Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Well it is like 8pm and I am heading my way home from a little happy hour fun with friends at work. The good thing about the location is it is literally across the street from the metro station. As I said my goodbyes I never thought that I maybe saying goodbye for the last time. Though I am not light I am getting wiped all over from the wind that is blowing through downtown LA. I feel like I am in Chicago again where you literally have to hug a building as you walk. I am blowing all over. The blue line is there when I get there which is great. Just as I warm up we pull into imperial/wilmington station and as I step out I am blown almost across the platform. I make it to the tap machine and I head upstairs. As I get up there the wind tunnel grabs me and tosses me around almost off the platform. Right now I type this as I huddle behind a sign on the platform so that I don't fly away. Best part about this is it is very cold , I am getting an earache and I have to pee. Where is my train?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Trying to read my new book and it is sooooooooo loud today. Girls in front of me talking about a office romance and the slut (there words) that they work with. Then the shut up and the one pulls out her ipod and starts to blare it. Then her friend gets on the phone and fights with her boyfriend. All the while the lady behind me won't stop snapping her gum. Two rows back two people converse as loud as they can. Opps I was wrong the girl in front of me is fighting with her girlfriend. Sadly now she is crying. Guess my book will have to wait.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Isn't that stuff illegal?
So this morning I am sitting on the metro minding my own business...reading Harry Potter 7, when these two guys get on and sit next to me. It took me merely 10 seconds before I figured out that they were as high as a kite. It took me 5 minutes to get my own contact high. Seriously it was like they took a bath in the stuff.
Oh a new pet peeves...ok not really new but keeps coming up lately. Why is it that people have to sit right behind me when there are LOADS of open seats left on the train. Why is it that the one person who has a hacking cough or a running nose has to sit behind me. Why is it that when people eat on the metro they always sit behind me and never learned to chew with their mouths closed and why are there no cops around when you need them. Eating/Drinking on the metro is a $250 fine.
So I was thinking about widening the scoop of the blog to my stories from any where I go...but have not settled on it yet. LOL But I have started the process for my Metro stop Guide, tentatively titled "Just get off now" or "Let your feet do the walking" (a spin on the old yellow pages slogan)
stay tuned
Oh a new pet peeves...ok not really new but keeps coming up lately. Why is it that people have to sit right behind me when there are LOADS of open seats left on the train. Why is it that the one person who has a hacking cough or a running nose has to sit behind me. Why is it that when people eat on the metro they always sit behind me and never learned to chew with their mouths closed and why are there no cops around when you need them. Eating/Drinking on the metro is a $250 fine.
So I was thinking about widening the scoop of the blog to my stories from any where I go...but have not settled on it yet. LOL But I have started the process for my Metro stop Guide, tentatively titled "Just get off now" or "Let your feet do the walking" (a spin on the old yellow pages slogan)
stay tuned
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just witnessed a man praying to God praising him and attempting to heal another person's hurt arm. They were both standing there praying very loudly. Praying for the mircale of healing. Guess that is what it is like at those faith healing churches. No, I could not stay around long enough to see if she was healed.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Well it is a little past 6pm on monday and I am stuck on a metro train at the florence station in Watts. There is some problem on the tracks at the artesia station. Today is a day that I am glad of many things...1. The guy next to me does not smell. 2. No one I'm the train is trying to sell things. 3. I have a book to read. 4. My parents are making me dinner. 5. I don't have to pee yet. Stuck now at 103 station just one stop away from smooth sailing on the green line.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Going Backwards
Last night I almost missed the train due to a very long conversation. Found the train on the wrong track and almost boarded another train. Ended up having to stand most of the way but ran into an old Amtrak friend from the Cafe car. We talked for awhile and it was nice until you hear " Ah ladies and gentleman we have come to a stop here as the engineer has told me he thinks he hit something but is not sure what it was" This is were it started. Going backwards for 15 minutes, a brief examination of the "possible" scene and we wait. Train starts moving again - thank God - and it turns out it was nothing...or so they said. So thankful it was not a person...that could delay the train a minimum of 3 1/2 hours and you are not allowed off the train and they don't have food or drinks. So so glad it was "nothing"
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Last night on the train was a festival of...well how do I put this nicely. Oh it was an eyefull. There was a lady with 4 inch long Yellow nails. She sat there like she was the queen of shedba. She was so cool. Then a few rows behind her sat this lady with her eyebrows drawn on her face. Yes I know a lot of people draw their eyebrows on, but she drew hers in square shaped. No arch just half done rectangles. I am totally serious. Lastly, well yes there were others I could mention but these were the cream of the crop. The wolfman. I had to really restrain myself to not take aa picture. This boy had 4 fingers width of jet black hair combed from his sideburns forward on his face at an angle.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Drunk man on the train...poor guy is looped. He still drinking. Yabbering on about relationships. Saying text messages are like chasing people. You need to respect him. You got a good woman keeper. Respect. Respect. Cussing up a storm. Making conversation with everyone around him. But of course they are all f'd up. He says ethopians are the real jews. Oh boy he's the real jew. Oh and he never blinks. Lol. He likes the f word. Joy o joy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Don't Have me
I seem to be apologizing a lot for not writing very often. I am sorry. I start to write and then I get busy. Yes a lot of excuses. So since it has been a while since I've written you...her is a good one.
So last week I was sitting on the Blue line minding my own business watching the people get on and off. Day dreaming about what everyone does for a living, when these two African American women get on together. Right away you can see from the body language that they are not happy with each other. One of them says don't you sit by me and starts to walk her way to the back of the train near me (we'll call her Butch). The other one sits down about 5 rows in front of her(we'll call her Sally). Let me also mention that it is TABU to talk loudly, cuss or scream in the metro. It's just something you don't do, even most of the crazy people know that. Well after about 2 minutes Sally starts yelling back towards Butch. "I don't love you. I never have. You just some pathetic B***H." Butch says "if you don't love my B***H then whys the hell you following me? Just leave me the Hell Alone" There is quite for a minute or so and then Sally starts again "You and your nappy ass hair can go where ever you like. Your slutty ass can sleep with whose every you want" Butch retorts " My slutty ass? Yous be the slut b***h. Your ass been sleeping with Ronda, XYz, KLS, and WWW. Shit you da slut" The a pause. After about 3 or 4 stops, Butch decides she is gonna get off at the next stop. So she stands up and says "My black ass is getting off here. Don't follow me. Just leave me the hell alone." The it gets interesting!!!!!!!!!! Sally gets up and says "I'll go anywhere I want to go." Butch says "Well I you don't love me why dont you just leave me alone?" Sally says "You the B***h that is cheating. Come on admit it. You don't love me" Butch said "just sit down and leave me alone." They both sit down and then right before the last stop of the blueline it gets very interesting!!! Butch gets back up. Walks towards the door to get off. Sally stands up. She starts walking towards Butch. Butch says "Just stay the f*** away from me damn" in a some what whinny tired voice. Then Sally just let's loose. This girl knew every single word that would push every single button on Butch. She just kept needling and egging her one. Butch was getting pist! Butch "Shut your mouth girl. Stop it. You trying to piss me off" Sally just kept going. Butch said "Shut it before slap you!" She did not stop...she just kept going. Butch stepped towards her a almost took a swing at her. Sally got a very sly smile on her face. So she kept on talking. Butch then said to everyone on the train "she wants me to hit her so the bitch can call the police and send my ass back to jail. I'm not going back to jail." Sally turned up the up the volume on the insults and jibs. Steam was coming out of Butch's ears. Sweat was starting to roll down her brow..yes it was a hot day as well. And then BAM! SMASH! BOOM! They were going at it! Butch smacked her a few good ones and Sally just wailed her arms around. Butch kept going and other people tried to stop them. The Sally sure enough grabbed her phone and started to call the police. Hmm guess Sally is not smart enough to know that cell phones do not work on the subway! The train pulled into the station and sure enough that stupid Sally followed Butch out of the station. I guess some women are just glutton for punishment. Yes a real live lesbian fight on the blue line! See wasn't that worth the wait?
