Saturday, March 7, 2009

Am I still asleep? Pinch me

This morning I was talking the metro to work, because I stayed in LA. So on the green line a very hurt and dirty homeless man was asking for money. I gave his the change from my purse which was only pennies. I had some money but did not give it to him. I feel and felt so guilty. I could have helped him. I could have feed him for a day. And I did nothing because I am selfish. He had horrible teeth, not very many either. His hands were all cut up and dirty. He then thanked me for the pennies like it was the best thing in the world. I apologized or not having more to give him...liar. He said no no thank you so much. I once at the whole day on pennies. If you ask enough people you get lots. I went back to reading my book and he smiled at me and said be careful you may catch something...knowledge. He told me he used to be a bookworm. I smiled and said really. He said yes, he used to be very smart and loved to read. Then he stood up and started to recite a poem. He had tears in his eye and in his voice but he stood proud. It killed me. I was so choked up. It was so funny and good. He said not bad for a 15 year old boy huh? I wrote that when I was 15 years old and waited on it for 30 years. Than I won first prize on This man touched me so much, but as I went to reach for my dollars he was gone. God has really blessed me by the people I meet on the train. This guy was God's way of saying to me I have blessed you, your time to give back. Guess who failed. Yep me. He was a very nice man, humble and proud, but not afraid ask for help. We can all learn a lesson from him. Stand proud, be humble but never be afraid to ask for help.

Then around Hawthorne blvd a lady got on the train sat down across from me and then she looked at me and started to talk to my in Spanish. I kept answering in English. She kept going and I kept answering in English. Then she asked me something and I said I don't know and she got annoyed with me. Here is what I am thinking. If you can understand English and I keep answering you in English and you are not getting the answer you want then HELL ask your question in English. Because seriously I only understood a little over 1/4 of our conversation. So if she got lost it is not my fault.

On to the Blue line after only one exit on comes this "lady" about my height and skinny, no hair and very masculine looking. She stands up and with the tiniest voice every ans starts singing a Christmas song. "Jolly old Saint Nicholas lean your ear this way don't you tell a single soul what I am going to say..." then she changed the words in to a song about Jesus Christ coming to save all of our souls. She just kept singing. Then when she was done in that tiny little voice she asked if anyone had any spare change. I gave her a dollar and so did someone else. Then she drops to her knees and louder than before...if it was possible and now in a very very low manly voice she started singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" SERIOUSLY this really happened. She was singing and singing. WOW I can't believe this was happening.

When she left the guy next to me and I just started laughing and talking about the crazy things we've seen on the metro. He said that there is a guy that can pop out both of his eyes. He said it is the grossest thing ever. He's seen a break dancing Mexican and a man with a guitar that sings his own songs and he said is real good. Then we started to talk about the smelly people we have sat by. LOL Then he told me about how one night he was coming home from being out late drinking and he had no idea how much he smelled. Then he used to work in a fish market and man he said I smelled worse than anything ever. I hope I am NEVER the smelly girl. HAHA

Can you believe all of that happened in one short one hour trip? Anyone want to join me? Until next time

P.S. on Friday I rode home with a girl from work. She was going to San Diego for her mom's birthday. It was nice to have a friend.

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