Thursday, July 30, 2009

Metro Rail nonsense

So I am sitting on the blueline and these 3 people get on and sit behind me. The one guy is talking about having a new job. Next thing I know is he is asking "when is our next day off." Seriously, you are that lazy? WOW They are all in training and one of them says he can't wait to hit the floor. He said "I can't get jiggety with $200 a week (I think weekely is what he said). Then the other guys says " Yeah but you know know how to work the over draft {insert N-word}. "Oh ya Brother I know when to charge and it wont hit until the money is there." Then more nonsense talk. Finally the Lady chimes in "I can sell sand to a beach I am so good. Ooo your vibrating on me." The guy next to her phone was vibrating. More talk and then this wonderful phrase "I was giving my babies momma $200 a week..faithfully and shit that was when we only had one kid." Lol.

Next day I meet up with Mr. Personality. NOT. This man was talking on the phone and wow he was annoying. Don't know how the person on the other line stayed on so long. Oh this man thought he was so smooth. Here are a few words of wisdom from him: "If life gives u lemons make lemonade, if life gives u cherries make cherry pie. How many blond jokes are rest are true. Two more stops until I get off..don't come back with can I watch that is my line." Then the Elvis impression started. OMG crazy man.

Ewe condom wrappers on the greenline. In walks "Rizzo" from grease wearing stilettos.. Here is her awesome conversation...very loudly I might ad. "I needed pot. what ya I'm gonna drink too. I am going to my baby's daddy's home. Yeah XYZ is gonna pick me up. Oh Hell ya..that $@$!^^# called and said he is near so he is gonna pick me up at the next station." Then as she is getting ready to leave the train she said " I am gonna have to have XYZ drop me off a few blocks before my Baby's daddy's house. I am gonna kick it with him for awhile and the go meet up and {insert sexual act here}. Yes all of this on her cell phone very loudly so that all of the little kids and everyone else on the train could hear her wonderful plans. Are people really that clueless?

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