Today is Tuesday...I'm up and ready for a new week of work. I've got the coffee ready, I have a lunch packed and I even had time today to make myself a smoothee for breakfast. I'm having a good morning. Ok time to head out. Backpack on, purse on, coffee in one hand and CRAP there goes my smoothee all over the floor. NICE! I clean it up and somewhat made I stomp out of the house. ooooooooooooooooh Silver lining...Denny's free breakfast! Whoohoo I can go get a FREE, and I like FREE. I mean who doesn't like FREE Grand Slam breakfast. Though I really don't like eggs too much and I try not to eat bacon very often and well to be honest I am really not a breakfast person...but it is FREE and I am hungry. Besides how many people could there really be at 6:15 in the morning? How about just every single person that lives in Del Mar/Solana Beach! Hell, no grand slam either. Oh this is going to be a banner day! I have recently added the word "banner" to my vocabulary and I try to squeeze it into a sentence as much as possible. It reminds me of the movie Grease. I guess you'd have to have memorized the movie to understand. Try some time, you might like it. Where was I...Oh yeah this is turning out to be a BANNER day (you like that I did it twice in one blog). Only thing that could make it better is...All together now "A sleepy car" and the harps from heaven started and the train pulls up with my old friend, the sleepy car. Thank you God, for the little things in life. I nestle down for my long winters nap. Sleep sleep sleep. "This stop Fullerton"...that's my wake up call. Up and adam? Is that really what they say? Or is it Up and at them? Or up and atom? What is it? And where the heck did it come from. The world may never know...just like we may never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Ok, back to my story...I get up and grab my stuff and head to MY dressing room. Where I hope to find and empty room, nemesis free. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now there are 2! Two of them. Two of them! Why me? What did I do to deserve this. This is supposed to be a secret room like the one in the closet for Narnia. BOO HOO HOO.
Denise asked me to have dinner with her on Tuesday so I stayed and hopped on the Metro towards Redondo Beach. The blue line pulls up and tons of people pill out and the rest of us push in. No sooner did we sit down to do we hear "This trains final destination is Willow. At Willow station this train will be out of service." Then slam the doors and we are off. First station..doors open and 15 seconds later "Stand clear doors are closing" Next station open and shut. WOW this man is in a hurry. We don't stay at station longer than 20 seconds. It was like GET OFF NOW...Don't you even think about getting on this train.
The next morning my Dad has to be at work by 7:00 in the morning and there is no way I am getting to work at 8:00 in the morning. So my dad drops me off at the station I hop on the first train and get off at aviation and take a nap at my Grandma's house. HAHA. I get up, fix my face..that's what old ladies say when they put their make up on. I did not really literally fix my face, because honestly there is nothing really wrong with my face. Now my hair, well that is another story all together. I grab my stuff walk back to the train and hop on. This man get on and sits down in the front. Then he gets up and walks about 4 rows back. Then he gets up and walks 6 rows up. No clue what he was doing. Oh I forgot to mention my work out with Denise on Tuesday night. We were supposed to hit the gym after dinner but I talked her into going to target and spending my Christmas gift cards. Here is our "workout" pics.

Lastly my favorite quote so far from my new favorite conductor (one I even found handsome until these words of wisdom came out of his mouth.) This was said in regards to removing your luggage off of the chair next to you to a new rider. "How are you going to meet your furture EX-Wife, they can take your money from you." To which I followed it up with "Hey some people want to be married for life" to which he followed up with "...and some people get just the LIFE" I don't think he was referring to the board game but more like prison. UGGG MEN!
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