First of all can you tell a complete stranger to blow their nose like you would a child? Just wondering
Tuesday was one VERY CRAZY day on the rails...
On the blueline on the way to my parents house there was a man sitting next to the door and just listening to his music. Best part about it was that he was listening to a CD WALKMAN...not even an ipod or a zoon. When all of a sudden he started talking to his hands and making hand gestures like he was strangling someone. Then he just stopped. Then a few minutes later he started to look and yell at his hands like they were attacking each other. Then he was a robot...sounds and movements, all of it. He relaxes for a few minutes and then it happened. He pulls out (at least)350 ML bottle of Grand Marnier pops off the top and take a BIG swig. I so wanted to video tape the guy on my cell phone for you all but I just could not get myself to do it. He then says "Damn my ass is drunk!" LOL seriously...I'd never guess. He stops his cd, pulls out stacks of other cd cases from his pockets and pops a new one in. Jumps up and starts raping and dancing. Most words are absolute gibberish. Only thing I could understand clearly was "No mama I dont want to be a slave mama, that is why Jesus is white." Yep that is what is said...and I have no idea what is means.
But here is were things get absolutely just plain messed up. I hope off the blueline away from this crazy and hope onto the greenline. I make sure I sit so I can see everyone like always and things are quite. Then about one exit before I am to exit the train (yes I chose those words wisely) a man gets on the train. He looked a bit out of it, but many people do. He sits in a row to my right next to the door. Then he starts bobbing his head and slapping his "lap" with his hand. I giggle a bit and think to myself those must be some good tunes. I am ignoring him and reading my book when I figure it is time for me to get my stuff together. Why is this man looking at me? Weirdo. As I stand up to put my backpack on I happen to glance his way and OMG NO WAY! There is no way that what I think is happening is happening. So I go to grab my purse and stare out the windows opposite of him and YES my nightmare has come true. This man is not listening to music but having his way with himself! I did not want to see a big black penis today! NOPE. Well I did not care what the next exit was I was getting off...damnit and so was he. GROSS. Wow what a way to start my vacation.
Vegas- it was great. Fun. Tiresome. Wonderful. Fun. Lot of Beer. The rest stays in Vegas. But I do have to mention that the Donny and Marie show is AWESOME!!! I have pictures of the vacation if anyone wants to see them.
Friday...ugg I am tired. Another party tonight. Turns out to be VERY VERY wonderful. I could not have asked for better people to show up. Thanks to everyone for my birthday wishes and for all your love.
Oh I also found out that my homeless friend at work is an artist. She works mostly in graphite and water colors. I hope to see some of her work some day.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
What a cruel trick of nature...

Today it did not rain until I got out of the car to walk to the train and then of course kept raining harder while I waited for the train. Then it stops on and off through out my ride...I think but since I am asleep most of the time I really don't know. I walk up from the subway and guess what...rain! Ok up goes the umbrella and I head towards my walk down the hill. One thing working for me, green walk sign. Yeah. So I start walking and then in the middle of the cross walk and scrreeetch......a lady in a bright red SUV slams on her breaks before she HITS ME! I mean for pete's sake. I really wanted to write something else there. I just gave her the evil eye and then looked at the bus driver next to me who gave me a look like "What the Hell." I'm still alive as you can I am sure tell. I can't die 2 days before my birthday and right before I leave for Vegas.
Today I joined my Pastor in his commitment to run 3 miles 3 times a week. So like a good girl I went to the gym at work today and walked 1.25 miles and ran 2.75 miles. Yeah me! Then of course with the wonderful twist of fate ALL of the escalators are out in the subway and train station. This is just mean! I mean I know that I need the exercise but seriously!
Tomorrow I will have a big suitcase and PLEASE don't let the escalators be out.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Library on rails
Mascara: As many of you know I am not a big make-up person but I do wear some. But it only take me like 5-10 minutes. Today, I watched a girl put on mascara for 20 minutes. No seriously...she just kept brushing and brushing and brushing. I was surprised she could even bat her eyes after that. I mean is that sexy? Come on is it? I mean if it is I will try it in Vegas this week. HAHA. Can you see it? Big black spider legs eyelashes on my face with my nice new little red dress. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.
