Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ever wonder how my mind works? Me too!

So if I am sleeping on the train and the person next to me is sleeping...can I say that I slept with someone?

When I fall asleep and do that wonderful jerking move, do other people really see it? Do laugh as hard at me as I would if they were the one doing it?

Why do they only teach dogs to sniff out drugs? I've never seen a guard cat? Why? Because no matter how cute dogs are they really can't think for themselves and cats they only think of themselves. So unless you are smuggling in Catnip...they could care less. Oh yeah I guess I should have said there was a drug dog on the train yesterday.

You know how great it feels when someone recognizes you. Well there is a conductor now that know exactly where I am going every morning and is very nice to me. Then there is this other one that sees me everyday and he wont even smile at me. What an ASS! I mean maybe he is having a bad month.

Do you think I am too young for a Hip and Knee replacement?

Do you think that it is OK to blow your nose while riding on public transportation?

Do you think that there is a gene that causes people to have or not have common courtesy? Like those people that who talk on their cell phones like we all want to hear about their life...cause I DONT CARE. Or maybe it is a gene that gives us good hearing and these people cant hear at all.

Is it OK to pretend you are someone else when a person asks you about you, but you don't want them to know about you or you don't want to find them attractive? But what happens if you see them again and now you can't remember who you said you are or what you did. Is it ok to write a whole new life for yourself that you use when you don't want to connect with someone? No I dont do that, but I was just thinking.

You know that I can sit at home and watch pretty much anything and cry or laugh. So today I was reading my book on the metro and I must have been laughing or smiling big because the guy next to me asked me if it was a good book. It was. Then on the train home I was finishing the book and tears started to build up in my eyes and then rolling down my cheeks. Oh my goodness I'M CRYING IN PUBLIC...OVER A BOOK! I'm such a sap for a feel good story.

Potty Conversation to follow: BEWARE
When you have to use a public restroom that has more than one stall do you
ever feel uncomfortable pooping? What if someone else walks in? What do you do?
Hold it until everyone leaves.. then go? But what if you walk in and someone else is just sitting there trying to poo, then what? You walk back out and wait? You then just go pee? but you have to poo.. I guess you could just sit on the toilet and hold it until you see no feet. But guess what - that is what they are doing too. So then it is like a shoot out at the ok chorale to see who will go first or give up. God forbid you breath hard or make a sound. Let me tell you it is so hard for me not to laugh when someone farts. HAHA Wow I can get a side ache trying to hold my laughter in. Because you can't laugh, what if they recognize your shoes or peek through the crack in the doors to see who was there laughing at them.

Oh today I saw Andy. He is still soooooo cute. We just said Hi at first, but then I ended up walking in front of him on our way back to our cars. No really it just happened, I didn't plan it at all. Ok maybe I did walk a lot faster today then I normally do, but heck it's been like a week and a half since I saw his cute face and smile. I pretended I did not see him behind me and he said Hey, how did you get in front of me? I said I just walk fast or maybe you had a lot of people in front of you on the stairs. He said maybe. I then said, well it could be that I just push people out of my way on the ramp. He laughed said (in his best mobster voice) Hey I'm walking here! Then is said that I just dont remember where I parked. Hmm, he said I know where i should have parked on the dirt, but instead I parked out there. I said oh out there in timbuktu by the bridge. Yep he said. Well look at that there is my car, hmm I'm already home. He kept walking and smile and said I hate you. I said no you don't, come on admit it. HAHA He smiled back at me and I said have a good night.


Anonymous said...

i wonder how uour mind works all the time! its like mine...minus the potty talk!

Anonymous said...

Terri, We really NEED to talk.
:) amy