So last week I was sitting on the Blue line minding my own business watching the people get on and off. Day dreaming about what everyone does for a living, when these two African American women get on together. Right away you can see from the body language that they are not happy with each other. One of them says don't you sit by me and starts to walk her way to the back of the train near me (we'll call her Butch). The other one sits down about 5 rows in front of her(we'll call her Sally). Let me also mention that it is TABU to talk loudly, cuss or scream in the metro. It's just something you don't do, even most of the crazy people know that. Well after about 2 minutes Sally starts yelling back towards Butch. "I don't love you. I never have. You just some pathetic B***H." Butch says "if you don't love my B***H then whys the hell you following me? Just leave me the Hell Alone" There is quite for a minute or so and then Sally starts again "You and your nappy ass hair can go where ever you like. Your slutty ass can sleep with whose every you want" Butch retorts " My slutty ass? Yous be the slut b***h. Your ass been sleeping with Ronda, XYz, KLS, and WWW. Shit you da slut" The a pause. After about 3 or 4 stops, Butch decides she is gonna get off at the next stop. So she stands up and says "My black ass is getting off here. Don't follow me. Just leave me the hell alone." The it gets interesting!!!!!!!!!! Sally gets up and says "I'll go anywhere I want to go." Butch says "Well I you don't love me why dont you just leave me alone?" Sally says "You the B***h that is cheating. Come on admit it. You don't love me" Butch said "just sit down and leave me alone." They both sit down and then right before the last stop of the blueline it gets very interesting!!! Butch gets back up. Walks towards the door to get off. Sally stands up. She starts walking towards Butch. Butch says "Just stay the f*** away from me damn" in a some what whinny tired voice. Then Sally just let's loose. This girl knew every single word that would push every single button on Butch. She just kept needling and egging her one. Butch was getting pist! Butch "Shut your mouth girl. Stop it. You trying to piss me off" Sally just kept going. Butch said "Shut it before slap you!" She did not stop...she just kept going. Butch stepped towards her a almost took a swing at her. Sally got a very sly smile on her face. So she kept on talking. Butch then said to everyone on the train "she wants me to hit her so the bitch can call the police and send my ass back to jail. I'm not going back to jail." Sally turned up the up the volume on the insults and jibs. Steam was coming out of Butch's ears. Sweat was starting to roll down her brow..yes it was a hot day as well. And then BAM! SMASH! BOOM! They were going at it! Butch smacked her a few good ones and Sally just wailed her arms around. Butch kept going and other people tried to stop them. The Sally sure enough grabbed her phone and started to call the police. Hmm guess Sally is not smart enough to know that cell phones do not work on the subway! The train pulled into the station and sure enough that stupid Sally followed Butch out of the station. I guess some women are just glutton for punishment. Yes a real live lesbian fight on the blue line! See wasn't that worth the wait?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How expensive is deoderant? Is there a polite way to tell someone the stink? Or better yet can you please take a shower? Ok as I am typing this a very odd lady has sat next to me. Why is she odd you might ask...well she has taken a TRAPPER KEEPER out of her backpack and now has her face burried in it. You know like we all used to do while in class when we were whispering or reading a note someone passed or what I was doing giggling. But a las she is not doing that. Oooo maybe she is picking her nose. Nope her hands are not moving. Sleeping? Possible very possible. Reading but she forgot her glasses? Using it to block out swine flu? Maybe looking at porn? Well like a tootsie pop the world may never know.
If I find out you'll be the first to know.
If I find out you'll be the first to know.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
So I am standing waiting for the subway and these two ladies walk right up and stand in front of me. When I say in front of me I mean like one walks in front of me to stand with the proper space and the other walk right in front of me stand inches from me then say excuse me...like get out of my way please. You know like she's been standing there the whole time and I am the rude one. Nice lady! Have a great day. Ugghh.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
I was running late today and so I had to run part of the way to the train. OMG I am out of shape. Well I got there just in time, but sweating like a pig! It was an uneventful trip. Ugg. Well as I was going up the elevator from the red line this lady and her little boy got on the escalator in front of me. Yes I rode the elevator...so sue me. Well the kid had the toes of his shoes curled up on the escalator step infront of him and all I could think was he is gonna get caught. Well he did. The toe of his left shoe got caught and he went down. The mom just looked down and yelled at him in spanish. The guy next to them just stared. I rushed down and yanked of his vans. He jumped up,was crying & so scared. So today I save a boy from being eaten by the elevator
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Metro Rail nonsense
So I am sitting on the blueline and these 3 people get on and sit behind me. The one guy is talking about having a new job. Next thing I know is he is asking "when is our next day off." Seriously, you are that lazy? WOW They are all in training and one of them says he can't wait to hit the floor. He said "I can't get jiggety with $200 a week (I think weekely is what he said). Then the other guys says " Yeah but you know know how to work the over draft {insert N-word}. "Oh ya Brother I know when to charge and it wont hit until the money is there." Then more nonsense talk. Finally the Lady chimes in "I can sell sand to a beach I am so good. Ooo your vibrating on me." The guy next to her phone was vibrating. More talk and then this wonderful phrase "I was giving my babies momma $200 a week..faithfully and shit that was when we only had one kid." Lol.
Next day I meet up with Mr. Personality. NOT. This man was talking on the phone and wow he was annoying. Don't know how the person on the other line stayed on so long. Oh this man thought he was so smooth. Here are a few words of wisdom from him: "If life gives u lemons make lemonade, if life gives u cherries make cherry pie. How many blond jokes are there...one...the rest are true. Two more stops until I get off..don't come back with can I watch that is my line." Then the Elvis impression started. OMG crazy man.
Ewe condom wrappers on the greenline. In walks "Rizzo" from grease wearing stilettos.. Here is her awesome conversation...very loudly I might ad. "I needed pot. what ya I'm gonna drink too. I am going to my baby's daddy's home. Yeah XYZ is gonna pick me up. Oh Hell ya..that $@$!^^# called and said he is near so he is gonna pick me up at the next station." Then as she is getting ready to leave the train she said " I am gonna have to have XYZ drop me off a few blocks before my Baby's daddy's house. I am gonna kick it with him for awhile and the go meet up and {insert sexual act here}. Yes all of this on her cell phone very loudly so that all of the little kids and everyone else on the train could hear her wonderful plans. Are people really that clueless?
Next day I meet up with Mr. Personality. NOT. This man was talking on the phone and wow he was annoying. Don't know how the person on the other line stayed on so long. Oh this man thought he was so smooth. Here are a few words of wisdom from him: "If life gives u lemons make lemonade, if life gives u cherries make cherry pie. How many blond jokes are there...one...the rest are true. Two more stops until I get off..don't come back with can I watch that is my line." Then the Elvis impression started. OMG crazy man.
Ewe condom wrappers on the greenline. In walks "Rizzo" from grease wearing stilettos.. Here is her awesome conversation...very loudly I might ad. "I needed pot. what ya I'm gonna drink too. I am going to my baby's daddy's home. Yeah XYZ is gonna pick me up. Oh Hell ya..that $@$!^^# called and said he is near so he is gonna pick me up at the next station." Then as she is getting ready to leave the train she said " I am gonna have to have XYZ drop me off a few blocks before my Baby's daddy's house. I am gonna kick it with him for awhile and the go meet up and {insert sexual act here}. Yes all of this on her cell phone very loudly so that all of the little kids and everyone else on the train could hear her wonderful plans. Are people really that clueless?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Guy pulls his bike in and he is playing his radio. A guy looks up at him and says your not supposed to have music on in here. He said ok I know officer and turns it off. The other guy just stuck his earplugs back in and shut his eyes. God forbid he say anything to the people around us with their ipods blaring through their headset louder then the bike guys radio. I wonder how those people can hear.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Smelly australian kids. Drove 3 people to the other side of the train. Australian science olympians. They competed in the 40th internatioal physcis olympiad in mexico. They talked so high brained I felt very inferior. But hey I have deoderant on. Yes that was mean. Lol There is an older lady on the train who put her cell on mute and can not figure out how to unmute it. Some young black guy that helped her and showed her how use it. She was so cute,but might want to stick to pay phones. It was like the time my dad tried to explain the internet to grandma P. :-D SAW THE AMISH TODAY!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Have you every wished it was no pants day? In NY the have this once a year and the pictures are so funny. But when I say do you wish...i guess maybe I should explain myself. I don't wish it was NO pants day but more like no pants beneath your butt day. Or no pants with a stain in the middle of you butt day. Or even tuck your undies into your pants day cause no one wants to see them day. Sometimes I wish it was 'no _____ day'.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
The singing 'lady' was back on monday and she looked very sad. She said first I need to explain my new shoes. I have cancer and I am homeless and the Brad and Carl the two paramedics that visit me on willow street gave them to me. How sweet is that! So glad to hear that even though they see homeless everyday and sometimes get treated badly that there are still some unjaded paramedic/emt's out there. Bravo Brad and Carl!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Last weekend we rode the metro from my house to Universal Studios. On the blue line a family of boys got on and started singing for money. Of course they were right next to us and we so loud. Then when we got off the blue line so did they and then like brothers do they start pushing and hitting each other right in front of me. My instinct was to pull them apart but instead I walked around. Then low and behold [what does that mean? ] they ended up right next to us again on the redline. Needless to say we hopped cars the first chance we got. On the way home another guitar player followed us on the train. Uggg. Oh and why do people snap their gum? It is so annoying! Today a big sleepy big guy was breathing on me.