Today we had a staff meeting and I totally forgot about it. Why does that matter to my blog you may ask, because it was from 3-5pm. Last train from Union station to Solana Beach is 5:10pm. And as I have already testified one should NEVER run to the train especially with a suit case. Sort of bummed that I was gonna be force to stay in LA tonight. The meeting ended at 4:45pm Yipee. I grabbed my stuff and hauled ass up and over to the subway. Of course the train doors are closing as I walk up. OF COURSE! I jump on the next one and lightly jog up the stairs and through union station. Up track 12 and no train. NOOOOOOOOOO I missed it wait it is just a few minutes late. Cross my fingers a few minutes. I wait and wait then I hear it is gonna be a little longer. Well as you all know if you have been reading for sometime they never know how long it will be. So I got into the station to the info booth and she tells me with a smile oh about an hour or so late. But where are you know you can take the Metrolink. Yes, thank you...but the metrolink stops at Oceanside one stop before my stop. Looks like I am hopping back on the subway and home to mom and dad. At least I have options, right.
As I hop on the blue line it gets more and more crowded. I'll be pretty bummed if the budget cuts that Arnold pushed through takes away some of the train times...these cars will be packed. Any way as we take off I start to read my book. Which by the way is a good book, but not so drawing that I have gotten that far into it. Like you care, sorry. Any way I start reading my book and about 10 minutes later I start looking around and the guy next to me is reading a book, the lady in front of me, the lady and guy next to me and the lady behind the are all reading a book. I started to giggle and just started thinking that it was like a library on wheels or rails. Don't you love how I always work the title of the post into my blog. It's like the title of a movie that makes no sense until you start watching the movie and then BAM you are like oh yeah i get it. Like Steel Magnolias..I mean there are not real steal magnolias, but then they fight over a magnolia tree. Ah ha i get it. I could go on and on about that but you are not reading to hear my ramblings on movie but my ramblings on the rails.
I failed to mention that BECAUSE of my job location and my need to ride the rails every day I missed my opportunity to meet the man of my dreams...or well maybe just a man. A local radio station but on "The Mile of Men" on Thursday and I missed it! Oh well, I guess I will stick to meeting people on the train...yeah that's working. HAHA Here check it out:
On the way home today - Friday - there was this guy behind me and he was priceless. Not like he is hot or anything but more like are you serious buddy? LOL. First he was teaching one of his guy friends to tell his girlfriend to shut up in Arabic. Then they guy on the other line was telling him what he was going to make for dinner (I am assuming for Valentine's Day) and this guy was like Bobby Flay. You should cook this with that and no that is not good. That is all carbs you need to add this. This will make a good impression and this will make her blah blah blah. So now of course I am curious if the guy is married so I get up to go to the bathroom and check out his hand. Nope, not married but her firmly believes he know what women want and how to impress us. My favorite was this line "If you feel daring do Beets" daring? How about GROSSSSSSSSS. I mean I love to cook, oh did I tell you all that I am entering the Pillsbury $1 million Bake-Off. I'll let you know how it goes. Last thing I listened to from this guy was this..."I will never eat Ramen noodles again. I looked up the nutritional info and it is just aweful." Seriously, did you really need to read the nutritional information to know that Ramen noodles are bad for you? I mean we can just start with the amount of salt. That alone should stop you. However, I will go on record and say if you have no money for food you better eat something, who cares what that the salt amount could kill you..drink more water. HAHA Also there are a lot of things you can do with the noodles without the flavor packet. Pampered Chef has a great main dish you can make. I have also used the noodles in many different ways. Become poor one day...I think it makes you a better cook. Paula Deen did it and the Lord knows that I have been there done that as well. I still open Kristi's fridge and whip up some meal and she'll be like we had that stuff in there.
Next week's blog will be a combo of amtrak, metro and car trips. You can beat you will hear of our adventures to Vegas...4 girl car trip should bring plenty of good stories. Take Care. Last 3 days of my early thirties has arrived...mid 30's here I come. Though seriously I can't believe how fast life moves past us. Seems like yesterday that I was in college, but that was almost 13 years ago! Where does the time go. Can't even imagine my life in 5 years.
