Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rabble-Rousers at the Los Angeles Times...and they look familar

So apparently the paper I work for is openly supports Obama. If you know me, you know that I am not a political person at all. SO of course I had no idea what was going on. I just kept hearing there are protesters down stairs. Lots of people were going down to take pictures. I laughed and kept working. About 11am I got a call from my Aunt Nora. She asked me where I worked and I said the and she was like where? I said 1st and Spring st. She laughed and said we are here come down and have lunch with us. I said sure, what the heck are you doing here? We're down stairs protesting your paper. HAHA. I AM SOOOO SERIOUS They really were. Here are the pictures to prove it:

Isn't that the funniest thing you have ever heard. The LAtimes just pay my bills and they do not speak for me. I keep my opinions to myself. But it was nice to see them. They even took some time to have lunch with me. We had an hour and half lunch got to catch up and talk about things. Oh I got my picture taken too - that way Erika cannot say I never did anything political in my life. I even spoke up for my ancestors. LOL

On the train home there was a man who sounded like Beetlejuice. I swear! I just wanted to get up and see what he looked like but I couldn't. I kept shaking my head, there is no way he sounds like that. I kept thinking he was messing around. I am sure there was a reason, but it made me smile.

Hey today I read that Mother Teresa can from a very wealthy family and turned from the money to become the saint she was. That is true faith. Also what would you do if you failed at the one thing you knew you were meant for over and over again year after year? Would you give up? Well I for one am happy the President Lincoln didn't. He has an amazing sorry of losing at everything he wanted and the winning the big one! I read that today too. Sorry, the story grabbed me so I had to share.

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