Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How dare you...I even work there!

Well it seems my bog is more popular than even I knew. The Los Angeles Times ran a FRONT PAGE article about the Blue Line.  Yes my beloved Blue Line.  I was so bummed to see that.  I'm the blogger for the blue's my space.  Ok really I don't own the space but - HOW RUDE. 

I do have to say that my stories are better than Mike Anton's.  OOOO wonder if saying this could get me fired?  Oh well, for the last two years I have been bringing you stories about the world on the Green, Blue and Red lines and I don't intend to stop.  Boo on them for publishing his story and not mine.  Well I guess I better get my butt in gear for the

I just ask you keep reading and telling your friend about me...and my other blog too. Until then I leave you with HIS can judge for yourself.,0,591969.story

p.s. This morning I was asked relationship advice from a 45 year old Mexican Grandpa (he told me all that) who was very drunk and it was only 8am. He was standing in the front of the train and then he moved to sit in front of me.  He asked me "Do you think it is ok for a 45 year old Grandpa to fall in love again?"  First thing I thought was Yes, as long as it is not with me.  I composed myself and said "Sure, of course it is." Big mistake that lead to a 10 minute conversation about how important it is for each of us to realize how special they are and that we all deserve happiness and if this lady is already cheating on him she is not worth it.  Tell me what part of my face shoved in a book made me look like a therapist?  I guess everyone needs a friend now and then.

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