Tuesday 12/16 - went to work...stayed in LA. Well since I was staying on LA of course I get the chance to ride the Metroline! Bring on the Red/Blue and Green lines. So as soon as I get on the blue line I am looking for a seat. I find one near this guy who's cologne smelled a little like old vodka. You know the way you smell after a real good party...yes usually the night before. HAHA He smelled though as if the party was still going. About 2 minutes after I sit down we became BFF's. He looked at all my bags and said did you just get into town. Opps forgot to tell you as you are reading this part be sure you read it with your best wasted mexicano male voice. Really he was a very nice guy, but he really was drunk. Back to our conversation. I said no I am not from out of town. He shock his head slowly and said oh I thought I saw a train ticket so I thought you were from or going out of town. I said I just got in from San Diego. He said where are you from. I said San Diego. He said he was from Lincoln Nebraska. I told him I was born in Omaha. He told me that Omaha was the big city but Lincoln was the capital. (in case I did not know). Cornhuskers...Cornhuskers. Ebbybody listens to da football cornhuskers all the time. Everybody. I just shook my head. My family lives in fo fo ne hmm i can't remember. Iowa iss near Iowa, small town nor ah I can't think of it name. (silence...I almost start reading) Norfolk...yeah norfolk, you know where that is. Yes, I do. My kids live there. I came her for my peeps, my moms and dads live here. I go back one awhile. As the conversation continued I was asked if I was single, where I was going and if I am happy. He asked me about things and we got on the topic of his kids. He got emotional and talked about how much he misses them. I told him I bet they miss him a lot. Kids need their daddies. He said you think? I said of course. More conversation and then right before he left Hector shook my hand and wished me a merry Christmas and said he was going to go by a ticket to see his kids. I really hope he does.
Wednesday 12/17 - Cold, rainy and cold. Commuting in the rain from LA to San Diego no big deal. Commuting from LA to Manhattan Beach very very cold.

Thursday 12/18 - This big black guy got on the blue line and sat next to me and in most cases people would say he looked pretty scary. However, He sat down next to this other man dressed like an upscale cowboy...is that an oxymoron? Either way this guy kind of scared me (even more than the other guy) He kind of had this creepy cereal killer look. What? What's wrong? No that is not a type I did not mean serial killer but cereal killer. He looked like Frankenberry! All of a sudden the big black guy became this sweet tough guy smiling and waving at this little baby in the front of the car. HAHA The Frankenberry Tex said "Kids like big tough guys. I don't mean mean guys but tough guys they know they can count on. We make them feel safe." He then began to ramble on and on for the rest of the trip. He talked about war, horses, the Philippines. Best thing he said was that CATS are smarter than Dogs!
Friday 12/19 - I won a baking contest at work!!!! $100 bucks! Yeah me.
One thing I have learned on the last three months, but mostly just this month is that we spend too much time just running around. We rush rush rush around and never stop and stare at the world around us. Tuesday morning the mountains were covered in Snow. I was just an amazing and beautiful scene. In the rain while I was waiting for the train I was staring out in the distance and realized that the lights downtown in the distance look like twinkling diamonds, rubies and emeralds. In the pitch black there were gems and diamonds dazzling the sky. Cars race by back and forth on the freeway past me...each one just trying to get to another place. Me, I have become much more patience with life and all it brings. God has a plan for each one of us and most of us just need to slow down and open our eyes to his plan. In the past, I've been so busy running around jumping from career to career, apartment to apartment and life situation to situation that I feel like I've missed a lot of life. The kids I start my teaching career with are now 7 or 8 years old and the ones I just started working with are already 3 years old. Playing with these kids or getting all the Christmas cards from them lately has really shown me that I have just sailed through the years.
Time to take the patience I have learned from commuting and having people drive me around now needs to be incorporated into the rest of my life. I want to slow down appreciate my life. I want to break out of my shell and become more comfortable in my own body. I want to make good decisions but not beat myself up for the bad ones. I want to be a better me...your help will be needed. No one can do it alone.
Thanks in advance.
p.s. NO this is not my year end letter...I have some more to say I am sure.
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