So we pulled into San Juan Capistrano and the whole entire train went BLACK. No air condition, no lights, no train noises. Only the most discussing sound of the man next to me EATING AN APPLE! So annoying! You know how much I hate people chewing. We have an air break leak. I'll never complain about how cold it gets in here...because it is HOT now.
So we all sat around talking about pies. Some lady in front of me was talking about the pies at costco and walmart. Then some other guy asked where he could get a Julian pie other than Julian. Wow, isn't this the most amazing conversations you've ever heard.
And God said let there be air conditioning...ok maybe he did not say that but I'm pretty happy to feel it up and running. We're moving again.
Remember that girl I told you about like the first week. The lady from Oceanside who asked me what I thought about prop 8. So I have seen her on the train a few times and today she is sitting like a row ahead of me and did not even want to sit with me. Hmmm now that is not very nice. Oh well, it just gives me more to write about.
I'm very hungry...anyone suprised? Ok my arm hurts and my computer is dying.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm not boring you are...
This week blazed by me and it seems a blur. I had to stayed in LA on Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday - nada. Tuesday - Nada. Wednesday - I thought that the lady sitting next to me was the mom of a friend. But she never talked to me so I never talked to her. HAHA Just kidding it turned out that it was not her. I finished my last book in ONE week! Record time! HAHA Today I started the book called "The Shack". I've had a lot of people say it was an amazing book and it really touched them. So stay tuned...I may have a book recommendation for you. Thursday - I got to go home and it was so nice to sleep in my own bed. Friday - I lugged an extra heavy bag to the station. I had to pack to go out for Denise's birthday. A long with the extra clothes, were gifts, and bears. I made it through the day almost like a breeze. Then at 4pm we ran into a snag at work. This admail that we need to go out by 5pm was not working. What ever could go wrong did. Well since I did not have my computer with me I had to rely on my blackberry. I was signed on to AIM and checking my email everytime it vibrated. All the while reading the last two chapters of my book. Then at around 6pm I turned into that girl you see driving or out at a restaurant with 2 cell phones! I hate those girls and now I was one. I felt so corporate. Texting on one phone and talking to the designer on the other phone. It was soooo LA. And so not me. :-) Oh well, the stupid thing got sent out and of course it did not go out completely correct. But by the time I sat down that Cowboy I did not care anymore. HAHA.
Ok so this weekend I learned that I am WAY to old to party two nights in a row. Do you know how sad that is for me to say. Not because I want to party like a rock star,but becacuse I dont want to be old. Then this morning on the train when I was getting ready for work and guess what kept coming out! The single gray hair that I have which I named Ray. Yeah Ray just did not want to step in line with the other curls on my head. NOOOOOOOOOO he wanted to show how nice and GRAY he is. Some of you might say how come you don't just pluck it? Well to tell you the truth I did pluck him once and he grew back in the same stupid spot. Some of you might ask why don't you just color your hair. Well I did do that a while back and let's just say that hair is as stuborn as the man he is named after. :-)
Today I slept with a really cute guy for and hour and half! You will only truly understand what i mean if you read my previous posts. And if you have not read my previous posts - WHY NOT? Stop right here and close this window and start off where you stopped reading. I'll wait. I'll just hang out here. Let me know when you're done.
Ok so this weekend I learned that I am WAY to old to party two nights in a row. Do you know how sad that is for me to say. Not because I want to party like a rock star,but becacuse I dont want to be old. Then this morning on the train when I was getting ready for work and guess what kept coming out! The single gray hair that I have which I named Ray. Yeah Ray just did not want to step in line with the other curls on my head. NOOOOOOOOOO he wanted to show how nice and GRAY he is. Some of you might say how come you don't just pluck it? Well to tell you the truth I did pluck him once and he grew back in the same stupid spot. Some of you might ask why don't you just color your hair. Well I did do that a while back and let's just say that hair is as stuborn as the man he is named after. :-)
Today I slept with a really cute guy for and hour and half! You will only truly understand what i mean if you read my previous posts. And if you have not read my previous posts - WHY NOT? Stop right here and close this window and start off where you stopped reading. I'll wait. I'll just hang out here. Let me know when you're done.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bugs me soo much thinking that people hate me
Ok so I really like my new job, but lately I feel like the people I work with hate me. Ok maybe they don't hate me but they don't like me very much. They talk loudly and I hear it. They complain to others but never come to me. I feel like they would throw me under a bus at any chance they get. The old person did this, the old person did that. So and so never told me that. Why does Teresa always have to do this or that. It makes me so sad. I am trying so hard and I really like it there but can figure out how to make them happy. Is it just new person syndrome? Uggh at least I know (or think) my boss likes me.
