Today on the train home guess who I sat by? APPLE GYUY! Of course I did. I think I'm going to start using my earphone as soon as I get on the train in the evening. Crunch Crunch Crunch! Save me now!
So the two men that sat next to me on the train were very chatty today. People say that women talk a lot never meet these guys. Guy one is taking time off in April/May to travel Europe with his family. They are going on a trip for a whole month. Let's just stop there...a trip for a whole month! I thought we were in a recession. Who the heck can afford to take a whole month off work? Any way, he was talking about what they were going to be doing. The guy next to him had already done this trip years ago so he decided to give his buddy a whole bunch of unsolicited advise. We bought a train pass but you really have to plan out your whole trip. Driving on the other side of the road is so stressful you need a vacation after it. He even told his wife to stop talking to him, while he is driving. HAHA (I should mention I was actually working at the same time as listening to them) They were on their honeymoon and went every where. From there they talked about their weekends. Guy one said a few things and then Guy two went from there. He drove back and forth all weekend from his old house to his new house and yadda yadda yadda. Then guess what happened. They fell ASLEEP. I am not kidding, I swear! They talked themselves to sleep. They were so tired they were snoring! How awesome is that.
Then to end the trip, Andy walked past me on his way out of the train. SOOO I of course packed up and started to walk off too. When we got to the stairs, I almost lost my balance and he just smiled and laughed at me. He got off the train first and he waited for me on the platform. We walked to our cars and started to put our stuff away. We were talking about my company news and the LAtimes in general. We both put our stuff away and then we just kept talking. At one point I thought we were done but then he walked around his car to the passenger side and we talked some more. We stood there talking for 20 minutes. It was so fun. We've never talked that much before. He was very into the conversation and seemed to want to continue talking. Only thing that did not happen was he did not ask me to dinner or for my number. Oh well, it was a nice way to end my day.
He looks similar to this guy...but cuter in my opinion:

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