Friday, January 30, 2009

Post 2 of 3...more from this week

I absolutely love the Golden Girls so when I was able to ride on the train behind them this week I was so excited. All four of them were there. It was so fun to hear their conversations. I only really remember two of them. They said that the tortilla encrusted Tilapia from Costco is amazing. Someone needs to try it and let me know. She was raving about it. The second one really made me laugh! One of them was telling a story about their grandchildren. She said that her daughter's husband bought the kids bean bags for their rooms. Which sounds pretty innocent if I stop there. But then she said that they also had bunk beds in their room. On night she said her daughter kept hearing a thumping noise and she when she got to the room she found the kids jumping off the bunk beds onto the bean bags. Next morning...bean bags are gone. It really made me remember all the "stupid" but FUN stuff my dad used to let us do. Like the big blue van that had no seats in the back. At first he would let us ride in the van sitting on lawn chairs. Then when he stopped we went flying into the back of the van. Laughing our asses off. (why do people say that? I mean as much as I laugh, my ass is still there) Then he but plywood bench seats over the wheel wells. Oh the numerous splinters we had. We also used to let Lisa Elliott fly around in the back with us. She was like a sister to us so why wouldn't we put her in danger too? HAHA Sorry Debbie. Oh yeah and when we started playing soccer...if he drove by one of those tall skinny cones he'd slow down to almost a stop and we'd open the side door jump out steal the cone and jump back in slamming the door.

Yesterday the Amtrak police came up and down the aisle with his K-9 dog. Can you pet them? I mean he was sooo cute. After I noticed the cute puppy, I turned to see a beautiful sunset. It was such a pretty shade of orange/yellow and red. It was so clear I could see Catalina. God made such a great thing when he created sunrise and set. Then after the cute puppy, the beautiful sunset...I saw the handsome Andy. He actually side hi to me this time. We had some small chat and I let slip into the conversation that I have been taking the 4:10pm train. You know in case he was looking for me. And then...we said good bye. No Date Still!

Today I managed to become a mother to 5 15 year old girls from Malibu. The were riding on the train by themselves and they wanted a discount on the tickets. The conductor told them that only if they had an adult. HAHA so I said of course those are my kids. The were classic. Totally teens! Then they started singing rap and OMG I never knew how to fake and orgasm at their age...or even what one was. Not only that they were talking about how much they wanted to take shots right then. And no not with their camera. Where has the world gone?

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