DONNY AND MARIE here I come! Oh yeah and for my 40th I will celebrate it with Linda Ronstadt. :-)
Today we had a staff meeting and I totally forgot about it. Why does that matter to my blog you may ask, because it was from 3-5pm. Last train from Union station to Solana Beach is 5:10pm. And as I have already testified one should NEVER run to the train especially with a suit case. Sort of bummed that I was gonna be force to stay in LA tonight. The meeting ended at 4:45pm Yipee. I grabbed my stuff and hauled ass up and over to the subway. Of course the train doors are closing as I walk up. OF COURSE! I jump on the next one and lightly jog up the stairs and through union station. Up track 12 and no train. NOOOOOOOOOO I missed it wait it is just a few minutes late. Cross my fingers a few minutes. I wait and wait then I hear it is gonna be a little longer. Well as you all know if you have been reading for sometime they never know how long it will be. So I got into the station to the info booth and she tells me with a smile oh about an hour or so late. But where are you know you can take the Metrolink. Yes, thank you...but the metrolink stops at Oceanside one stop before my stop. Looks like I am hopping back on the subway and home to mom and dad. At least I have options, right.
As I hop on the blue line it gets more and more crowded. I'll be pretty bummed if the budget cuts that Arnold pushed through takes away some of the train times...these cars will be packed. Any way as we take off I start to read my book. Which by the way is a good book, but not so drawing that I have gotten that far into it. Like you care, sorry. Any way I start reading my book and about 10 minutes later I start looking around and the guy next to me is reading a book, the lady in front of me, the lady and guy next to me and the lady behind the are all reading a book. I started to giggle and just started thinking that it was like a library on wheels or rails. Don't you love how I always work the title of the post into my blog. It's like the title of a movie that makes no sense until you start watching the movie and then BAM you are like oh yeah i get it. Like Steel Magnolias..I mean there are not real steal magnolias, but then they fight over a magnolia tree. Ah ha i get it. I could go on and on about that but you are not reading to hear my ramblings on movie but my ramblings on the rails.
I failed to mention that BECAUSE of my job location and my need to ride the rails every day I missed my opportunity to meet the man of my dreams...or well maybe just a man. A local radio station but on "The Mile of Men" on Thursday and I missed it! Oh well, I guess I will stick to meeting people on the train...yeah that's working. HAHA Here check it out:
On the way home today - Friday - there was this guy behind me and he was priceless. Not like he is hot or anything but more like are you serious buddy? LOL. First he was teaching one of his guy friends to tell his girlfriend to shut up in Arabic. Then they guy on the other line was telling him what he was going to make for dinner (I am assuming for Valentine's Day) and this guy was like Bobby Flay. You should cook this with that and no that is not good. That is all carbs you need to add this. This will make a good impression and this will make her blah blah blah. So now of course I am curious if the guy is married so I get up to go to the bathroom and check out his hand. Nope, not married but her firmly believes he know what women want and how to impress us. My favorite was this line "If you feel daring do Beets" daring? How about GROSSSSSSSSS. I mean I love to cook, oh did I tell you all that I am entering the Pillsbury $1 million Bake-Off. I'll let you know how it goes. Last thing I listened to from this guy was this..."I will never eat Ramen noodles again. I looked up the nutritional info and it is just aweful." Seriously, did you really need to read the nutritional information to know that Ramen noodles are bad for you? I mean we can just start with the amount of salt. That alone should stop you. However, I will go on record and say if you have no money for food you better eat something, who cares what that the salt amount could kill you..drink more water. HAHA Also there are a lot of things you can do with the noodles without the flavor packet. Pampered Chef has a great main dish you can make. I have also used the noodles in many different ways. Become poor one day...I think it makes you a better cook. Paula Deen did it and the Lord knows that I have been there done that as well. I still open Kristi's fridge and whip up some meal and she'll be like we had that stuff in there.
Next week's blog will be a combo of amtrak, metro and car trips. You can beat you will hear of our adventures to Vegas...4 girl car trip should bring plenty of good stories. Take Care. Last 3 days of my early thirties has arrived...mid 30's here I come. Though seriously I can't believe how fast life moves past us. Seems like yesterday that I was in college, but that was almost 13 years ago! Where does the time go. Can't even imagine my life in 5 years.