Monday, June 22, 2009
WOW what a week
This week we mourn the death of Ed McMahon. I found out on the metro in the morning while I was reading my email. On the way home I listened to a few Culenary students talk about their classes. Today was wine class day. They said they were pretty buzzed. HAHA Then they sat around with other metro rides and talked about different foods and their origins. Why do people think that the stairs are a place to sit? Today there was also a Guy blowing nose next to me. Then gets us to leave and leaves behind all his snot rags. How gross is that? That is even more gross than the lady cutting her toenails.
On Tuesday I was watching two Deaf guys have a conversation. It was so animated. the were talking so fast. Almost as fast as my family speaks spanish. HAHA Then ther was a Guy freaked out on metro. He wants a train to go north. He has no idea where he is going. Seemed a bit off. He jumped off the subway and ran upstairs to the amtrak trains and then tried to get a ticket to santa barbara for like 5 bucks.
Wednesday: the metro door closes and some drunk tourist runs and trys to open the doors as we drive away. keeps pushing the button as he is running along. Um we are not stopping
Thursday: Wow Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both in one day..so crazy!
Oh did I tell you that last week there were laker fans galore. They were taking all the seats. It was like a sea of yellow and purple.
On Tuesday I was watching two Deaf guys have a conversation. It was so animated. the were talking so fast. Almost as fast as my family speaks spanish. HAHA Then ther was a Guy freaked out on metro. He wants a train to go north. He has no idea where he is going. Seemed a bit off. He jumped off the subway and ran upstairs to the amtrak trains and then tried to get a ticket to santa barbara for like 5 bucks.
Wednesday: the metro door closes and some drunk tourist runs and trys to open the doors as we drive away. keeps pushing the button as he is running along. Um we are not stopping
Thursday: Wow Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both in one day..so crazy!
Oh did I tell you that last week there were laker fans galore. They were taking all the seats. It was like a sea of yellow and purple.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Why do people stand right in front of the train doors before they open? Don't they realize that people have to get off? I like to just stand there in the doorway so they can't get on until they move out of my way.
Why is it that men with all that nasty chest hair wear their shirts unbuttoned all the way, but men with awesome chests usually button up?
If u owned a pair of jeans that were ripped on both side in the thigh would you wear them and call it stylish?
There is a lady on the metro cutting her toenails. Ewe!
I have just seen a guy with a comb forward, come over and comb over wave.
Why is it that men with all that nasty chest hair wear their shirts unbuttoned all the way, but men with awesome chests usually button up?
If u owned a pair of jeans that were ripped on both side in the thigh would you wear them and call it stylish?
There is a lady on the metro cutting her toenails. Ewe!
I have just seen a guy with a comb forward, come over and comb over wave.

NEW - Last month
This happened last month-I guess I forgot to hit publish.
A disheveled lady just got on the train with two black garbage bags full of stuff. she was banging all the chairs as she walked by then her bag started vibrating...I thought it was her cell. She looked like she had one hell of a day. Then get this it was not her cell phone...it was her VIBRATORS! Seriously! She was like ooops my vibrators are going off, dont want anyone to know i do that. ok then she is starting to scare me. she just jumped up and is staring at me then was video taping me - CRAZY. Maybe I am being punked! Then she just moved. Here she comes again
I saw this young couple meet and get drunk together on the train. The girl rubbed her beer bottle with her lime and then lined it with salt. That way she can keep licking the bottle neck before she drinks...now that is not suggestive at ALL!
A disheveled lady just got on the train with two black garbage bags full of stuff. she was banging all the chairs as she walked by then her bag started vibrating...I thought it was her cell. She looked like she had one hell of a day. Then get this it was not her cell phone...it was her VIBRATORS! Seriously! She was like ooops my vibrators are going off, dont want anyone to know i do that. ok then she is starting to scare me. she just jumped up and is staring at me then was video taping me - CRAZY. Maybe I am being punked! Then she just moved. Here she comes again
I saw this young couple meet and get drunk together on the train. The girl rubbed her beer bottle with her lime and then lined it with salt. That way she can keep licking the bottle neck before she drinks...now that is not suggestive at ALL!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I am sorry for not writing in a long time. The train has been quiet . Well yesterday was definitely a crazy one. This being my last official week on the amtrak...of course it had to go out with a bang. The AM train was a hour and half late. But I was not about to drive as I had did that on Wednesday and swear never to do that again. People who do that are crazy. Needless to say I stood there and talked to Roy the whole time. Roy and I became friends from the beginning of this journey. He told me that it was very great to meet me and he wished me well. I told him maybe i'd see him getting off in Irvine sometimes as I was getting on if I stayed there that night. Good news is that the train had a sleepy car because God know Wednesday was a very long day.
My last day on amtrak was pretty uneventful. Sadly there was no sleepy car. I found a seat and went to sleep. Then around Irvine a very loud dude got on the train. He was one of those people that their laugh and voice carry long distance and loudly. The next station a pretty nice looking guy sat next to me. We just slept. That night I left work to get on the 510 train and when I got there the train was delayed an hour and half. Well I made the best of it and worked at the bar in the train station. Well got to go out with a bang!
Metro stories to follow. Really will try to write more often.
My last day on amtrak was pretty uneventful. Sadly there was no sleepy car. I found a seat and went to sleep. Then around Irvine a very loud dude got on the train. He was one of those people that their laugh and voice carry long distance and loudly. The next station a pretty nice looking guy sat next to me. We just slept. That night I left work to get on the 510 train and when I got there the train was delayed an hour and half. Well I made the best of it and worked at the bar in the train station. Well got to go out with a bang!
Metro stories to follow. Really will try to write more often.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I officially apologize to u all for not posting in a long time. Other things have got in my way. Life doesn't stop...i just found that out. Haha. I still have to write about my horrible Friday a few weeks ago. It is official I am a curtain opener magnet! if some one wants to pull open the drapes from the darkness they always sit by me. Today, a lady yelling at an older couple for boarding before we got off. Seriously rude. I saw Dolphins again last week. I am really going to miss these beautiful sunsets. Tonight while we passing San Clemente some one threw something at the Window. It was just a big thug. Last Friday on the way to LA to catch my cruise a teen jumped in front of the train to kill himself. Then seconds before we hit him he jumped out.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Ok so I am downstairs in the sleepy car and I am sound asleep in the back row all by myself and it is very dark, oh and I don't feel well. It is like an oaisis. Really like one because all of a sudden this jerky guy comes in sit across from...there are plenty of other open seats and he yanks open the curtains completely and just starts reading his paper. Never once even acknowledging me. Even though I practically jump out of my seat startled! Seriously! What the heck? Who does that crap? So totally rude! Wow I guess some people only care about themselves. I am so annoyed! oh well guess I really did not need the nap. He better be reading the los angeles time!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Ok tell me this...you are late for the train and as you are walking towards the station and you see the train pulling in. So you start running but u only have your backpack on one shoulder and u r talking on ur phone. Why? Seriously hang up ur phone, put your backpack on and run. No you'd rather look dumb and run with your arms flailing all over and chance missing the train. Well I hope that call was really worth it I walked with the amish today. Saw my first masked couple today. No swine flu for them. Lol. Well it s friday May first and 6 different marches were held downtown today. Pictures will be sent soon. I also had a friend from work ride the train home with me. He made fun of me for taking the pictures of the marches. We laughed at people together
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Were speakerphones invented so that we all can hear every word in conversations? So that "reporters" like me never have to guess what is being said on the other line. Kind of makes things boring, I like making up what is being said on the other side. My stories are usually more interesting. Also why don't people turn their cell phones on vibrate instead of the loudest ringer possible.
The man down the way keeps saying kill two birds with one stone. I wonder who came up with that saying. It is just so morbid. I mean did someone one day throw a stone at a couple of birds and someone else say "wow you knocked out two things at once. Cool I wish I could get things done two at a time, like killing two birds with one stone." the apple is back! Gross.
The man down the way keeps saying kill two birds with one stone. I wonder who came up with that saying. It is just so morbid. I mean did someone one day throw a stone at a couple of birds and someone else say "wow you knocked out two things at once. Cool I wish I could get things done two at a time, like killing two birds with one stone." the apple is back! Gross.
It is a bit chilly this morning waiting for the train. John, Roy and I were hanging out talking about credit cards. We were discussing how th apr's are fluxuating and how it use to in the past years ago that if you missed a payment your card was shut down and you could not get another one until it was paid off and you cleared your credit. What happened to those days? I am just saying people would be more responsible with there money if that was how things still were. The credit companies and banks would not need bailing out if they were not just handing credit cards out like candy. I'm guilty of credit card abuse and would really have loved the lesson from the past, I would not be in the debt I am in now. I think that many people don't know care.
