On my ride home I met the most colorful man. He is a surfer and he had just spent time in Oxnard surfing. He's got three kids and they are all of very different ages. He saw Matthew McConaughey eating scallops at a bar in Malibu. He said he seemed pretty cool, and there were not paparazzi bothering him. He said he'd rather be flying than taking the train. Every single time a train passed us by, he totally freaked out. He kept saying he felt like he was at Disneyland. He totally reminded my of any "typical" surfer you'd see in a movie. He was very nice. He complimented my on my cross like 3 times, yes part of me thought he was complimenting me on my breasts. HAHA He kept saying "where was I his whole trip, I am so fun". I just said I was at work sitting behind a desk while he was surfing the world. He has not worked for 6 months because he is about to have knee surgery #3. How the heck is he still surfing! He said he thinks next month he is gonna go to Spain to surf. I did not even know you could surf there. Dang what a life. I wonder if he truly has not cares in the world. I wonder if he knows how if feels to wake up in complete peace every day. Minus the pain in his knees. It makes me think, can you still live the life you live today and feel so peaceful or relaxed?
For now, I think I am going to try to get to that place in my life.
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