DONNY AND MARIE here I come! Oh yeah and for my 40th I will celebrate it with Linda Ronstadt. :-)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Rain Rain go away...
not totally rain, just between 6:30 am and 6:50am then again around 8:50 am -9:15 am. Then have your fun all day long and then stop around 3:45 pm and again around 6:30pm. Ok? Thanks. Have I ever told you how not fun it is to wait for the train in the rain?

It is Monday morning and the bottom of my pants are wet and my feet are wet and I am cold. Brrr. Remind me when I am getting ready for my annual move (in a few months) that I don't want to move to any place cold or that has snow or more rain. No Chicago, no New York or really anything outside of California. Even though California is falling apart as we speak. But, I guess every state has it's problems. I guess being the 48 out 50 states in k-12 education is not too bad. Right? There are still 2 other states the suck more. But I digress...keep me here is never goes lower than 30. Ok thanks.
Tonight I met an older man and we talked about Facebook, virtual picture frames, the apple store (his daughter works there) our jobs and more. He was a very nice man. He was very sold on the virtual frame and he could have done a infomercial for them. HAHA. He even offered me a mint...but my mom always told me not to take food from strangers. I mean just because he ate one does not mean that the last one was safe. My mom always checked all of our candy after Halloween to be sure that none of them were poisonous. Right mom? I mean now I tell my nephews the same thing but I am lying to them I am really stealing the pieces that I want to eat. But my mom would never lie to me. Right mom? You really were checking them for small pin pricks. Or maybe he's like the Dread Pirate Roberts who has been working for the last several years to build up an immunity to the poison he was offering, even though he looked so nice. We can never we have to say no thank you .
It is Monday morning and the bottom of my pants are wet and my feet are wet and I am cold. Brrr. Remind me when I am getting ready for my annual move (in a few months) that I don't want to move to any place cold or that has snow or more rain. No Chicago, no New York or really anything outside of California. Even though California is falling apart as we speak. But, I guess every state has it's problems. I guess being the 48 out 50 states in k-12 education is not too bad. Right? There are still 2 other states the suck more. But I digress...keep me here is never goes lower than 30. Ok thanks.
Tonight I met an older man and we talked about Facebook, virtual picture frames, the apple store (his daughter works there) our jobs and more. He was a very nice man. He was very sold on the virtual frame and he could have done a infomercial for them. HAHA. He even offered me a mint...but my mom always told me not to take food from strangers. I mean just because he ate one does not mean that the last one was safe. My mom always checked all of our candy after Halloween to be sure that none of them were poisonous. Right mom? I mean now I tell my nephews the same thing but I am lying to them I am really stealing the pieces that I want to eat. But my mom would never lie to me. Right mom? You really were checking them for small pin pricks. Or maybe he's like the Dread Pirate Roberts who has been working for the last several years to build up an immunity to the poison he was offering, even though he looked so nice. We can never we have to say no thank you .
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wow what a week!
Today is Tuesday...I'm up and ready for a new week of work. I've got the coffee ready, I have a lunch packed and I even had time today to make myself a smoothee for breakfast. I'm having a good morning. Ok time to head out. Backpack on, purse on, coffee in one hand and CRAP there goes my smoothee all over the floor. NICE! I clean it up and somewhat made I stomp out of the house. ooooooooooooooooh Silver lining...Denny's free breakfast! Whoohoo I can go get a FREE, and I like FREE. I mean who doesn't like FREE Grand Slam breakfast. Though I really don't like eggs too much and I try not to eat bacon very often and well to be honest I am really not a breakfast person...but it is FREE and I am hungry. Besides how many people could there really be at 6:15 in the morning? How about just every single person that lives in Del Mar/Solana Beach! Hell, no grand slam either. Oh this is going to be a banner day! I have recently added the word "banner" to my vocabulary and I try to squeeze it into a sentence as much as possible. It reminds me of the movie Grease. I guess you'd have to have memorized the movie to understand. Try some time, you might like it. Where was I...Oh yeah this is turning out to be a BANNER day (you like that I did it twice in one blog). Only thing that could make it better is...All together now "A sleepy car" and the harps from heaven started and the train pulls up with my old friend, the sleepy car. Thank you God, for the little things in life. I nestle down for my long winters nap. Sleep sleep sleep. "This stop Fullerton"...that's my wake up call. Up and adam? Is that really what they say? Or is it Up and at them? Or up and atom? What is it? And where the heck did it come from. The world may never know...just like we may never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Ok, back to my story...I get up and grab my stuff and head to MY dressing room. Where I hope to find and empty room, nemesis free. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now there are 2! Two of them. Two of them! Why me? What did I do to deserve this. This is supposed to be a secret room like the one in the closet for Narnia. BOO HOO HOO.