Monday, April 20, 2009
4/20/09 - updated from this morning
Well today I felt like I was running late but really wasn't. Thing is I slept horribly last night it was too hot that I tossed and turned all night. I'm more tired today than usual. I got to that station right on time and the train is announced to be 30 mins late. Oh fun. Oh well what to you do? I am sure as heck not driving. So I sat down and enjoyed my book, my coffee and the very loud man next to me's conversation. Hello! Speakerphone is not needed on the train platform. We don't care about your conversation especially since it was in another language. I mean if you are gonna use speakerphone at least speak English so we can all enjoy the conversation. P.s. My ipod is dead...no music to sleep to. Boo hoo.
Well it is 6pm on April 20th and here in sunny California it is still about 80 degrees outside. As I sit here in my big cushioned, very well air conditioned lazy boy chair in my mobile home I like to call Amtrak, I have to admit I am a tab bit jealous of all the people who are out on the beach right now as we are passing by. I have always found myself lucky to be able to see the sunrise and sunset daily over the mountains and down through the ocean. Today is no different. However, today there are hundreds of people on the beach. Families, friends, surfers, volleyball players, sand castle builders, sea shell hunters and of course the hot lifeguards keeping everyone safe. What a precious (some what spoiled) life we have here in Cali. There are small waves crashing on the sandy shore. There are children running, laughing, playing in the sand, swinging and just enjoying life. We can learn a lot from children...some times we all forget to just let go and give our worries up to God or who ever/whatever you may believe in. Kids don't worry, they just keep going. As the sun sets over Oceanside a family of Dolphins are swimming and jumping past me. What a beautiful and amazing world we have. I thank God every day for the amazing things I have in my life...especially all of you - my friend and family.
Well it is 6pm on April 20th and here in sunny California it is still about 80 degrees outside. As I sit here in my big cushioned, very well air conditioned lazy boy chair in my mobile home I like to call Amtrak, I have to admit I am a tab bit jealous of all the people who are out on the beach right now as we are passing by. I have always found myself lucky to be able to see the sunrise and sunset daily over the mountains and down through the ocean. Today is no different. However, today there are hundreds of people on the beach. Families, friends, surfers, volleyball players, sand castle builders, sea shell hunters and of course the hot lifeguards keeping everyone safe. What a precious (some what spoiled) life we have here in Cali. There are small waves crashing on the sandy shore. There are children running, laughing, playing in the sand, swinging and just enjoying life. We can learn a lot from children...some times we all forget to just let go and give our worries up to God or who ever/whatever you may believe in. Kids don't worry, they just keep going. As the sun sets over Oceanside a family of Dolphins are swimming and jumping past me. What a beautiful and amazing world we have. I thank God every day for the amazing things I have in my life...especially all of you - my friend and family.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Did not sleep much today but go little cat naps. Well we just left fabulous Fullerton and I decided I should probably get up. Well actually the people behind me on family vacation decided I should get up. Yak yak yak. Then it happened after weeks of winning...my nemesis won! Nooo Oh remember the girl from october or november who asked me about prop 8 and we had a great talk then she'd never sit by me again? You don't! Whatever. Lol Her name is Whitney. Well she and I had a great convo on the way to the subway. She told me that last week she saw two ladies fighting on the subway. This morning I saw a man in suit running up elevator in his socks. Guessing late for court? He must be the key witness in a robbery. Lol get it? You will...wait for it...wait
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
one liners...you'll ponder at
The following happened to me in the last week:
Last week I say the blind literally leading the Blind
What you ever seen a grow man with tourette's, I just did. Well I am not sure, he might just be crazy and cussing for at the voices in his head.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one freezing on the train
So would you rather be Protestant and drink stinking grape juice or Catholic and get to drink Wine?
Do they call those little glasses we use for communion shot glasses?
Why would someone ride all the way from LA to SD with their nose smashed onto the window?
Do couple who fight in front of other people on metro think we are interested in their lives or am I famous and they know I write a blog and they want to be in it?
Do you think the singing solicitor (refer to prior posts) is really a starving artist, crazy lady or someone who just really likes christmas songs?
Do you think the older man that sits next to me a lot on the train knows he does it or I just happen to sit in his chair a lot?
Do you think a man with a scrunchy (circa the 80's)around his wrist is wishing he had more hair to wear it in or just thinks he is stylish?
Do you think that a just because a man can pee any where he wants that it is ok to walk to a corner of the station and piss is appropriate?
I can now update my blog from my cell phone...160 characters at a time. That should lead to come good post. LOL
Last week I say the blind literally leading the Blind
What you ever seen a grow man with tourette's, I just did. Well I am not sure, he might just be crazy and cussing for at the voices in his head.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one freezing on the train
So would you rather be Protestant and drink stinking grape juice or Catholic and get to drink Wine?
Do they call those little glasses we use for communion shot glasses?
Why would someone ride all the way from LA to SD with their nose smashed onto the window?
Do couple who fight in front of other people on metro think we are interested in their lives or am I famous and they know I write a blog and they want to be in it?
Do you think the singing solicitor (refer to prior posts) is really a starving artist, crazy lady or someone who just really likes christmas songs?
Do you think the older man that sits next to me a lot on the train knows he does it or I just happen to sit in his chair a lot?
Do you think a man with a scrunchy (circa the 80's)around his wrist is wishing he had more hair to wear it in or just thinks he is stylish?
Do you think that a just because a man can pee any where he wants that it is ok to walk to a corner of the station and piss is appropriate?
I can now update my blog from my cell phone...160 characters at a time. That should lead to come good post. LOL
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I need help
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Broken Down Train
Picture this:
You get to the train on time and there are tons more people than there is normally. You find a seat and you get ready to work. About 10 minutes later the train takes off toward Fullerton. As I am sitting there working I start feeling very hot. I kept thinking this place is hot today. (sidenote - it is usually freezing). So as we pull into Fullerton they totally shut down the train and we sit there for a few minutes. Then over the intercom I heard that the train his having some problems and we would be shut down for a bit. About 10 minutes later they came back on the intercom and said that we are shut down for awhile. I decided to walk over to the cafe, but then I started to have flash backs of how slow they are over there. Remember when Anthony, Bryan and I took the train to see my parents and they took so long that my mom had to run up the stairs over the bridge and then back down the stairs to the closing doors of the train? Well I almost started having heart problems about how long she was taking to make my nachos just thinking about the train pulling away with my laptop on it. Oh yeah I was sweating. I grabbed the food ran up the stairs over the bridge and down the stairs and as i got to the train door pools of people start coming out. So now I have ran up and down the stairs, stressed myself out about the train leaving and then this. Everyone is told to go to track #1 where the train will be arriving there instead of the normal track #3. So for like another 10 minutes we all sat around waiting for the 5:10pm train from LA. Two Metrolinks come and go and then over the station intercom you hear: Attentions Amtrak ticket holders the south bound Amtrak will now be arriving on track #3. Please head over to track #3. It was like herding cats. We all turned around and headed right back up the stairs over the bridge and back down the stairs. Finally I am on my way home. Ok to be honest if this happens more often I would not enjoy the train much longer. LOL 4 hours to get home.
Oh there was also this Asian guy on the train, who I really dont think has taken a train before. When he got on in LA he found a seat and when the Conductor walked by to collect the tickets he said "Oh customer service agent, customer service agent here is my ticket." Then about 5 minutes later when Javon the Conductor walked by again he said "Excuse me Customer Service do you serve a meal on this ride?" Javon looked at him and said there is a cafe two cars down where you can buy food. The guy got up and 3 minutes later came back with no food. Then when he was on the other train with me he also called the new Conductor Customer Serivce Agent. Oh boy what happened next was great. He was sitting by himself in the 4 seat section that is reserved for groups of 3 or 4. When a family got on in Anaheim the conductor told him he'd have to move so that the family could sit there.
He said "You need to find me a seat."
C: "I dont have to find you a seat, you need to get up and find a seat"
Man: "No you find me seat, I pay"
C: "Sir you need to get up and move these are reserved for groups."
Man: "I not move you find me a seat"
C: "Sir you get up now or I will find you a seat off this train. So move or get off the train.
Man: "I find my seat"
LOL - sad for the man but good times for me. Oh and you because you get to read this.

