I am 34 years
..419 months old
...1822 weeks old
...12,756 days old
...306,164 hours old
...18,369,894 minutes old
with 27 days 3 hours 5 minutes until Donny and Marie...I ALMOST DIED!
I pulled into the train station and all I can say is I DESERVE A SLEEPY CAR. The train is in site and I start chanting "sleepy car, sleepy car, sleepy car come on sleepy car" WOO HOO. Thank you Lord for the sleepy car and oh yeah letting me live.
As we pull into Fullerton I get my stuff out so I can get downstairs to the changing room before my arch rival, my nemesis, the Obama to my McCain, the dog to my cat, the Model to well me. Yes make up girl that I have mentioned before. It's like a stand off at the O K Corale...whoever gets there first gets to used the good light and the big non smelly room to get ready in. And I WON! Wow I am using a whole lot of capital letters today. I must be in a mood to get my point across, is it working?
I made the 4:10 train tonight, unlike last night. So it seems the 4:10 is more popular than the 5:10 train. So I never, ok who am I to say never...I doubt I will have my own row very often. Today an older man slept next to me for the 30 minute ride from LA to Fullerton. The in Anaheim another man sat next to me. He also "slept". He looked like he was sleeping but every time I looked out the window or into the reflection of the window he was looking out the corner of his eyes at me. You think he was trying to read my email? Maybe trying to see my Facebook? OMG what if he was looking down my shirt. Oh like no one else has ever done that. Of course he was not just going to Irvine, he was going all the way to San Diego. He never talked to me and well I guess I did not try either. Yes, you are right I was not attracted to him at all.
Random Statements: The train hit a skunk Monday morning. A guy who smelled like he bathed in cigarettes sat in front of me last week. Yesterday a lady did not even notice that I was sleeping leaning on the chair and she sat down and moved the chair. HOW RUDE. Some lady was selling candy cars on the metro rail for 50 cents...ironic since eating it could cost you $250 in fines. I've complained about not getting home until 8pm from work because I don't have time to spend with my family...it is only 9pm and they have all left me and went to sleep already. Nice. Do you think if I take my teddy bear to LA with my I can put him in the seat next to me and no one will try to sit down? I find it funny and annoying the some people get on the train and for get that common courtesy is to act like you are in a library when you're on the train. Instead they act like they are in their private car and have to talk over the radio because God forbid they turn it down. Yesterday there were a couple of girls hitting on two Marines. They were so loud and sounded like a couple of giddy teenagers. But hey...they were talking to guys and I am talking to a computer.
Lastly....i saw this walking down the street in LA.

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