Were speakerphones invented so that we all can hear every word in conversations? So that "reporters" like me never have to guess what is being said on the other line. Kind of makes things boring, I like making up what is being said on the other side. My stories are usually more interesting. Also why don't people turn their cell phones on vibrate instead of the loudest ringer possible.
The man down the way keeps saying kill two birds with one stone. I wonder who came up with that saying. It is just so morbid. I mean did someone one day throw a stone at a couple of birds and someone else say "wow you knocked out two things at once. Cool I wish I could get things done two at a time, like killing two birds with one stone." the apple is back! Gross.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It is a bit chilly this morning waiting for the train. John, Roy and I were hanging out talking about credit cards. We were discussing how th apr's are fluxuating and how it use to in the past years ago that if you missed a payment your card was shut down and you could not get another one until it was paid off and you cleared your credit. What happened to those days? I am just saying people would be more responsible with there money if that was how things still were. The credit companies and banks would not need bailing out if they were not just handing credit cards out like candy. I'm guilty of credit card abuse and would really have loved the lesson from the past, I would not be in the debt I am in now. I think that many people don't know care.
Monday, April 20, 2009
4/20/09 - updated from this morning
Well today I felt like I was running late but really wasn't. Thing is I slept horribly last night it was too hot that I tossed and turned all night. I'm more tired today than usual. I got to that station right on time and the train is announced to be 30 mins late. Oh fun. Oh well what to you do? I am sure as heck not driving. So I sat down and enjoyed my book, my coffee and the very loud man next to me's conversation. Hello! Speakerphone is not needed on the train platform. We don't care about your conversation especially since it was in another language. I mean if you are gonna use speakerphone at least speak English so we can all enjoy the conversation. P.s. My ipod is dead...no music to sleep to. Boo hoo.
Well it is 6pm on April 20th and here in sunny California it is still about 80 degrees outside. As I sit here in my big cushioned, very well air conditioned lazy boy chair in my mobile home I like to call Amtrak, I have to admit I am a tab bit jealous of all the people who are out on the beach right now as we are passing by. I have always found myself lucky to be able to see the sunrise and sunset daily over the mountains and down through the ocean. Today is no different. However, today there are hundreds of people on the beach. Families, friends, surfers, volleyball players, sand castle builders, sea shell hunters and of course the hot lifeguards keeping everyone safe. What a precious (some what spoiled) life we have here in Cali. There are small waves crashing on the sandy shore. There are children running, laughing, playing in the sand, swinging and just enjoying life. We can learn a lot from children...some times we all forget to just let go and give our worries up to God or who ever/whatever you may believe in. Kids don't worry, they just keep going. As the sun sets over Oceanside a family of Dolphins are swimming and jumping past me. What a beautiful and amazing world we have. I thank God every day for the amazing things I have in my life...especially all of you - my friend and family.
Well it is 6pm on April 20th and here in sunny California it is still about 80 degrees outside. As I sit here in my big cushioned, very well air conditioned lazy boy chair in my mobile home I like to call Amtrak, I have to admit I am a tab bit jealous of all the people who are out on the beach right now as we are passing by. I have always found myself lucky to be able to see the sunrise and sunset daily over the mountains and down through the ocean. Today is no different. However, today there are hundreds of people on the beach. Families, friends, surfers, volleyball players, sand castle builders, sea shell hunters and of course the hot lifeguards keeping everyone safe. What a precious (some what spoiled) life we have here in Cali. There are small waves crashing on the sandy shore. There are children running, laughing, playing in the sand, swinging and just enjoying life. We can learn a lot from children...some times we all forget to just let go and give our worries up to God or who ever/whatever you may believe in. Kids don't worry, they just keep going. As the sun sets over Oceanside a family of Dolphins are swimming and jumping past me. What a beautiful and amazing world we have. I thank God every day for the amazing things I have in my life...especially all of you - my friend and family.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Did not sleep much today but go little cat naps. Well we just left fabulous Fullerton and I decided I should probably get up. Well actually the people behind me on family vacation decided I should get up. Yak yak yak. Then it happened after weeks of winning...my nemesis won! Nooo Oh remember the girl from october or november who asked me about prop 8 and we had a great talk then she'd never sit by me again? You don't! Whatever. Lol Her name is Whitney. Well she and I had a great convo on the way to the subway. She told me that last week she saw two ladies fighting on the subway. This morning I saw a man in suit running up elevator in his socks. Guessing late for court? He must be the key witness in a robbery. Lol get it? You will...wait for it...wait
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
one liners...you'll ponder at
The following happened to me in the last week:
Last week I say the blind literally leading the Blind
What you ever seen a grow man with tourette's, I just did. Well I am not sure, he might just be crazy and cussing for at the voices in his head.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one freezing on the train
So would you rather be Protestant and drink stinking grape juice or Catholic and get to drink Wine?
Do they call those little glasses we use for communion shot glasses?
Why would someone ride all the way from LA to SD with their nose smashed onto the window?
Do couple who fight in front of other people on metro think we are interested in their lives or am I famous and they know I write a blog and they want to be in it?
Do you think the singing solicitor (refer to prior posts) is really a starving artist, crazy lady or someone who just really likes christmas songs?
Do you think the older man that sits next to me a lot on the train knows he does it or I just happen to sit in his chair a lot?
Do you think a man with a scrunchy (circa the 80's)around his wrist is wishing he had more hair to wear it in or just thinks he is stylish?
Do you think that a just because a man can pee any where he wants that it is ok to walk to a corner of the station and piss is appropriate?
I can now update my blog from my cell phone...160 characters at a time. That should lead to come good post. LOL
Last week I say the blind literally leading the Blind
What you ever seen a grow man with tourette's, I just did. Well I am not sure, he might just be crazy and cussing for at the voices in his head.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one freezing on the train
So would you rather be Protestant and drink stinking grape juice or Catholic and get to drink Wine?
Do they call those little glasses we use for communion shot glasses?
Why would someone ride all the way from LA to SD with their nose smashed onto the window?
Do couple who fight in front of other people on metro think we are interested in their lives or am I famous and they know I write a blog and they want to be in it?
Do you think the singing solicitor (refer to prior posts) is really a starving artist, crazy lady or someone who just really likes christmas songs?
Do you think the older man that sits next to me a lot on the train knows he does it or I just happen to sit in his chair a lot?
Do you think a man with a scrunchy (circa the 80's)around his wrist is wishing he had more hair to wear it in or just thinks he is stylish?
Do you think that a just because a man can pee any where he wants that it is ok to walk to a corner of the station and piss is appropriate?
I can now update my blog from my cell phone...160 characters at a time. That should lead to come good post. LOL
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I need help
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Broken Down Train
Picture this:
You get to the train on time and there are tons more people than there is normally. You find a seat and you get ready to work. About 10 minutes later the train takes off toward Fullerton. As I am sitting there working I start feeling very hot. I kept thinking this place is hot today. (sidenote - it is usually freezing). So as we pull into Fullerton they totally shut down the train and we sit there for a few minutes. Then over the intercom I heard that the train his having some problems and we would be shut down for a bit. About 10 minutes later they came back on the intercom and said that we are shut down for awhile. I decided to walk over to the cafe, but then I started to have flash backs of how slow they are over there. Remember when Anthony, Bryan and I took the train to see my parents and they took so long that my mom had to run up the stairs over the bridge and then back down the stairs to the closing doors of the train? Well I almost started having heart problems about how long she was taking to make my nachos just thinking about the train pulling away with my laptop on it. Oh yeah I was sweating. I grabbed the food ran up the stairs over the bridge and down the stairs and as i got to the train door pools of people start coming out. So now I have ran up and down the stairs, stressed myself out about the train leaving and then this. Everyone is told to go to track #1 where the train will be arriving there instead of the normal track #3. So for like another 10 minutes we all sat around waiting for the 5:10pm train from LA. Two Metrolinks come and go and then over the station intercom you hear: Attentions Amtrak ticket holders the south bound Amtrak will now be arriving on track #3. Please head over to track #3. It was like herding cats. We all turned around and headed right back up the stairs over the bridge and back down the stairs. Finally I am on my way home. Ok to be honest if this happens more often I would not enjoy the train much longer. LOL 4 hours to get home.
Oh there was also this Asian guy on the train, who I really dont think has taken a train before. When he got on in LA he found a seat and when the Conductor walked by to collect the tickets he said "Oh customer service agent, customer service agent here is my ticket." Then about 5 minutes later when Javon the Conductor walked by again he said "Excuse me Customer Service do you serve a meal on this ride?" Javon looked at him and said there is a cafe two cars down where you can buy food. The guy got up and 3 minutes later came back with no food. Then when he was on the other train with me he also called the new Conductor Customer Serivce Agent. Oh boy what happened next was great. He was sitting by himself in the 4 seat section that is reserved for groups of 3 or 4. When a family got on in Anaheim the conductor told him he'd have to move so that the family could sit there.
He said "You need to find me a seat."
C: "I dont have to find you a seat, you need to get up and find a seat"
Man: "No you find me seat, I pay"
C: "Sir you need to get up and move these are reserved for groups."
Man: "I not move you find me a seat"
C: "Sir you get up now or I will find you a seat off this train. So move or get off the train.
Man: "I find my seat"
LOL - sad for the man but good times for me. Oh and you because you get to read this.