You get to the train on time and there are tons more people than there is normally. You find a seat and you get ready to work. About 10 minutes later the train takes off toward Fullerton. As I am sitting there working I start feeling very hot. I kept thinking this place is hot today. (sidenote - it is usually freezing). So as we pull into Fullerton they totally shut down the train and we sit there for a few minutes. Then over the intercom I heard that the train his having some problems and we would be shut down for a bit. About 10 minutes later they came back on the intercom and said that we are shut down for awhile. I decided to walk over to the cafe, but then I started to have flash backs of how slow they are over there. Remember when Anthony, Bryan and I took the train to see my parents and they took so long that my mom had to run up the stairs over the bridge and then back down the stairs to the closing doors of the train? Well I almost started having heart problems about how long she was taking to make my nachos just thinking about the train pulling away with my laptop on it. Oh yeah I was sweating. I grabbed the food ran up the stairs over the bridge and down the stairs and as i got to the train door pools of people start coming out. So now I have ran up and down the stairs, stressed myself out about the train leaving and then this. Everyone is told to go to track #1 where the train will be arriving there instead of the normal track #3. So for like another 10 minutes we all sat around waiting for the 5:10pm train from LA. Two Metrolinks come and go and then over the station intercom you hear: Attentions Amtrak ticket holders the south bound Amtrak will now be arriving on track #3. Please head over to track #3. It was like herding cats. We all turned around and headed right back up the stairs over the bridge and back down the stairs. Finally I am on my way home. Ok to be honest if this happens more often I would not enjoy the train much longer. LOL 4 hours to get home.
Oh there was also this Asian guy on the train, who I really dont think has taken a train before. When he got on in LA he found a seat and when the Conductor walked by to collect the tickets he said "Oh customer service agent, customer service agent here is my ticket." Then about 5 minutes later when Javon the Conductor walked by again he said "Excuse me Customer Service do you serve a meal on this ride?" Javon looked at him and said there is a cafe two cars down where you can buy food. The guy got up and 3 minutes later came back with no food. Then when he was on the other train with me he also called the new Conductor Customer Serivce Agent. Oh boy what happened next was great. He was sitting by himself in the 4 seat section that is reserved for groups of 3 or 4. When a family got on in Anaheim the conductor told him he'd have to move so that the family could sit there.
He said "You need to find me a seat."
C: "I dont have to find you a seat, you need to get up and find a seat"
Man: "No you find me seat, I pay"
C: "Sir you need to get up and move these are reserved for groups."
Man: "I not move you find me a seat"
C: "Sir you get up now or I will find you a seat off this train. So move or get off the train.
Man: "I find my seat"
LOL - sad for the man but good times for me. Oh and you because you get to read this.

Queen of the Amtrak
Over the last few weeks they have been really skimping on the sleepy car. We are maybe getting it once a week. Today we were all standing like normal waiting for the train and again no sleepy car. There was a group groan and we all said we wanted out car back. I even said that they need to put a sign on it that says monthly commuters only.
Yesterday we were standing around waiting for the train and I started mentioning about the people who I have not seen around in a while. Turns out a few of the ladies had been laid off. One was sick and took time off. Then this guy (a regular) said look at you...you're the queen of the Amtrak. LOL That day I met 3 more of the regulars that I now talk to every morning. Roy and I always arrive at the exact same time in the morning. No they are all older and married so don't ask.
I figured my loyal readers would like to see what my dressing room.

Today, them not having sleepy car over the last few days, was all made up with the best place ever. The sleepy car had a bottom level of seat with NO LIGHTS. It was like heaven. Look:

I slept in the very back row of the right side.
Yesterday we were standing around waiting for the train and I started mentioning about the people who I have not seen around in a while. Turns out a few of the ladies had been laid off. One was sick and took time off. Then this guy (a regular) said look at you...you're the queen of the Amtrak. LOL That day I met 3 more of the regulars that I now talk to every morning. Roy and I always arrive at the exact same time in the morning. No they are all older and married so don't ask.
I figured my loyal readers would like to see what my dressing room.

Today, them not having sleepy car over the last few days, was all made up with the best place ever. The sleepy car had a bottom level of seat with NO LIGHTS. It was like heaven. Look:

I slept in the very back row of the right side.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Just another Amish Monday ooo ooo
Nine o'clock already
Thought I was just in the middle of a dream
I was watching all the Amish
pile out and asking for directions as a team
But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish ou were Amish made
It's just another Amish Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another Amish Monday
They always catch the early train
their alarm clock is a wind chime
And if they were offered an air-o-plane
they'd just turn it down all the time
It doesn't takes them so long
Just to figure out what their gonna wear
The shun our society
and wont let me in..it's not fair
The Amish what a site
why did they have to fill my dreams last night
I think it is their cheese
If you find it in your store
Buy some...pretty please
Can't seem to find it and driving has become a bore.
Just then i heard a voice
C'mon honey, come make a choice
They are offering me all their products
in exchange for my soul, sound like a fair price
(the bangles did not know how to rhyme there either)
It's just another Amish Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another Amish Monday
Thought I was just in the middle of a dream
I was watching all the Amish
pile out and asking for directions as a team
But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish ou were Amish made
It's just another Amish Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another Amish Monday
They always catch the early train
their alarm clock is a wind chime
And if they were offered an air-o-plane
they'd just turn it down all the time
It doesn't takes them so long
Just to figure out what their gonna wear
The shun our society
and wont let me in..it's not fair
The Amish what a site
why did they have to fill my dreams last night
I think it is their cheese
If you find it in your store
Buy some...pretty please
Can't seem to find it and driving has become a bore.
Just then i heard a voice
C'mon honey, come make a choice
They are offering me all their products
in exchange for my soul, sound like a fair price
(the bangles did not know how to rhyme there either)
It's just another Amish Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another Amish Monday
Thursday, March 26, 2009
WHATEVER - am I invisible?
So the other day I saw this guy sit down a couple rows ahead of me. Then like 5 minutes later he got up and switched seats. Then a couple more minutes when by and he moved again and then again. Finally coming to rest in seat number 4. Ah CRAZY.
Did I tell you about the old man that sat next to me last week that was reading "The Women of Natzi Germany" No really he was. It is going to be my next book too. NOT
This cute guy and of course married got on the train the other day and as he was trying to settle in he spilled his coffee. I just looked over and smiled and said would you like me to hold your coffee? He was so embarrassed and thanked me like 5 times.
Oh and remember how I was told that I could ride the metro as long as I had my monthly amtrak pass and then I was told to buy a ticket. Now I have to buy 2 tickets and maybe even 3. LAME LAME LAME!
Do you believe in the invisible woman? Did you know that I am the invisible woman? So this lady and her friend came wobbling down the aisle of the train. She past my seat then yelled at her friend "Helen let's sit down I can't keep walking" then without looking she plopped her ass the chair next to me almost sitting on my purse. I pulled it out just quick enough and then she sat down swung her purse around and hit me. Never even looked my way. Then she moved her purse again and hit me, all the while bitching an moaning to her friend about how sick she was feeling and how she needed a seat downstairs. I was thinking in my head MOVE LADY or shut up. All the while I had the following conversation with my boss:
teresaperkins21 (4:32:13 PM): and now there is a lady sitting next to me on the train that already sat on my purse, hit me with her purse 3 times and then still does not acknowledge i am here and now she wont stop complaining to her friend in the next aisle
teresaperkins21 (4:32:30 PM): what a day
teresaperkins21 (4:32:31 PM): lol
My boss(4:33:03 PM): yea, i had to stop taking the train for a few days cuz i was getting a bad attitude mysefl
My Boss(4:33:05 PM): headphone time
teresaperkins21 (4:33:48 PM): If I'm not at work tomorrow check the fullerton prison...I may need a ride
teresaperkins21 (4:33:51 PM): and bail
My Boss (4:33:57 PM): no problem!
teresaperkins21 (4:34:04 PM):
teresaperkins21 (4:34:56 PM): I think I wil just cough on her until she thnks I am passing my germs on her. She is wearing leather gloves.
My boss (4:35:30 PM): a germaphobe, yea, how fun!
teresaperkins21 (4:39:43 PM): and she's gone.
My Boss (4:39:53 PM): cool
teresaperkins21 (4:40:05 PM): I do good work at annoying people
Boss (4:40:12 PM): you are funny
Did I tell you about the old man that sat next to me last week that was reading "The Women of Natzi Germany" No really he was. It is going to be my next book too. NOT
This cute guy and of course married got on the train the other day and as he was trying to settle in he spilled his coffee. I just looked over and smiled and said would you like me to hold your coffee? He was so embarrassed and thanked me like 5 times.
Oh and remember how I was told that I could ride the metro as long as I had my monthly amtrak pass and then I was told to buy a ticket. Now I have to buy 2 tickets and maybe even 3. LAME LAME LAME!