Denise asked me to have dinner with her on Tuesday so I stayed and hopped on the Metro towards Redondo Beach. The blue line pulls up and tons of people pill out and the rest of us push in. No sooner did we sit down to do we hear "This trains final destination is Willow. At Willow station this train will be out of service." Then slam the doors and we are off. First station..doors open and 15 seconds later "Stand clear doors are closing" Next station open and shut. WOW this man is in a hurry. We don't stay at station longer than 20 seconds. It was like GET OFF NOW...Don't you even think about getting on this train.
The next morning my Dad has to be at work by 7:00 in the morning and there is no way I am getting to work at 8:00 in the morning. So my dad drops me off at the station I hop on the first train and get off at aviation and take a nap at my Grandma's house. HAHA. I get up, fix my face..that's what old ladies say when they put their make up on. I did not really literally fix my face, because honestly there is nothing really wrong with my face. Now my hair, well that is another story all together. I grab my stuff walk back to the train and hop on. This man get on and sits down in the front. Then he gets up and walks about 4 rows back. Then he gets up and walks 6 rows up. No clue what he was doing. Oh I forgot to mention my work out with Denise on Tuesday night. We were supposed to hit the gym after dinner but I talked her into going to target and spending my Christmas gift cards. Here is our "workout" pics.

Lastly my favorite quote so far from my new favorite conductor (one I even found handsome until these words of wisdom came out of his mouth.) This was said in regards to removing your luggage off of the chair next to you to a new rider. "How are you going to meet your furture EX-Wife, they can take your money from you." To which I followed it up with "Hey some people want to be married for life" to which he followed up with "...and some people get just the LIFE" I don't think he was referring to the board game but more like prison. UGGG MEN!
Denise asked me to have dinner with her on Tuesday so I stayed and hopped on the Metro towards Redondo Beach. The blue line pulls up and tons of people pill out and the rest of us push in. No sooner did we sit down to do we hear "This trains final destination is Willow. At Willow station this train will be out of service." Then slam the doors and we are off. First station..doors open and 15 seconds later "Stand clear doors are closing" Next station open and shut. WOW this man is in a hurry. We don't stay at station longer than 20 seconds. It was like GET OFF NOW...Don't you even think about getting on this train.
The next morning my Dad has to be at work by 7:00 in the morning and there is no way I am getting to work at 8:00 in the morning. So my dad drops me off at the station I hop on the first train and get off at aviation and take a nap at my Grandma's house. HAHA. I get up, fix my face..that's what old ladies say when they put their make up on. I did not really literally fix my face, because honestly there is nothing really wrong with my face. Now my hair, well that is another story all together. I grab my stuff walk back to the train and hop on. This man get on and sits down in the front. Then he gets up and walks about 4 rows back. Then he gets up and walks 6 rows up. No clue what he was doing. Oh I forgot to mention my work out with Denise on Tuesday night. We were supposed to hit the gym after dinner but I talked her into going to target and spending my Christmas gift cards. Here is our "workout" pics.

Lastly my favorite quote so far from my new favorite conductor (one I even found handsome until these words of wisdom came out of his mouth.) This was said in regards to removing your luggage off of the chair next to you to a new rider. "How are you going to meet your furture EX-Wife, they can take your money from you." To which I followed it up with "Hey some people want to be married for life" to which he followed up with "...and some people get just the LIFE" I don't think he was referring to the board game but more like prison. UGGG MEN!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Great American Cat Alarm
I want to sell you all on a new product. It is called the Great American Cat Alarm. They are rather cheap to purchase, you can sometimes get then for free. I picked up one of these 3 years ago and I have never been disappointed. They are always on schedule like clock work. Today, mine saved me from missing my Train again. At 5:50 am Nacho (that is what I named my alarm)jumped on the bed and got in my face and meowed until I opened my eyes. I said good morning what time is it? He just meowed louder. So I grabbed my cell phone and saw the time. Jumped out of bed and ran around like crazy. Oh yeah I fed him first. Time I buy an alarm clock? Nah this is more fun.
