Zippy do dah zippy dee ah...the sleeper car is back!!!!! Sleep glorious sleep I got to sleep sooooooooo well today. Really not much more to say.
I took the red to the blue to the green line home today. I am going to have dinner with Denise tonight. Hmmm this is pretty boring isnt it. So I'll combine tues and wednesday.

Today we all commuted to work, Mom, Dad and myself. For some reason every time we line up to leave the house together I always here that song from Snow White. Speaking of Snow White, Bob is gonna be snow white for halloween. Snow White is my favorite princess, so it is only right that she be her. Right? Oh umm Bob is my niece Alyssa. It's a long story, but feel free to email me and I'll tell you it all. In fact, if any of you would like to email me it is Bob is such a cutie, I miss her. I have even got to meet little H.R. either. My parents are going to see them all in a bit. Wow, is anyone else noticing from my blog that I have A.D.D. Today's commute was how can I put it...annoying! So as we pull up to the Redondo Station at 7:30 am bye bye train it pulls away. I jump on the next one and head to the hood. Get off the green and head to the blue. I walk down the stairs train is there and I get a few inches away (running) and bye bye train leaves. ARE YOU SERIOUS! Oh yeah I was trying to get to work by 8:30am so I could to the AM training at work...yeah did not get there in time oh well. The day was slow, but my training was worse. I'd already been through this class at AOL and used the program for about a year. But you got to do what you got to do. PM commute, rush to the red line and hope on. Get to the blue line and I have to stand the whole way. Uggh it was so crowded. Get to the green line rushing and guess what? Yep doors close...but I push the open door button anyway and it works! I get in find a seat and then it happens "we have a broken down train on the tracks and we will be here for awhile" Yippeee.
AM drive I saw someone with a silver plated cassette tape belt buckle. I swear. Then the girl that sat next to me was writing her own excuse note for school. It was so fake. She needs to practice her mom's signature better. On the way home today this family came in next to me. The mom "rested her eyes" and the little brother bugged his sister and she totally socked him. I almost peep my pants laughing. She had a lot of patience, I would have hit him sooner. Then later she was telling her mom about how a friend at school got stabbed today. She said her friend got punched in the neck by some chick with a big ass "diamond" ring. She said it was so bloody. Then she said she was stuck in the office until 4 period. Her mom was like good then they can't blame you for the fight. She said I mean it, one more thing and you are out of the school. She said I know I know and then she continued to explain the gory details. Oh the things you see and hear on the Metro.
p.s. I have been at my job for one month now!
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