Today it did not rain until I got out of the car to walk to the train and then of course kept raining harder while I waited for the train. Then it stops on and off through out my ride...I think but since I am asleep most of the time I really don't know. I walk up from the subway and guess what...rain! Ok up goes the umbrella and I head towards my walk down the hill. One thing working for me, green walk sign. Yeah. So I start walking and then in the middle of the cross walk and scrreeetch......a lady in a bright red SUV slams on her breaks before she HITS ME! I mean for pete's sake. I really wanted to write something else there. I just gave her the evil eye and then looked at the bus driver next to me who gave me a look like "What the Hell." I'm still alive as you can I am sure tell. I can't die 2 days before my birthday and right before I leave for Vegas.
Today I joined my Pastor in his commitment to run 3 miles 3 times a week. So like a good girl I went to the gym at work today and walked 1.25 miles and ran 2.75 miles. Yeah me! Then of course with the wonderful twist of fate ALL of the escalators are out in the subway and train station. This is just mean! I mean I know that I need the exercise but seriously!
Tomorrow I will have a big suitcase and PLEASE don't let the escalators be out.
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