So last week I started to get sick and it kept coming. This week I have become that ANNOYING person who coughs the whole time you are on the train. I even annoyed myself. This Asian lady got on the train today and she had an awesome outfit on. Her tights are sparkly, but you cant tell.

So today we started a new game on the platform while waiting for the train. We all gather where we think the train is going to stop and open the doors. Everyone gets into it. Today you heard all these grown adults grown when we were off by a few steps.
Have I told you that I have become an awesome Surfer? Yeah go fig I never thought I had it in me. LOL I surf everyday on the subway. They like to stop and go a lot and you have to shift your body so that you never fall over or bump anyone else. LOL Oh and it is so good for my knees! NOT.
Ewe tonight I had the "privileged" (or not) of hearing a Dad talk horribly to his son. He was telling him that he needed to grow up and take control of his life. I guess he got another ticket and his dad was hoping that this would make him finally wake up. Told him that he is not living up to his potential. Kept saying you need to wake up. He said a 2.8 in his book is a failure. This Dad thinks USD is a only a mediocre school. I felt horrible for his son. But I also felt sooo blessed to have the parents I have. Thanks Moms and Pops.
There was no sleeper car today and again you heard grown adults whine. LOL Then worse the rude couple sat behind me and kept slamming their tables and shaking my chair. Ooooh I was not happy. Of course when I looked back they were all cuddly...yes I am jealous.
The last thing for this post is that I just finished my latest book "The Wizard of Oz". WOW this books is very different from the movie. It was very graphic and dark. I loved it though. I got so much pleasure out of telling my Dad about all of the cool twists and differences. I would recommend it to anyone. You can really see the images when you read it because of the movie. I give it a thumbs up. AGAIN I rock at choosing books.
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