Do you believe in the invisible woman? Did you know that I am the invisible woman? So this lady and her friend came wobbling down the aisle of the train. She past my seat then yelled at her friend "Helen let's sit down I can't keep walking" then without looking she plopped her ass the chair next to me almost sitting on my purse. I pulled it out just quick enough and then she sat down swung her purse around and hit me. Never even looked my way. Then she moved her purse again and hit me, all the while bitching an moaning to her friend about how sick she was feeling and how she needed a seat downstairs. I was thinking in my head MOVE LADY or shut up. All the while I had the following conversation with my boss:
teresaperkins21 (4:32:13 PM): and now there is a lady sitting next to me on the train that already sat on my purse, hit me with her purse 3 times and then still does not acknowledge i am here and now she wont stop complaining to her friend in the next aisle
teresaperkins21 (4:32:30 PM): what a day
teresaperkins21 (4:32:31 PM): lol
My boss(4:33:03 PM): yea, i had to stop taking the train for a few days cuz i was getting a bad attitude mysefl
My Boss(4:33:05 PM): headphone time
teresaperkins21 (4:33:48 PM): If I'm not at work tomorrow check the fullerton prison...I may need a ride
teresaperkins21 (4:33:51 PM): and bail
My Boss (4:33:57 PM): no problem!
teresaperkins21 (4:34:04 PM):
teresaperkins21 (4:34:56 PM): I think I wil just cough on her until she thnks I am passing my germs on her. She is wearing leather gloves.
My boss (4:35:30 PM): a germaphobe, yea, how fun!
teresaperkins21 (4:39:43 PM): and she's gone.
My Boss (4:39:53 PM): cool
teresaperkins21 (4:40:05 PM): I do good work at annoying people
Boss (4:40:12 PM): you are funny
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pointless observations of a tired train rider (long)

Ok so right now it is 9:36pm on Saturday night and I am on the train home. I am sitting in the sleepy car. I think I might be the only person in the whole car. We are stopped in Laguna Niguel for on coming traffic. I decided that I should probably update my blog. Because Mrs. Elliott will yell at me again. I promise to try to update this more frequently.
This has been a pretty interesting week. I've taken on a few new things in my life over the last few weeks. I've started to work out for 30 minutes M/W/F at the gym at work during lunch. It is a great stress reliever to have in the middle of the day. I've got a roommate again. Bryan is back sleeping in "his" room with me, as Chad came home two Thursdays ago. I've started back into the dating field. But as we all know that train has not been a successful dating zone. LOL. I've put a date on the calendar to move out of the Pealo house. It is official as of June 2009 I will be looking for my next place to live...don't ask where I am too tired to go through all my thoughts on that. Lastly, I have resigned from the position of Nursery Director at my church due to the uncertainty of where I am going to be living in the next few months. Oh yeah gave up drinking for lent and so far so good.
Ok now that I have caught you up on my life let's get back to the train. Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days. Wednesday I made it to the train right on time, just enough for it to open the doors and let me on. Hmmm I might want to leave the house a little earlier next time. The problem that day was that I was staying in LA that night to spend time with Denise and I had to carry my bigger bag to the car and the train plus my purse and this time plus a bag for my sister to give to my mom. I was a little bogged down. Wednesday night on the Metro home was surprisingly boring, can you believe it? (side note a cute guy just walked by and smiled at me) Oh forgot to mention I finished another book - The Wizard of Oz. If you have not read it I recommend it. It is similar to the movie but is more dark and wild. I really liked and was so excited every time I could tell my Dad all about it. Back the rails. Thursday morning I carpooled with my Dad again and took the metro to work. When I got on the greenline in Redondo Beach there was an older mexican man sleeping in the train car. See the weird thing is that the Redondo Beach station is the last station of the line so he should have gotten off, but he didn't. Well at every stop I looked back at the man and he never moved. About 3 stations later I began to hope and pray that this man was just sleeping and not "sleeping" the eternal sleep. Then after about 3 more stops I turned around and he had shifted his position so I felt a lot better. Shew! That would have been a crazy story!
On the way home on Thursday night as I was stepping off the escalator to walk into the Amtrak station I saw a man in a wheel chair go rolling towards the escalator. Oh the horrible thoughts that went through my head. I was so scared for the man. But like a pro he turned around and went backwards down the escalator popping a wheelie. Seriously! It was so awesome to watch. There was a conductor on the train on Thursday that was seriously PMSing. She was mean. She was on the loud speaker saying "If it is not living, breathing or holding a ticket, get it off the chair next to you or you will be paying for a second ticket." LOL There was also a very large group of German teenagers. The never stopped talking the whole way there. This was also the day that the lady next to me's husband called her and told her about the flying money on the 15 freeway and how he got 300 dollars of it. Come to find out that there was a car chase and the suspects threw the money out of the window to distract the cops. Didn't work - they lost. They always lose.
On Friday I took the metro line home and staying in LA. I went to a friend's 30th birthday party and then to Cowboy Country to see Christian Simmons and meet up with someone. Fun for all. This little girl and her grandma got on the blueline together with the prettiest little pink bike with a balloon attached that said happy birthday. OMG she was so adorable and so happy. I tried to take a picture but I couldn't. I miss my kids at preschool. I had such a great bond with them. Oh well I needed to get a better job.
I think I have written quite enough for now. Hope you enjoyed it. Talk to you soon.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Citation...ahh no thanks don't need another one of those
So for the last 6 months I have been staying in LA like one day a week and using my Amtrak ticket to ride the metro rail. Then today I walk out saw the cops and hoped it would work again. But NO, this mega woman cop. We do not accept those. I don't care if you have been using it for 6 months. Now either purchase a ticket for today or I can give you a citation. I turned from her and said I will gladly purchase a $1.25 ticket.
So last week I started to get sick and it kept coming. This week I have become that ANNOYING person who coughs the whole time you are on the train. I even annoyed myself. This Asian lady got on the train today and she had an awesome outfit on. Her tights are sparkly, but you cant tell.

So today we started a new game on the platform while waiting for the train. We all gather where we think the train is going to stop and open the doors. Everyone gets into it. Today you heard all these grown adults grown when we were off by a few steps.
Have I told you that I have become an awesome Surfer? Yeah go fig I never thought I had it in me. LOL I surf everyday on the subway. They like to stop and go a lot and you have to shift your body so that you never fall over or bump anyone else. LOL Oh and it is so good for my knees! NOT.
Ewe tonight I had the "privileged" (or not) of hearing a Dad talk horribly to his son. He was telling him that he needed to grow up and take control of his life. I guess he got another ticket and his dad was hoping that this would make him finally wake up. Told him that he is not living up to his potential. Kept saying you need to wake up. He said a 2.8 in his book is a failure. This Dad thinks USD is a only a mediocre school. I felt horrible for his son. But I also felt sooo blessed to have the parents I have. Thanks Moms and Pops.
There was no sleeper car today and again you heard grown adults whine. LOL Then worse the rude couple sat behind me and kept slamming their tables and shaking my chair. Ooooh I was not happy. Of course when I looked back they were all cuddly...yes I am jealous.
The last thing for this post is that I just finished my latest book "The Wizard of Oz". WOW this books is very different from the movie. It was very graphic and dark. I loved it though. I got so much pleasure out of telling my Dad about all of the cool twists and differences. I would recommend it to anyone. You can really see the images when you read it because of the movie. I give it a thumbs up. AGAIN I rock at choosing books.
So last week I started to get sick and it kept coming. This week I have become that ANNOYING person who coughs the whole time you are on the train. I even annoyed myself. This Asian lady got on the train today and she had an awesome outfit on. Her tights are sparkly, but you cant tell.

So today we started a new game on the platform while waiting for the train. We all gather where we think the train is going to stop and open the doors. Everyone gets into it. Today you heard all these grown adults grown when we were off by a few steps.
Have I told you that I have become an awesome Surfer? Yeah go fig I never thought I had it in me. LOL I surf everyday on the subway. They like to stop and go a lot and you have to shift your body so that you never fall over or bump anyone else. LOL Oh and it is so good for my knees! NOT.
Ewe tonight I had the "privileged" (or not) of hearing a Dad talk horribly to his son. He was telling him that he needed to grow up and take control of his life. I guess he got another ticket and his dad was hoping that this would make him finally wake up. Told him that he is not living up to his potential. Kept saying you need to wake up. He said a 2.8 in his book is a failure. This Dad thinks USD is a only a mediocre school. I felt horrible for his son. But I also felt sooo blessed to have the parents I have. Thanks Moms and Pops.
There was no sleeper car today and again you heard grown adults whine. LOL Then worse the rude couple sat behind me and kept slamming their tables and shaking my chair. Ooooh I was not happy. Of course when I looked back they were all cuddly...yes I am jealous.
The last thing for this post is that I just finished my latest book "The Wizard of Oz". WOW this books is very different from the movie. It was very graphic and dark. I loved it though. I got so much pleasure out of telling my Dad about all of the cool twists and differences. I would recommend it to anyone. You can really see the images when you read it because of the movie. I give it a thumbs up. AGAIN I rock at choosing books.
Monday, March 16, 2009
DCK??? Now I know why I am broke
I saw a guy today with a bag with the initials DCK. I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants. DCK!!!!!!! Anyone else think this is funny? Just me? Fine.
