How awesome is this? This young lady must to the trip from ? to santa barbara a lot! (she had an UCSB sweatshirt one). She brought a fitted bed sheet and placed over both of the sleeper chairs, reclined them and then laid across them like a bed. She even had a pillow and a blanket. I was so impressed I decided that she was picture worthy.
Fast Forward to the subway - I got on the subway today with my book still in my hand. I had one more page to read before the next chapter so I wanted to finish it. When this very handsome, slightly more mature man looked up at me and said I just finished that book...what do you think of it? I told him I love it. It is very amazing, intriguing and actually sort of funny. He said wait to you get to the end you'll love it. When then proceeded to have an intellectual conversation about the book, its meaning and the affect it may or may not have on society. I almost fell in love with this man. Handsome, Christian, Smart...then only problem was that my exit only take 4 minutes to get to and I never had a chance to look to see if he was married (which I am sure he was) or even to ask him his man. Oh HECK, I need to move faster. Maybe Denise is right I should speed date...then when i am on the subway I can know how to size up a man with in 90 seconds. HAHA
Everyone knows I love Law and Order (any series). Well today I found myself in an episode. Ok not really but I sort of felt like it. So I get off the subway and jump on the first escalator and just as I am walking off I see this younger lady stumbling or maybe limping towards the stairs. She is moaning, holding her stomach and she has either a cut over her eye or she has stitches that are bleeding. My heart sank. I did not know what to do. I looked at her and wrestled with my thoughts. As a Christian I should walk over to her to see if she is ok or needs anything. Then my imagination kicked in and I thought what if she is crazy and she trys to harm me too or take my purse. I am still walking away from her somewhat looking back, when I start thinking maybe she was raped or mugged. Maybe she needed the police. But I am STILL walking away. I get to the top of the huge escalator and again my heart sinks. I claim to be a strong Christian woman and i turned my head away from someone because of my irrational fears. That hurt me most of the day and now of course. I'm not sure how I would have dealt with things if she had done something crazy like commit suicide with the metro. Thanks to to God she did not. I really hope she is ok. Yes, i prayed for her the whole walk to work.
At work I found out that my harsh side is coming out again. I found out that one of my artist thinks my boss hates her. I found out that one of the guys at work that I think of as a friend hated me for the first 2 weeks I was here. There are many unhappy people in our department right now.
On the way home the train was kind of crowed so I sat downstairs. It was the first time in 3 months that I did that. Kind of weird experience...dont think I liked it too much. The quiet was nice and so was the space, but I think I am safer on top. HAHAHAHA
Andy walked me to my car today. Stopped and wished me a good trip and day at work tomorrow as he was lucky enough to be working from home tomorrow. I asked him how his day was today and again he wasn't real thrilled. I told him he doesn't seem to have a lot of fun or happiness in his life. He just smiled and said I just don't like what I am doing and I need to find something else. I asked him if his dad knew he was unhappy and he said no he is pretty clueless. That is sad.
My gums hurt right now so I think I will go to bed so I don't think about them anymore. Besides Nacho is already asleep on my legs and they are getting warm. Good night all and happy trails to you!
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