Well I think that everyday is a must read day of course, but I am bias i guess. I think my life is always a good read. Well I of course only share with you all the stuff I find worth mentioning and today is one of those days.
December 5, 2008
Today started like just another day...ok not really. Today started off like a mess. I broke Kristi's really good travel coffee mug that I used everyday. Yesterday I thought it would be smart to put it in boiling water to sanitize it, it just did not seem clean as I wanted it. Needless to say, it was not a smart idea. So then I got another cup to put the coffee I had already put in the no broken cup into (did you follow that?) The new cup holds less coffee then the first cup and I really did not think that was possible. Regradless, now I had extra coffee that I had to slurp down or hey why not just spill it all over the counter? I choose the latter. Yep spilled it all over the counter. So fun!
So I get to the train on time, find my seat in the sleepy car and get ready for lala land. I try to eat my breakfast - single serving box of cheereos and my lukewarm coffee, while I wait for the conductor to take my ticket. Yeah, the cheereos were stale and the coffee just wasn't cutting it. Ticket checked and unsatisfactory breakfast trashed. Good Night. It was another pretty good nap. So the train pulls into Fullerton and I grab my stuff and head to the dressing room to put my make up on and fix my hair. A low and behold there was another girl in MY DRESSING ROOM! Worse thing she was HOT! What did she need to do in my dressing room. I mean she did not need to put more make up on or even fix her hair. Why was she there messing up my routine? Some people just don't understand that I need my dressing room and the time it takes to look have a good as she did. Well, instead I did my makeup in a dimly light bathroom. Then back up to my seat. To which I found a handsome gentleman sitting in the seat right next to mine. He stood up and let me pass by, then as I was getting settled he just stood there. I finally looked up and smiled and said you can sit down if you'd like. He said oh thanks I just wanted to sure you were all settled in. I said oh thank you so much, but i am fine. I started to read my book and got through a chapter when he looked at me and asked my if Chapman University was affiliated with any church. I said yes it was founded on Christianity. But I just cant think of the affiliation. He said he and his mom were talking about it just last night and it was strange that he ran into me. Then it came to me..the Disciples of Christ. He thanked me and went back to his music. As we approached union station he stood up pulled on his jacket and said have a Happy Day. I said you as well. Yeah that was it. boo hoo
Ok so I am walking down the hill to my office and this lady is standing on the corner of 1st and Hill street. Ok what is so strange about a lady standing on the corner you may ask? Well this lady had a bandage around her ankle. Oh this was not just any old bandage...it was a seeping nasty drippy try to cover up my nasty some how sliced up kankle. SOOOOOO gross. It was d-r-i-p-p-i-n-g. So glad I did not eat my breakfast, because it would have been all over the street.
Work is done and I rush out to the train, late again of course. I hit the subway and jammed into the train. This one lady was standing near the door and leaned a little on the half wall next to her and all of the sudden this lady sitting in the chair next to the half wall says "You're leaning on me" I almost started to laugh, just because we are on a crowed train GET OVER IT. Seriously i wanted to laugh. She looked so insulted.
Train 20 minutes late...as much as I hate the train being late, when it is late the metrolink peeps take other trains home and leave mine nice and available with seats.
Have you ever notice that sometime people look better with their sunglasses or even hats on? Like Kenny Chesney...now he is a hottie, but take that cowboy hat off and he is just another guy. Then there is those guys who work construction and they are all tan and they have their sunglasses on but they take their glasses off and UGGH. So there was this HOT guy on the train with my friday friends and he always has his sunglasses on. Today someone made fun of his so he took them off and my head was screaming nooo put them back on.
Lastly and the BEST...a HOTTIE WITH A BODY walked into my life today. He was talk, dark and handsome! As he was standing in line we caught eyes and I smiled at him. After he purchased his sandwich and beer he stood in the back of the cafe car and ate. I waited for him to kind of look my way and then I DID IT! Would you like to sit down? There is room next to me. DEEP BREATH...he said yes! So he walked his rico suave body over to the table and sat next to me. He had jeans and a green shirt on. He was in town to hang out with his buddies. He is a music producer and he just moved to Ventura from Florida. Great smile and nice teeth. And then it happened...he walked out of my life just like that. Yep, he used me for my seat. Boys!
And just like that I was getting married and then I was hanging out with Bryan watching a movie in "our" room while he CHOMPS on popcorn. Back to the drawing board people