Ewe today this guy sat next to me for about 1/2 the trip and chewed on his cuticle the whole time. He must have been very very hungry.
Today I realized that no one will sit by you if you sit going backwards on the train. LOL. With the time change I now get to see some very beautiful sunsets and I also get to see some hot guys playing volleyball. LUCKY ME!
Today I hit snooze and luckily the great American Cat alarm woke me up in time to get to the train. I jumped up and feed my alarm, got dresses and ran out the door. Not only did I miss my alarm I get on the train and my ipod (anthony's) is dead. AHHHHHH no music to drown out the rest of the people on the train. Oh yeah and I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. Yeah this is gonna be a great day. Did I mention that there is a lady behind me that was filing her nails. That sound drives me nuts.
This morning the elevator was pretty full and someone sarcastically said how many people can we fit in here? I said flatly, 20 or 3000 lbs. Nobody laughed and nobody made a comment. I thought it was pretty funny.
I took the metro home to my parents house today. The a homeless man walked on and gave some sob story and guess who forked up a buck. The guy next to me said "he's been telling that story for 9 months now." I said "Well God has blessed my and I like to give back when I have a chance. Since I never carry cash I guess that when I do have cash I feel like it is a sign to give it out. But seriously, I probably should just carry change. When I got on the green line, a few African guys got into the train and proceeded to have a beat box party on the train behind me. Rapping and beat boxing for about 4 exits. I rather hear/and see that type beating opposed to the other type I saw last month.
Ewe today this guy sat next to me for about 1/2 the trip and chewed on his cuticle the whole time. He must have been very very hungry.
Today I realized that no one will sit by you if you sit going backwards on the train. LOL. With the time change I now get to see some very beautiful sunsets and I also get to see some hot guys playing volleyball. LUCKY ME!
Today I hit snooze and luckily the great American Cat alarm woke me up in time to get to the train. I jumped up and feed my alarm, got dresses and ran out the door. Not only did I miss my alarm I get on the train and my ipod (anthony's) is dead. AHHHHHH no music to drown out the rest of the people on the train. Oh yeah and I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. Yeah this is gonna be a great day. Did I mention that there is a lady behind me that was filing her nails. That sound drives me nuts.
This morning the elevator was pretty full and someone sarcastically said how many people can we fit in here? I said flatly, 20 or 3000 lbs. Nobody laughed and nobody made a comment. I thought it was pretty funny.
I took the metro home to my parents house today. The a homeless man walked on and gave some sob story and guess who forked up a buck. The guy next to me said "he's been telling that story for 9 months now." I said "Well God has blessed my and I like to give back when I have a chance. Since I never carry cash I guess that when I do have cash I feel like it is a sign to give it out. But seriously, I probably should just carry change. When I got on the green line, a few African guys got into the train and proceeded to have a beat box party on the train behind me. Rapping and beat boxing for about 4 exits. I rather hear/and see that type beating opposed to the other type I saw last month.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Am I still asleep? Pinch me
This morning I was talking the metro to work, because I stayed in LA. So on the green line a very hurt and dirty homeless man was asking for money. I gave his the change from my purse which was only pennies. I had some money but did not give it to him. I feel and felt so guilty. I could have helped him. I could have feed him for a day. And I did nothing because I am selfish. He had horrible teeth, not very many either. His hands were all cut up and dirty. He then thanked me for the pennies like it was the best thing in the world. I apologized or not having more to give him...liar. He said no no thank you so much. I once at the whole day on pennies. If you ask enough people you get lots. I went back to reading my book and he smiled at me and said be careful you may catch something...knowledge. He told me he used to be a bookworm. I smiled and said really. He said yes, he used to be very smart and loved to read. Then he stood up and started to recite a poem. He had tears in his eye and in his voice but he stood proud. It killed me. I was so choked up. It was so funny and good. He said not bad for a 15 year old boy huh? I wrote that when I was 15 years old and waited on it for 30 years. Than I won first prize on poetry.com. This man touched me so much, but as I went to reach for my dollars he was gone. God has really blessed me by the people I meet on the train. This guy was God's way of saying to me I have blessed you, your time to give back. Guess who failed. Yep me. He was a very nice man, humble and proud, but not afraid ask for help. We can all learn a lesson from him. Stand proud, be humble but never be afraid to ask for help.
Then around Hawthorne blvd a lady got on the train sat down across from me and then she looked at me and started to talk to my in Spanish. I kept answering in English. She kept going and I kept answering in English. Then she asked me something and I said I don't know and she got annoyed with me. Here is what I am thinking. If you can understand English and I keep answering you in English and you are not getting the answer you want then HELL ask your question in English. Because seriously I only understood a little over 1/4 of our conversation. So if she got lost it is not my fault.
On to the Blue line after only one exit on comes this "lady" about my height and skinny, no hair and very masculine looking. She stands up and with the tiniest voice every ans starts singing a Christmas song. "Jolly old Saint Nicholas lean your ear this way don't you tell a single soul what I am going to say..." then she changed the words in to a song about Jesus Christ coming to save all of our souls. She just kept singing. Then when she was done in that tiny little voice she asked if anyone had any spare change. I gave her a dollar and so did someone else. Then she drops to her knees and louder than before...if it was possible and now in a very very low manly voice she started singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" SERIOUSLY this really happened. She was singing and singing. WOW I can't believe this was happening.
When she left the guy next to me and I just started laughing and talking about the crazy things we've seen on the metro. He said that there is a guy that can pop out both of his eyes. He said it is the grossest thing ever. He's seen a break dancing Mexican and a man with a guitar that sings his own songs and he said is real good. Then we started to talk about the smelly people we have sat by. LOL Then he told me about how one night he was coming home from being out late drinking and he had no idea how much he smelled. Then he used to work in a fish market and man he said I smelled worse than anything ever. I hope I am NEVER the smelly girl. HAHA
Can you believe all of that happened in one short one hour trip? Anyone want to join me? Until next time
P.S. on Friday I rode home with a girl from work. She was going to San Diego for her mom's birthday. It was nice to have a friend.
Then around Hawthorne blvd a lady got on the train sat down across from me and then she looked at me and started to talk to my in Spanish. I kept answering in English. She kept going and I kept answering in English. Then she asked me something and I said I don't know and she got annoyed with me. Here is what I am thinking. If you can understand English and I keep answering you in English and you are not getting the answer you want then HELL ask your question in English. Because seriously I only understood a little over 1/4 of our conversation. So if she got lost it is not my fault.
On to the Blue line after only one exit on comes this "lady" about my height and skinny, no hair and very masculine looking. She stands up and with the tiniest voice every ans starts singing a Christmas song. "Jolly old Saint Nicholas lean your ear this way don't you tell a single soul what I am going to say..." then she changed the words in to a song about Jesus Christ coming to save all of our souls. She just kept singing. Then when she was done in that tiny little voice she asked if anyone had any spare change. I gave her a dollar and so did someone else. Then she drops to her knees and louder than before...if it was possible and now in a very very low manly voice she started singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" SERIOUSLY this really happened. She was singing and singing. WOW I can't believe this was happening.
When she left the guy next to me and I just started laughing and talking about the crazy things we've seen on the metro. He said that there is a guy that can pop out both of his eyes. He said it is the grossest thing ever. He's seen a break dancing Mexican and a man with a guitar that sings his own songs and he said is real good. Then we started to talk about the smelly people we have sat by. LOL Then he told me about how one night he was coming home from being out late drinking and he had no idea how much he smelled. Then he used to work in a fish market and man he said I smelled worse than anything ever. I hope I am NEVER the smelly girl. HAHA
Can you believe all of that happened in one short one hour trip? Anyone want to join me? Until next time
P.S. on Friday I rode home with a girl from work. She was going to San Diego for her mom's birthday. It was nice to have a friend.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Evil Carol is let out of the box!
So today as I was trying to sleep on the way to work these two older ladies sat down in the chairs in front of me. From there it was gab gab gab. They talked the whole way..loudly! They this man walked over and it turns out that it was one of the ladies husband. Apparently he was sitting in another row far from them. LOL. I wish I was too. The wife ask him it he wanted to join them and after he said yes and stared to walk away the other lady was like great there goes our alone time. Whatever. That made me laugh pretty hard. He moved over and then they stared talking and "Carol" (the single one) and said well I was going to tell you this when we were alone, but I guess we wont have that anymore. The husband was like I am sorry I have already moved my stuff. No no that is fine, I was just going to apologize for Evil Carol. Huh? They both said. Both the husband and wife sounded clueless to what she was talking about. I guess the other lady promised to call Carol back and she never did. Then that night they all went to a dinner party and Carol and the other lady were supposed to sit next to each other according to the name plates. I guess the other lady sat down as far away from Carol as possible - that is how Carol explained it. The other lady was still sounding like she had no idea what Carol was talking about. Then Carol said that I got mad at you for that. So I let Evil Carol out of the box. Have you seen the pictures you took from that night? Remember how you kept trying to take my picture and I would not let you? Then I finally turn and you got a picture of Evil Carol. I try really hard not to let her out of the box, but I was just so mad at you. Great now your husband is going to hold that over my head for the rest of my life. See this is why I was going to tell you alone. The husband just looked at the lady and said Evil Carol hmmm. Ok.
