I jump in the car and head off to the train in 15 minutes! Damn I am good! Get to the train station with 5 minutes to spare. Then I was some what pleasantly surprised by the Sleepy Car. I settle down in a nice dark seat by myself and then OH SHIT! Guess who forgot to swap out her train passes. I still have my January pass in my purse instead of ah duh the February pass. Well it is a good damn thing that the morning conductor knows me so well that he never asks me for my pass. We'll just have to figure out how to get pass the pm conductor.
Fullerton came and sat up got my makeup backpack ( I have a strawberry shortcake kids tiny backpack with my makeup) and my glasses case and walked downstairs to the dressing room. And then why in the world did I really think that anything good could happen today. First I wake up late, then I don't have my train pass and then this! SHE GOT THERE FIRST! My Nemesis...the beautiful, tall, hot brunette that does not need the dressing room to get any hotter! DAMNIT. Well I'm sure that the day can and will get better.
PM train come and I really don't want to spend my money on a one way ticket home, when I have already paid for the whole month. Find my seat on the train and I am just squirming really hoping the conductor the comes by knows me or just is nice. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a way to pull this thing off. Maybe I just nonchalantly grab my pass and then when they say that is January, said Damn...I totally forgot to swap out my pass. Or maybe I just tell them the truth. Maybe I can distract them. So many options. Oh no here she comes. Pretend you're typing on your computer and working.
"Ticket please" she says
"Oh hi" reaching for my pass...
"Where you going"
open ticket pocket and "huh, oh damn, oh ah sorry...Solana Beach"
"HAHA no problem it's monday"
"Yeah I had to remember when I was for a moment..where am I going LA or Solana. Gosh what a day. Thanks, bye"
I did it! Wow, am I that good of an actress or was the force with me.
"You don't need my ticket"
"I don't need your ticket"
"You will give me a blue seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Here is your seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Now move on"
"I'm moving on"
p.s. What if you don't have a screwdriver?

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