No train tales today..sorry I'm not in the mood and nothing really happened.
No train tales today..sorry I'm not in the mood and nothing really happened.
Monday, November 17, 2008
There was a what on the tracks?????
Well I ran from work today (friday) all the way to the train station because I left so late and we all know what friday is like on the train. I ran up many many stairs and through the station to platform 12. What do I find? An empty platform and a whole lot of people standing around. Once I caught my breath - like 20 minutes later - I hear that the train is delayed. Oh great, there go my dinner plans. I stand around for a bit then someone comes over and says we do not know when the train will be making it back to LA and you'll need to head back into the station and wait. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, YES.
We waited for another 15 minutes when then finally said that it looks to be leaving Van Nuys in like 30 minutes. Bring it into LA at 6:15 pm and hour late. Top it off there is no bar in Union Station! Well finally it gets here and I head for my normal spot in the cafe car and to my surprise I have figured out that the reason my train is always packed is the metrolink pass holders. Damn them. Well the usual group of guys was in the cafe, of course a lot more "happy" then usually. They were stuck on the train for an hour. After a little small talk, I finally ask the question that was burning on my mind. "Why was the train late?" Wait for it, you may want to take a seat. There was a dead body on the tracks. No the train did not hit them but they either died there or was dumped. Uggh so sad.
Good news I found out about the Amtrak monthly pass holder Christmas Party. Seriously! We are all meeting at Union Station on 12/10 at 4pm. We meet at Trax the restaurant in the station and then we all head to the 5:10 pm train and all party in the last train car upstairs. I guess it is invite only! Damn I'm cool. I just have to bring a bottle of wine or appetizer. Oh yeah and call KP to pick me up from the station. :-)
Is anyone still reading this? I'm going to keep writing a few times a week. Since I sleep in the AM there is not much to write...but fridays seem to bring fun.
p.s. today I stood by some chick on the purple line and she chewed her gum like a cow. Heck I am not even sure a cow is that loud. Seriously I gave her the look twice and she did not get it. Hello!
We waited for another 15 minutes when then finally said that it looks to be leaving Van Nuys in like 30 minutes. Bring it into LA at 6:15 pm and hour late. Top it off there is no bar in Union Station! Well finally it gets here and I head for my normal spot in the cafe car and to my surprise I have figured out that the reason my train is always packed is the metrolink pass holders. Damn them. Well the usual group of guys was in the cafe, of course a lot more "happy" then usually. They were stuck on the train for an hour. After a little small talk, I finally ask the question that was burning on my mind. "Why was the train late?" Wait for it, you may want to take a seat. There was a dead body on the tracks. No the train did not hit them but they either died there or was dumped. Uggh so sad.
Good news I found out about the Amtrak monthly pass holder Christmas Party. Seriously! We are all meeting at Union Station on 12/10 at 4pm. We meet at Trax the restaurant in the station and then we all head to the 5:10 pm train and all party in the last train car upstairs. I guess it is invite only! Damn I'm cool. I just have to bring a bottle of wine or appetizer. Oh yeah and call KP to pick me up from the station. :-)
Is anyone still reading this? I'm going to keep writing a few times a week. Since I sleep in the AM there is not much to write...but fridays seem to bring fun.
p.s. today I stood by some chick on the purple line and she chewed her gum like a cow. Heck I am not even sure a cow is that loud. Seriously I gave her the look twice and she did not get it. Hello!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ever wonder how my mind works? Me too!