I'm sure we can all relate to my friend Carol I mean we all have parts of our personalities that we don't let out or try very hard not to let out. Don't even tell me you dont agree with me. I'll point out to each one of you who yours is. LOL. As annoying as it was to miss sleep, I got a good laugh that morning. Awe I could see Denise, Gregg and Myself in 15 years. Except I would never get mad at Denise for those lame reasons. Though I am sure I have been there and done that before. The moral of this story is that when you are upset, be careful because that is when the worse of you comes out. Talking about your feelings and letting people know where you stand is the best way. But try not to let your friends husband hear you..he really will hold it over your head for years! Oh Gregg could right his own blog on the adventures of Denise and Terri from 2002 and on.
I'm sure we can all relate to my friend Carol I mean we all have parts of our personalities that we don't let out or try very hard not to let out. Don't even tell me you dont agree with me. I'll point out to each one of you who yours is. LOL. As annoying as it was to miss sleep, I got a good laugh that morning. Awe I could see Denise, Gregg and Myself in 15 years. Except I would never get mad at Denise for those lame reasons. Though I am sure I have been there and done that before. The moral of this story is that when you are upset, be careful because that is when the worse of you comes out. Talking about your feelings and letting people know where you stand is the best way. But try not to let your friends husband hear you..he really will hold it over your head for years! Oh Gregg could right his own blog on the adventures of Denise and Terri from 2002 and on.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Last call for Los Angeles
This guy next to me right now is very very smelly. He is also very very drunk. Before the train left they said last call and he stood up and said "Last call for alcohol, Good I need a drink. I've had a very hard life" Then he was like but I lost it. I've lost the cafe cart and I don't know where it is.
He asked a girl what she was reading and she said Homework. He said Halmark, like the cards? She said Homework and he said Homer, I want to read good books like that. She said no Homework for school. He said I just dont speak you language
Now he is humming to his own internal tune.
Today I became totally fascinated by the Amish. I wonder how they live. I wonder where they live. I wonder why they take the train from San Diego to LA and where they go after that. I wonder if they are all still inbred. I wonder if someone can just decided to become Amish and join the club. I wonder if they still make all of their own clothes or if they have an Amish Walmart. I wonder if they still stop formal education after 8th grade or something like that.
The ladies in front of me talked about cooking the whole entire way home. Talk about making a girl hungry! They talked about cooking and I researched the Amish. LOL. I think I might be an Amish for Halloween...it that mean?
He asked a girl what she was reading and she said Homework. He said Halmark, like the cards? She said Homework and he said Homer, I want to read good books like that. She said no Homework for school. He said I just dont speak you language
Now he is humming to his own internal tune.
Today I became totally fascinated by the Amish. I wonder how they live. I wonder where they live. I wonder why they take the train from San Diego to LA and where they go after that. I wonder if they are all still inbred. I wonder if someone can just decided to become Amish and join the club. I wonder if they still make all of their own clothes or if they have an Amish Walmart. I wonder if they still stop formal education after 8th grade or something like that.
The ladies in front of me talked about cooking the whole entire way home. Talk about making a girl hungry! They talked about cooking and I researched the Amish. LOL. I think I might be an Amish for Halloween...it that mean?

All in one day! really.
Did you know that you can arrange to have the train meet you right at the exit of the elevator? Yeah and there is no extra cost at all. It's like having your own really big limo and chauffeur. It pulls up and even opens the doors for you. Bad news is if the elevator door does not open quick enough it takes off without you! LOL Damn running late again, but I made it.
So today I found the BEST BEST BEST place on the train to sleep. Curtains were all closed, I lay back and get ready to sleep and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the man across the aisle opened his curtain. The in Oceanside this guy gets on and sites behind me and gets on his phone. He then proceeds to talk on he cell phone the whole entire way to Los Angeles and not just talk but yell! You know how you talk with someone who does not know English and you feel if you talk louder it will help them understand you better. Yeah like that the whole way there and my ipod just could not help quiet him...or I would have gone deaf. No sleep for the sleepy.
On a good note I WON today! What did I when you ask...really your are asking? Gosh you sure don't read my blog a lot. I beat my Nemesis to the dressing room! Whaaa haaa haa (that is my evil laugh). By the way that girl knows how to put the make up on well. She looks just like you and me without the make-up then she spends 30 minutes (just kidding I don't know how long) and she walks out a model.
Oh did I tell you that today 2 people closed the elevator on my face. Yeah they could see me but did it anyway. What has this world come too? We don't say HI to our neighbors anymore. We don't even know our neighbors. Gosh I remember when we were growing up and living in the house on Ramona that we had a neighbor like Wilson on home improvement. She used to make us zucchini bread and handed it to us over the wall. LOL. Now people just look at you smile and shut the elevator doors on you.
I saw a hottie on the subway. I even talked to him. He had one of those electric books. I asked him about it and we talked all the way to the street level. And then he walked out of my life.
So today I found the BEST BEST BEST place on the train to sleep. Curtains were all closed, I lay back and get ready to sleep and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the man across the aisle opened his curtain. The in Oceanside this guy gets on and sites behind me and gets on his phone. He then proceeds to talk on he cell phone the whole entire way to Los Angeles and not just talk but yell! You know how you talk with someone who does not know English and you feel if you talk louder it will help them understand you better. Yeah like that the whole way there and my ipod just could not help quiet him...or I would have gone deaf. No sleep for the sleepy.
On a good note I WON today! What did I when you ask...really your are asking? Gosh you sure don't read my blog a lot. I beat my Nemesis to the dressing room! Whaaa haaa haa (that is my evil laugh). By the way that girl knows how to put the make up on well. She looks just like you and me without the make-up then she spends 30 minutes (just kidding I don't know how long) and she walks out a model.
Oh did I tell you that today 2 people closed the elevator on my face. Yeah they could see me but did it anyway. What has this world come too? We don't say HI to our neighbors anymore. We don't even know our neighbors. Gosh I remember when we were growing up and living in the house on Ramona that we had a neighbor like Wilson on home improvement. She used to make us zucchini bread and handed it to us over the wall. LOL. Now people just look at you smile and shut the elevator doors on you.
I saw a hottie on the subway. I even talked to him. He had one of those electric books. I asked him about it and we talked all the way to the street level. And then he walked out of my life.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Last week feel like so last year...
First of all can you tell a complete stranger to blow their nose like you would a child? Just wondering
Tuesday was one VERY CRAZY day on the rails...
On the blueline on the way to my parents house there was a man sitting next to the door and just listening to his music. Best part about it was that he was listening to a CD WALKMAN...not even an ipod or a zoon. When all of a sudden he started talking to his hands and making hand gestures like he was strangling someone. Then he just stopped. Then a few minutes later he started to look and yell at his hands like they were attacking each other. Then he was a robot...sounds and movements, all of it. He relaxes for a few minutes and then it happened. He pulls out (at least)350 ML bottle of Grand Marnier pops off the top and take a BIG swig. I so wanted to video tape the guy on my cell phone for you all but I just could not get myself to do it. He then says "Damn my ass is drunk!" LOL seriously...I'd never guess. He stops his cd, pulls out stacks of other cd cases from his pockets and pops a new one in. Jumps up and starts raping and dancing. Most words are absolute gibberish. Only thing I could understand clearly was "No mama I dont want to be a slave mama, that is why Jesus is white." Yep that is what is said...and I have no idea what is means.
But here is were things get absolutely just plain messed up. I hope off the blueline away from this crazy and hope onto the greenline. I make sure I sit so I can see everyone like always and things are quite. Then about one exit before I am to exit the train (yes I chose those words wisely) a man gets on the train. He looked a bit out of it, but many people do. He sits in a row to my right next to the door. Then he starts bobbing his head and slapping his "lap" with his hand. I giggle a bit and think to myself those must be some good tunes. I am ignoring him and reading my book when I figure it is time for me to get my stuff together. Why is this man looking at me? Weirdo. As I stand up to put my backpack on I happen to glance his way and OMG NO WAY! There is no way that what I think is happening is happening. So I go to grab my purse and stare out the windows opposite of him and YES my nightmare has come true. This man is not listening to music but having his way with himself! I did not want to see a big black penis today! NOPE. Well I did not care what the next exit was I was getting off...damnit and so was he. GROSS. Wow what a way to start my vacation.
Vegas- it was great. