Yes of course I know that the song is Stairway to Heaven...but you see I have already walked up the stairs before I enter Heaven through the "doorway". You know that feeling when you find a place where you feel so comfortable. Like a sleep number bed, where you get to make the mattress exactly the way you want it. Or that pair of pj's you live in. What only I do that? Well anyway I think you get my point. With how busy everyone's life is now a days, sometimes you just need to slow down and relax. But where? Sure you could go grab a beer with your friends, but seriously are you really relaxed and slowing down? I don't. I start dancing and then talking and going miles a minute. You all know that! Shit where was I going with all of this? Oh yeah, today I found my new oasis. There is a train car that has lazy boy chairs, curtains on the window, lots of leg room and most of all everyone thinks it is business class and IT IS NOT! Ok, so they are not really lazy boys but the recline and have foot rests. The seats are bigger and it is nice and dark. I slept like a BABY. Why do we say that? Not all babies sleep well. Some wake up in the middle of the night, some toss and turn, others have coughing fits. Or maybe I slept like a log. But seriously, what the heck does that mean? Like a log..do they really sleep? I mean they are not alive. If this is the definition of sleep: Sleep is a natural state of bodily rest observed throughout the animal kingdom. Then how could a log sleep. But I digress. This new (new to me) train car rocks. Oh it also has it's own bathrooms. Yes I said bathrooms. Downstairs there are 4 big bathrooms and even a dressing room. It is soooooo awesome.

This is my new best friend.
p.s. Bachelor #1 said hi to me tonight and asked me how I was doing. Nope this wasn't a Hi and you are on the train...this was a hi in the dark (ok dimly lit) parking lot as I was getting into my car. YES, I know he is married, but a girl like attention so sue me!
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