So if I am sleeping on the train and the person next to me is sleeping...can I say that I slept with someone?
When I fall asleep and do that wonderful jerking move, do other people really see it? Do laugh as hard at me as I would if they were the one doing it?
Why do they only teach dogs to sniff out drugs? I've never seen a guard cat? Why? Because no matter how cute dogs are they really can't think for themselves and cats they only think of themselves. So unless you are smuggling in Catnip...they could care less. Oh yeah I guess I should have said there was a drug dog on the train yesterday.
You know how great it feels when someone recognizes you. Well there is a conductor now that know exactly where I am going every morning and is very nice to me. Then there is this other one that sees me everyday and he wont even smile at me. What an ASS! I mean maybe he is having a bad month.
Do you think I am too young for a Hip and Knee replacement?
Do you think that it is OK to blow your nose while riding on public transportation?
Do you think that there is a gene that causes people to have or not have common courtesy? Like those people that who talk on their cell phones like we all want to hear about their life...cause I DONT CARE. Or maybe it is a gene that gives us good hearing and these people cant hear at all.
Is it OK to pretend you are someone else when a person asks you about you, but you don't want them to know about you or you don't want to find them attractive? But what happens if you see them again and now you can't remember who you said you are or what you did. Is it ok to write a whole new life for yourself that you use when you don't want to connect with someone? No I dont do that, but I was just thinking.
You know that I can sit at home and watch pretty much anything and cry or laugh. So today I was reading my book on the metro and I must have been laughing or smiling big because the guy next to me asked me if it was a good book. It was. Then on the train home I was finishing the book and tears started to build up in my eyes and then rolling down my cheeks. Oh my goodness I'M CRYING IN PUBLIC...OVER A BOOK! I'm such a sap for a feel good story.
Potty Conversation to follow: BEWARE
When you have to use a public restroom that has more than one stall do you
ever feel uncomfortable pooping? What if someone else walks in? What do you do?
Hold it until everyone leaves.. then go? But what if you walk in and someone else is just sitting there trying to poo, then what? You walk back out and wait? You then just go pee? but you have to poo.. I guess you could just sit on the toilet and hold it until you see no feet. But guess what - that is what they are doing too. So then it is like a shoot out at the ok chorale to see who will go first or give up. God forbid you breath hard or make a sound. Let me tell you it is so hard for me not to laugh when someone farts. HAHA Wow I can get a side ache trying to hold my laughter in. Because you can't laugh, what if they recognize your shoes or peek through the crack in the doors to see who was there laughing at them.
Oh today I saw Andy. He is still soooooo cute. We just said Hi at first, but then I ended up walking in front of him on our way back to our cars. No really it just happened, I didn't plan it at all. Ok maybe I did walk a lot faster today then I normally do, but heck it's been like a week and a half since I saw his cute face and smile. I pretended I did not see him behind me and he said Hey, how did you get in front of me? I said I just walk fast or maybe you had a lot of people in front of you on the stairs. He said maybe. I then said, well it could be that I just push people out of my way on the ramp. He laughed said (in his best mobster voice) Hey I'm walking here! Then is said that I just dont remember where I parked. Hmm, he said I know where i should have parked on the dirt, but instead I parked out there. I said oh out there in timbuktu by the bridge. Yep he said. Well look at that there is my car, hmm I'm already home. He kept walking and smile and said I hate you. I said no you don't, come on admit it. HAHA He smiled back at me and I said have a good night.
When I fall asleep and do that wonderful jerking move, do other people really see it? Do laugh as hard at me as I would if they were the one doing it?
Why do they only teach dogs to sniff out drugs? I've never seen a guard cat? Why? Because no matter how cute dogs are they really can't think for themselves and cats they only think of themselves. So unless you are smuggling in Catnip...they could care less. Oh yeah I guess I should have said there was a drug dog on the train yesterday.
