Monday, December 1, 2008

Bah hum bug already? That's too bad

Well it is official the start of the holiday's is here and it is only the week of Thanksgiving. How can a time where you are supposed to show how Thankful you are for the things in your life can people become so unthankful and rude. I was walking to the train on Wednesday - quickly of course because I was late and I cut of someone on accident. I turned around and said I was sorry and she must not have heard me because she kicked my suitcase. I think turned and looked at the older lady - who should know better= and said " I said I was sorry." Then continued on to the train. I of course made sure I sat no where near her.

Then on the train there was a very bitchy conductor. She took my ticket and then gave me a look and said you will probably have to stand up. These seats are reserved for ticket holders. I told her I have a ticket and she said no you have a monthly pass. I was a little upset that someone who paid $30 buck gets a seat and I pay 100X that amount and I have to stand! Ok well I did not have to stand after all. Also she was not only mean to me I heard her being a meanie to other people too.

I don't think I'll ever understand how the holidays bring out so much bad in people, when it should be a time of love and happiness. When did the Thanks leave Thanksgiving and the Christ leave Christmas?

Today the train engine died and the train was an hour late. Que Sera shoud have seen the other people that were all freaked out. I just sat down and got on the computer and worked. I also sat there and watched the Moon, Jupiter and was so BEAUTIFUL!

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