I jump in the car and head off to the train in 15 minutes! Damn I am good! Get to the train station with 5 minutes to spare. Then I was some what pleasantly surprised by the Sleepy Car. I settle down in a nice dark seat by myself and then OH SHIT! Guess who forgot to swap out her train passes. I still have my January pass in my purse instead of ah duh the February pass. Well it is a good damn thing that the morning conductor knows me so well that he never asks me for my pass. We'll just have to figure out how to get pass the pm conductor.
Fullerton came and sat up got my makeup backpack ( I have a strawberry shortcake kids tiny backpack with my makeup) and my glasses case and walked downstairs to the dressing room. And then why in the world did I really think that anything good could happen today. First I wake up late, then I don't have my train pass and then this! SHE GOT THERE FIRST! My Nemesis...the beautiful, tall, hot brunette that does not need the dressing room to get any hotter! DAMNIT. Well I'm sure that the day can and will get better.
PM train come and I really don't want to spend my money on a one way ticket home, when I have already paid for the whole month. Find my seat on the train and I am just squirming really hoping the conductor the comes by knows me or just is nice. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a way to pull this thing off. Maybe I just nonchalantly grab my pass and then when they say that is January, said Damn...I totally forgot to swap out my pass. Or maybe I just tell them the truth. Maybe I can distract them. So many options. Oh no here she comes. Pretend you're typing on your computer and working.
"Ticket please" she says
"Oh hi" reaching for my pass...
"Where you going"
open ticket pocket and "huh, oh damn, oh ah sorry...Solana Beach"
"HAHA no problem it's monday"
"Yeah I had to remember when I was for a moment..where am I going LA or Solana. Gosh what a day. Thanks, bye"
I did it! Wow, am I that good of an actress or was the force with me.
"You don't need my ticket"
"I don't need your ticket"
"You will give me a blue seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Here is your seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Now move on"
"I'm moving on"
p.s. What if you don't have a screwdriver?
I jump in the car and head off to the train in 15 minutes! Damn I am good! Get to the train station with 5 minutes to spare. Then I was some what pleasantly surprised by the Sleepy Car. I settle down in a nice dark seat by myself and then OH SHIT! Guess who forgot to swap out her train passes. I still have my January pass in my purse instead of ah duh the February pass. Well it is a good damn thing that the morning conductor knows me so well that he never asks me for my pass. We'll just have to figure out how to get pass the pm conductor.
Fullerton came and sat up got my makeup backpack ( I have a strawberry shortcake kids tiny backpack with my makeup) and my glasses case and walked downstairs to the dressing room. And then why in the world did I really think that anything good could happen today. First I wake up late, then I don't have my train pass and then this! SHE GOT THERE FIRST! My Nemesis...the beautiful, tall, hot brunette that does not need the dressing room to get any hotter! DAMNIT. Well I'm sure that the day can and will get better.
PM train come and I really don't want to spend my money on a one way ticket home, when I have already paid for the whole month. Find my seat on the train and I am just squirming really hoping the conductor the comes by knows me or just is nice. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a way to pull this thing off. Maybe I just nonchalantly grab my pass and then when they say that is January, said Damn...I totally forgot to swap out my pass. Or maybe I just tell them the truth. Maybe I can distract them. So many options. Oh no here she comes. Pretend you're typing on your computer and working.
"Ticket please" she says
"Oh hi" reaching for my pass...
"Where you going"
open ticket pocket and "huh, oh damn, oh ah sorry...Solana Beach"
"HAHA no problem it's monday"
"Yeah I had to remember when I was for a moment..where am I going LA or Solana. Gosh what a day. Thanks, bye"
I did it! Wow, am I that good of an actress or was the force with me.
"You don't need my ticket"
"I don't need your ticket"
"You will give me a blue seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Here is your seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Now move on"
"I'm moving on"
p.s. What if you don't have a screwdriver?

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