You know how great it feels when someone recognizes you. Well there is a conductor now that know exactly where I am going every morning and is very nice to me. Then there is this other one that sees me everyday and he wont even smile at me. What an ASS! I mean maybe he is having a bad month.
Do you think I am too young for a Hip and Knee replacement?
Do you think that it is OK to blow your nose while riding on public transportation?
Do you think that there is a gene that causes people to have or not have common courtesy? Like those people that who talk on their cell phones like we all want to hear about their life...cause I DONT CARE. Or maybe it is a gene that gives us good hearing and these people cant hear at all.
Is it OK to pretend you are someone else when a person asks you about you, but you don't want them to know about you or you don't want to find them attractive? But what happens if you see them again and now you can't remember who you said you are or what you did. Is it ok to write a whole new life for yourself that you use when you don't want to connect with someone? No I dont do that, but I was just thinking.
You know that I can sit at home and watch pretty much anything and cry or laugh. So today I was reading my book on the metro and I must have been laughing or smiling big because the guy next to me asked me if it was a good book. It was. Then on the train home I was finishing the book and tears started to build up in my eyes and then rolling down my cheeks. Oh my goodness I'M CRYING IN PUBLIC...OVER A BOOK! I'm such a sap for a feel good story.
Potty Conversation to follow: BEWARE
When you have to use a public restroom that has more than one stall do you
ever feel uncomfortable pooping? What if someone else walks in? What do you do?
Hold it until everyone leaves.. then go? But what if you walk in and someone else is just sitting there trying to poo, then what? You walk back out and wait? You then just go pee? but you have to poo.. I guess you could just sit on the toilet and hold it until you see no feet. But guess what - that is what they are doing too. So then it is like a shoot out at the ok chorale to see who will go first or give up. God forbid you breath hard or make a sound. Let me tell you it is so hard for me not to laugh when someone farts. HAHA Wow I can get a side ache trying to hold my laughter in. Because you can't laugh, what if they recognize your shoes or peek through the crack in the doors to see who was there laughing at them.
Oh today I saw Andy. He is still soooooo cute. We just said Hi at first, but then I ended up walking in front of him on our way back to our cars. No really it just happened, I didn't plan it at all. Ok maybe I did walk a lot faster today then I normally do, but heck it's been like a week and a half since I saw his cute face and smile. I pretended I did not see him behind me and he said Hey, how did you get in front of me? I said I just walk fast or maybe you had a lot of people in front of you on the stairs. He said maybe. I then said, well it could be that I just push people out of my way on the ramp. He laughed said (in his best mobster voice) Hey I'm walking here! Then is said that I just dont remember where I parked. Hmm, he said I know where i should have parked on the dirt, but instead I parked out there. I said oh out there in timbuktu by the bridge. Yep he said. Well look at that there is my car, hmm I'm already home. He kept walking and smile and said I hate you. I said no you don't, come on admit it. HAHA He smiled back at me and I said have a good night.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ouch my foot and other rambling
Can I just say OUCH!!! I have a huge blister on the side of my big toe. You'd think that I got it from soccer yesterday, but no. I got it from those real expensive shoes I bought at Walmart. :-) Well I guess it is good that my last soccer game was yesterday, for my foot that is but not for the rest of me. I understand why they end the season when they do, but seriously what about those lazy people like me who can't make themselves go out and exercise on their own. What am I supposed to do for the next two months. DON'T EVEN SAY IT! How about stairs? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I told you not to say it.
So the other day on the way home I was hanging out in the cafe car and this guy asked me if the conductor had taken my ticket yet. I told him no, but that was normal for a Friday. He then got very inquisitive. "So how far from LA can a person go usually without their ticket being taken?" I of course answered that question and like 3 more before I realized he was just trying to figure out how to get free rides. Not that I care too much about that, but heck there are already WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH people on Fridays.
Today on my way back from the bathroom where I was getting ready for work, I noticed a little kids sleeping. Yes I've seen tons of kids sleeping over the years, but this one was so cute. He laid the sleeper car chair all the way back, put the foot rest up and laid down. He had his head on the foot rest and the rest of he body was curled up and bundled up in a big fluffy jacket. So Cute!
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you about the most amazing turn out at the Los Angeles times building this past week. From Wednesday through Sunday we sold over 400,000 additional issues of the day after election morning paper. There were lines wrapping around the building to buy 3,5, 10 or more copies of the newspaper. They just kept coming and coming. Buying papers, magnets, posters and plates. You would have thought we were just giving stuff away for free the way they just kept coming around. Take a look at these pictures:

p.s. I just work at the LATimes, they do not speak for me nor do I necessarily agree with their political views. :-) That is my legal out. HAHA
So the other day on the way home I was hanging out in the cafe car and this guy asked me if the conductor had taken my ticket yet. I told him no, but that was normal for a Friday. He then got very inquisitive. "So how far from LA can a person go usually without their ticket being taken?" I of course answered that question and like 3 more before I realized he was just trying to figure out how to get free rides. Not that I care too much about that, but heck there are already WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH people on Fridays.
Today on my way back from the bathroom where I was getting ready for work, I noticed a little kids sleeping. Yes I've seen tons of kids sleeping over the years, but this one was so cute. He laid the sleeper car chair all the way back, put the foot rest up and laid down. He had his head on the foot rest and the rest of he body was curled up and bundled up in a big fluffy jacket. So Cute!
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you about the most amazing turn out at the Los Angeles times building this past week. From Wednesday through Sunday we sold over 400,000 additional issues of the day after election morning paper. There were lines wrapping around the building to buy 3,5, 10 or more copies of the newspaper. They just kept coming and coming. Buying papers, magnets, posters and plates. You would have thought we were just giving stuff away for free the way they just kept coming around. Take a look at these pictures:

p.s. I just work at the LATimes, they do not speak for me nor do I necessarily agree with their political views. :-) That is my legal out. HAHA
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I hate stairs, I really hate stairs
An ode to stairs...
One, two, three, four it's the up up up I hate
because that is followed by five, six, seven, and eight
You'd think after two months of stairs great legs it would make
but in reality all they do is really ache
My thighs burn and my knee pops
sometimes I think I'd like to dim the pain with peppermint schnapps
I understand why you are there
But boy do you make me cuss and swear
I hate you, I hate you is all I mutter
but then I almost fall and I start to flutter
I love your friend the elevator
but when she's down boy how much I hate her
I don't think I will ever get used to you
Nor do I think I'll make it up you with our losing or tripping on my shoe
Someday I'll own and nice big house, I know this and there is no doubt,
But rest assured STAIRS it will be without!
(I know, I am the greatest poet you have ever read. Seriously I know. I totally chose the wrong field to get into)
Sorry I have not posted since 10/30. I promise to do better this week.
p.s. Why are all the cute men I meet on the train MARRIED? Do I have written on my face - looking to get married and have children? I must, because we all know that would scare away any true single men from even looking in my direction.
One, two, three, four it's the up up up I hate
because that is followed by five, six, seven, and eight
You'd think after two months of stairs great legs it would make
but in reality all they do is really ache
My thighs burn and my knee pops
sometimes I think I'd like to dim the pain with peppermint schnapps
I understand why you are there
But boy do you make me cuss and swear
I hate you, I hate you is all I mutter
but then I almost fall and I start to flutter
I love your friend the elevator
but when she's down boy how much I hate her
I don't think I will ever get used to you
Nor do I think I'll make it up you with our losing or tripping on my shoe
Someday I'll own and nice big house, I know this and there is no doubt,
But rest assured STAIRS it will be without!
(I know, I am the greatest poet you have ever read. Seriously I know. I totally chose the wrong field to get into)
Sorry I have not posted since 10/30. I promise to do better this week.
p.s. Why are all the cute men I meet on the train MARRIED? Do I have written on my face - looking to get married and have children? I must, because we all know that would scare away any true single men from even looking in my direction.
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