Today was not a extraordinary day, but i guess you can expect to have those every day. Today I was pretty tired and I woke up late and got to the platform with one minute to spare. Did you know that trains don't wait for you? I mean you can't even wave and say stop. No really, they just keep riding along. I got on, found a seat and went to sleep. I was joined in Oceanside by an older man. He read his paper and then he slept. We were like two peas in a pod. Well then again maybe not two peas in a pod, but well whatever, you get my point. We both slept until Fullerton, ok well maybe it was about 15 minutes from LA. Now how is that for excitement? You're probably saying gee Terri I logged on to read this! No pictures, no funny stories, no cool people? GEEZ
Ok on my way home I sat at the table upstair near the cafe cart. I was joined by two gentlemen and a older lady. Let me just say that one of the gentlemen was very handsome,the other was not too bad either. Both of these gentlemen without one of those little gold rings on their fingers. Yes, I know that this happens to be a theme in my conversations with you...but hey this girl is single and I would like that to STOP! ;-)
Bachelor #1 Cute guy my age, works for a legal office (how do I know I saw what the was working on), lives in San Diego and hails from Colorado. He very much misses skiing but would not want to go back to living there. Travels to Los Angeles twice a week Tuesday and Thursdays.

Bachelor #2 Kind of cute, like his hair. He is also my age and currently is working for the American Film Institute. He hails all the way from New Jersey with a stop in Rochester, and Portland before settling down in North Hollywood.

Question #1 Do you like living in San Diego:
Bachelor #1 - Yes, I love San Diego how can you not love all the sun and beautiful days we have here.
Bachelor #2 - No, I hate Los Angeles, make that southern California. You have no seasons here, it is always hot and dry. If I did not have to be here for work I would not be here.
We will pause for a few comments - Bachelor #2 and I both got the microbrew beer. Bachelor #1 drinks mexican beer and small bottles. He said he is really not a beer drinker and it would go to waste. WHAT! BEER TO WASTE? SAY IT AINT SO. Bachelor #1 and I both had our Ipods out and we were both working. We both seem to have good jobs. Bachelor #2's job is a bunch of gibberish. No Seriously, here is what was coming out of his mouth (while he talked on the phone for and hour and half) "Well I muliplied the chormatisity by the vector and cross referenced that with the xyz factor line...I realize that but I'm not trying to cover my mistakes I am just saying that is how i calculated the chormatisity..chromatisity like 10 more times. He said it so much I almost started a drinking game out of it. But I shortly realized I'd be out of beer real quick and that would be a bummer. Oh yeah forgot the iso zen curve.
Question#2 Why are you in San Diego?
Bachelor #1 - I live here
Bachelor #2 - I am visiting my GIRLFRIEND
"You are the weakest link. Goodbye."Questions #3 - where would you live if you could chose a place?
Bachelor #1 - I'd stay here
Bachelor #2 - I'd move back to Portland where I could ski from Novemember to June.
Bachelor #1 - I love Portland, but I'd never want to live there.
Why asks the moderator? - My in laws live there
Your ex in laws asks the moderator? - no my wife's parents
- "Survey says!" XXXAnd well GOOD NIGHT GRACIE, GOOD NIGHT JOHN BOY....until we meet again.
- moral of the story...just because they don't have a ring on doesn't mean they are not married! Damnit