Today I was running soooo late. I got to the station at 6:35 am and had to park in Egypt and walk very very quickly in my boots. Yes the same boots I line dance in...HEELS. Ok you all know that I can barely walk in those things and they are not even real heels. Add to that my bum what a site. Oh yeah last night we straightened my hair too, because the curl is almost out and I feel so UGLY. Well let's just say with the straight hair...I felt UGLIER, but we'll get to that in a bit. When I sat down today I wondered if the girl from yesterday was going to ride the train today, but I figured she would probably choose not to commute on a Friday. Well we pulled up to Oceanside and I saw her. I was happy to see a friendly face. she got on behind that one guy who told the kid to put his sister down, last week. She said Hi and I offered her the seat next to me. She started to move toward it then said I am gonna look for some place I can sit near the plug and walked away. I was like, aaahh you could sit here and plug your computer in, I could move. She did not even ask...hmm is it me? Don't answer that. Oh well, I went to sleep until Fullerton got up and went along with my normal tasks. When I got out of the bathroom from putting my contacts in and my make up on there was a hispanic family sitting in front of me. They were so funny. I felt like I was with family. OH BTW they had a very handsome uncle...around his mid 40's. Yeah, didn't get his number either. I have NOOOO game.
I feel like I've earned a couple sentences worth of work talk so here it is. Working at the has been so great. I really feel like I fit in well. I do miss being able to hang out and talk with Julie like at AOL, but hey I get to wave at her as she rushes down the hall to another meeting. I have pretty much taken over 6 projects and own them completely. I still work on some things with by boss and she seems happy with my work. She is eager to get more off her plate I am sure. I love being down town, it is really cool. I want to walk around and take pictures for everyone...but it might have to be a weekend. Then I can also go hang at Alavera Street. It has been years since I've been there. There are some great buildings in the area both new and old. Oh on Thursdays there is a farmers market right across the street. YUMMY!
Now on to Friday's drive home. I tried very hard to get out of the office early today so that I could get on the train before the 800 million other people. I got there after rushing in those HEELS and no train. Damn thing was late and to top it off the 4:10 pm train home broke down. So now you have hundreds of people that are going to try to jump on my train. Yep you guessed it, standing room only! Where did I choose to stand? Yes my friends in the bar cart. Today was so awesome. There was a larger group of people that take the 4:10 pm train home daily. Every single day they sit in the cafe car and get WASTED. No seriously. These people bought like 10-15 beers and just about that many airplane bottles of alcohol. I was talking to a couple of them and they have been riding the train back and forth from San Juan Cap to LA for 20 years! This one guy was so fun. I think he saw fresh meat with me and started breaking out all of his stupid tricks. He showed me his baby picture...yes the only picture he has of him and him mom when he was one. It was a mom and her baby...with a grown man's penis. The ladies were yelling at him to stop. Leave me alone. Then I got to see a pic of MS Iraq, I got his card (blank card that said "my card" and finally he showed me a picture of his pride and joy.

I was having a blast being the newbie. Then at Irvine, Andy walked in. He was like I though i'd find you here. All he wanted was a beer...guess what? They were totally out! Well expect for bud. Toward the end of the line he kept saying Teresa, I really want a beer. So I said well you can walk across the street from the station and get a beer. (sort of an invite by me, right?) or you can wait to get home. HAHA He said he is a beer snob and did not want a Bud. Hmmm maybe next Friday I should grab him one of the mircobrew beers when I get mine. LOL. We talked a lot and then walk to our car and said our good byes.
Wow I think I like fridays!!! Of course Denise did tempt me to get off in Fullerton and go to Cowboy with her. If I did not have plans this weekend she would have had me at GET OFF! I love you all and thank you for talking the time to listen to me (read my words). I hope I have entertained you, even just a little bit. More to come...WEEK #4 can you believe it?
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