog.

Elevator post #1- the other day as I was on the elevator making my way down to the first floor, the elevator abruptly stopped at the 2nd floor where a very health looking man stepped on to ride the ONE SINGLE FLOOR DOWN. My only thought was REALLY? You waited longer for the elevator then it would have taken for you to walk down those what 10 maybe 12 stairs to the first floor. Bitter elevator rider party of one is here! Good times. Good times.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Da train, da train!

Sometimes I just want to stand on the top of the stairs at the blueline and call out "Da train, da train." Then when everyone looks at me I'll say "Smiles everyone...smiles!"

Wow all that just came out and I haven't had any coffee yet.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Where the heck am I?

You just never know what your week has in store for you. I am currently on the green line and I have had to most amusing time. First I am witness to a near fight between some young black girl who thinks she's all bad talking crap about a man with only one eye. She us not trying to be quiet at all. Little did I know the man with one eye is sitting 5 rows back of me. It got very loud and the girl all of a sudden, though she was screaming was not so brave. Well this steaming match went on for two stops. When the man got off and the doors were safely closed she then started talking all kinds of crap. Funny how the doors closed and no way for her to get the crap beat out of her gets her some balls.
Once that girl and her friend leave at that next stop, this guy a few rows behind me starts talking all kinds of crap about the young man that was with the loud girl. I won't repeat his comments but let's just say he was extremely homophobic.
It is just so sad to me that people like that feel the need to speak. I realize there are times we all think mean thoughts about other people but do they have to be verbalized? Think before you speak. I guess that is too much to ask some people. I admit I am guilty of this as well. Ughh to be a better person takes hard work.

Manic Monday

Ok so technically this did not happen on a train, but it is too good to pass up.  I just walked by a homeless man dancing around and singing "Just another Manic Monday"

My thought is that most days are pretty manic for him, but he sure looked happy.


Dear Metro Driver, it is currently 56 degrees outside but it is 30 degrees in this train. I can see my breath. Do see any problem with this? Guess not.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am looking at a guy in front of me that has a piece of tissue rolled and stuck up his left nostril and is rolling a dubie in front of everyone. Too funny. Oh and it is 61 degrees outside right now but it is 30 degrees in the train. I swear I can see my breath.