You get to the train on time and there are tons more people than there is normally. You find a seat and you get ready to work. About 10 minutes later the train takes off toward Fullerton. As I am sitting there working I start feeling very hot. I kept thinking this place is hot today. (sidenote - it is usually freezing). So as we pull into Fullerton they totally shut down the train and we sit there for a few minutes. Then over the intercom I heard that the train his having some problems and we would be shut down for a bit. About 10 minutes later they came back on the intercom and said that we are shut down for awhile. I decided to walk over to the cafe, but then I started to have flash backs of how slow they are over there. Remember when Anthony, Bryan and I took the train to see my parents and they took so long that my mom had to run up the stairs over the bridge and then back down the stairs to the closing doors of the train? Well I almost started having heart problems about how long she was taking to make my nachos just thinking about the train pulling away with my laptop on it. Oh yeah I was sweating. I grabbed the food ran up the stairs over the bridge and down the stairs and as i got to the train door pools of people start coming out. So now I have ran up and down the stairs, stressed myself out about the train leaving and then this. Everyone is told to go to track #1 where the train will be arriving there instead of the normal track #3. So for like another 10 minutes we all sat around waiting for the 5:10pm train from LA. Two Metrolinks come and go and then over the station intercom you hear: Attentions Amtrak ticket holders the south bound Amtrak will now be arriving on track #3. Please head over to track #3. It was like herding cats. We all turned around and headed right back up the stairs over the bridge and back down the stairs. Finally I am on my way home. Ok to be honest if this happens more often I would not enjoy the train much longer. LOL 4 hours to get home.
Oh there was also this Asian guy on the train, who I really dont think has taken a train before. When he got on in LA he found a seat and when the Conductor walked by to collect the tickets he said "Oh customer service agent, customer service agent here is my ticket." Then about 5 minutes later when Javon the Conductor walked by again he said "Excuse me Customer Service do you serve a meal on this ride?" Javon looked at him and said there is a cafe two cars down where you can buy food. The guy got up and 3 minutes later came back with no food. Then when he was on the other train with me he also called the new Conductor Customer Serivce Agent. Oh boy what happened next was great. He was sitting by himself in the 4 seat section that is reserved for groups of 3 or 4. When a family got on in Anaheim the conductor told him he'd have to move so that the family could sit there.
He said "You need to find me a seat."
C: "I dont have to find you a seat, you need to get up and find a seat"
Man: "No you find me seat, I pay"
C: "Sir you need to get up and move these are reserved for groups."
Man: "I not move you find me a seat"
C: "Sir you get up now or I will find you a seat off this train. So move or get off the train.
Man: "I find my seat"
LOL - sad for the man but good times for me. Oh and you because you get to read this.

