Standing room only...hmm let's think about those words. Per Wikipedia - An event is described as standing room only when it is so well-attended that all of the chairs in the venue are occupied leaving only flat spaces of pavement or flooring for other attendees to stand. Some venues issue standing-room-only (or SRO) tickets for
a reduced cost since it can become very uncomfortable to stand through the course of an event (yeah not amtrak). However some fans actually prefer standing-room-only tickets as the crowds that gather can be more active than people who are sitting down for much of the event. Such crowds can become dangerous with the potential of riots and crushing movements occasionally occurring and resulting in death or injury. So now that you've read that, answer this question...should those words ever be said on a FAST MOVING LOCOMOTION? I think NOT!
Well that is what happened to me today. Fridays are always packed, but are you kidding me. Usually there are maybe 8 people per car standing. Not today there are at least 20 people per car, people standing on the stairs and even like 20 or more people standing on the landing. Stupid Angel game!!!!!! 2 hours of standing no way!!!!! Ok after standing or sitting on my work bag for 30 minutes I changed my goal from finding a seat to finding the cafe car. I NEED A BEER! Fullerton was the first stop and maybe 5 people from my car get off. Oh boy that moved me NO WHERE. Oh there as a bright side, I was standing next to a very HOT guy and he smelled great. What's that you say? Oh of course he was married! They all are. Another 20 minutes goes by and finally we get to Anaheim. GET OFF MY TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to move and I head for the bar. This is where the trip gets FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob and I (oh yeah Rob is this retired man with an awesome handle bar mustache). Actually now that I think about it I think my Aunt would have thought he was cute. Shoot. Where was I? Oh yeah the bar. Ok here is the scene: Bartender Tran had the greatest accent and most awesome hair.

I grab the biggest beer they had and walked up to the counter. One arm and a leg later I find an open spot in the cafe and drink to finally getting there. Rob and I hang out and watch the room. This group of people get off and we look to grab those seats. I walked over to table where this guy sat and the other person just left and I asked if i could sit with him and he smiled said "No someone else is sitting here." I said "Oh well then when they get back I'll move"

He was so funny. This lady came in with her kids and he started to talk to them. He said "Hey you guys gonna get some food? You know if your sister (the mom- smooth huh!) lets you maybe you can grab me and my girlfriend here some too" They all just started laughing. He said "he buddy how did you get your bones one the outside of your skin?" The kid had a skeleton shirt on. We all laughed after she left and he said he likes MILFs. I said sorry, I'm not one. He came back with that's ok I like the MILF but your a FILF so your good too! HAHA We all started talking about where we were getting off and he was the only one getting of at san juan. He said "If some one wants to drop my off in PB, I'll right all the way with you fools." I said, "funny that is where I live" He said "awesome, if you hear the house rock'n fellas don't bother knocking" Then he took my picture on his cell. HAHA I told him that is was very unlikely that he would be coming over, my parents were in town. LOL Then we all started taking pictures of each other. I found out that 1/2 of us do this commute daily! Then three other people joined us. One girl that works for E! going to visit her boyfriend. This guy who used to work for the Chargers and now is in Real Estate. Probably a bad career change huh? He was a big body builder. David Spade look a like who lives in Long Beach and San Diego. He takes the blue line all the time and we told the group all of these great stories. He actually saw a guy get arrested. This genius had a 6 pack of beer with him and was just drinking it in public. The cops just played with him for a while and then cuffed him. WOW. There was also this other guy who has a girlfriend that grew up in Poway.

As we all sat there and got to get to know each other more, we decided that even though you have to sell your first child to drink on the train...we should start a Friday drinking club. Guess what? I AM SOOOOOOO IN. Who's surprised????
casualty of the day: my non existent bank account!
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