Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cox Communication

SLEEEPER CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end.

Ride home was very uneventful. I managed to find a seat in the cafe car and met a couple of really nice people. We talked about my careers and family. They we talked about their careers and family. One guy has a 15 year old daughter and he said that every single Thursday is his night with her. This started when she was 2 and he said he has never missed a Thursday in the last 13 years. So awesome. Then this lady stared talking about her sister and her new job. She is a customer satisfaction consultant for Cox Communication. Essentially she talked to people who are upset about their cable all day long. On her first day of work she got a call from this guy. She said he was so upset and sounded very gay. She said he was crying and very distraught. He could not believe his bill was so high and on and on. She just let him get it all of his chest. She could not believe someone could be so upset. Then when she had a chance to speak she said the most priceless thing in the world. "I am sorry that COX has left a bad taste in your mouth" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH She then had to put him on hold as she could compose herself. She said it just slipped out and it did not totally hit her for a few seconds. Isn't that the greatest story! Gets better then the same lady told us that a friend of hers hand another great story. Ok so this guy was at work and he said he never "goes to the bathroom" (you know what I mean) at work. But this day he had to go so bad. BTW, it was his birthday that day. He told her that he could not believe how long he was in the bathroom for (MEN!) He was laughing to himself that they had all probably gone home for the day it had been so long. Finally he was done doing business and washed his hand and walked out the bathroom to a large group of people waiting outside the door singing Happy Birthday! HAHA Too great.

Then I sat alone for awhile and was joined by two YOUNG marines. They were so funny. They shared a car of beer because they did not have any money. The poured half in each plastic cup and drank happily. One of them kept trying to convince me that his friend was gay. Be part about it, this guy had pictures of other guy body builders on his phone! I'm not sure he was gay, but hmmmmm. We talked about a lot of things on the 30 ride from Oceanside to Solana Beach. As my stop came close I started to say good bye and they tried to beg me to stay the rest of the trip with them. They even offered to buy my ticket back. HAHA I said sure when? Right after you share that one beer because all you have is $4.25.

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