Queen of the Amtrak
Over the last few weeks they have been really skimping on the sleepy car. We are maybe getting it once a week. Today we were all standing like normal waiting for the train and again no sleepy car. There was a group groan and we all said we wanted out car back. I even said that they need to put a sign on it that says monthly commuters only.
Yesterday we were standing around waiting for the train and I started mentioning about the people who I have not seen around in a while. Turns out a few of the ladies had been laid off. One was sick and took time off. Then this guy (a regular) said look at you...you're the queen of the Amtrak. LOL That day I met 3 more of the regulars that I now talk to every morning. Roy and I always arrive at the exact same time in the morning. No they are all older and married so don't ask.
I figured my loyal readers would like to see what my dressing room.

Today, them not having sleepy car over the last few days, was all made up with the best place ever. The sleepy car had a bottom level of seat with NO LIGHTS. It was like heaven. Look:

I slept in the very back row of the right side.
Yesterday we were standing around waiting for the train and I started mentioning about the people who I have not seen around in a while. Turns out a few of the ladies had been laid off. One was sick and took time off. Then this guy (a regular) said look at you...you're the queen of the Amtrak. LOL That day I met 3 more of the regulars that I now talk to every morning. Roy and I always arrive at the exact same time in the morning. No they are all older and married so don't ask.
I figured my loyal readers would like to see what my dressing room.

Today, them not having sleepy car over the last few days, was all made up with the best place ever. The sleepy car had a bottom level of seat with NO LIGHTS. It was like heaven. Look:

I slept in the very back row of the right side.
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