Today I got to the track on time, the train was on time but then it just it stopped. No not stopped to just let us on, but turned off. We sat there no news then a couple minutes later it turned back on. We started off and about 8 minutes into the ride and no one has taken my ticket yet. I just want to fall into my heavenly sleep. Take my ticket!!! Oh Hi about time. I'm going to LA. Thanks and good night. I noticed that she gave me a yellow ticket today for a seat marker...hmm maybe the switched colors. Oh well wear is my headset? Ahh there they are, off to sleepy land in the normal every day your not special seats. We travel on and on past Oceanside, San Juan into Irvine. And SLAM! this very disrespectful lady slammed her seat tray. I jump and all she can do is smile and say nonchalantly sorry. Like I have to say sorry but I could really care less. Oh I was not happy, but back to my music. We leave Irvine and leave Santa Ana and as we pull away. TAP TAP TAP (and no not my initials) but rapid tapping and hey hey where were you supposed to get off. OOOOO NO U DIDN'T! Los Angeles I try to say as nicely as I can. Why? I have 3 more stations to go. Oh and he walks away! You heard me right OH! Not I am sorry, or please excuse me but OH. Like I did something wrong! (apparently I like exclamation marks) Hold me back now I have been woken up twice today. Any other person would let this crappy morning ruin her day, but not Teresa Ann Perkins. I'm going to turn another cheek and just read my book. Apparently I have had enough sleep.
10 things I've wondered about or saw this week:
1. Can someone really chew to the rhythm of someone typing? Chomp Chomp Chomp with a simultaneous tap tap tap of the keyboard.
2. Is it ok to ask this man or anyone if they are wearing a Toupee?

3. Is this a hot look?

4. I know you can pick your friends, pick your seat and even pick your nose, but can you pick someone else's wedgie?

5. Is it strange to see a Buddhist Monk on the Subway?
6. Are Blue hair and red pea coats in style?
7. Don't you think Mush Mushi is a great way of saying hello?
8. When riding the rails if you can find a hot single guy to sit by find a group of people sitting in the four seaters...they usually give you a lot of good stuff for your blog.
9. Some people who ride the train do not think any of the announcement the conductor says pertains to them...especially if it means taking their things off the seat next to them.
10. Taking the 4:10 train home is awesome...I actually have a life when I get home at 6:30 instead of almost 8pm.
Good Bye until next week. Thanks for reading
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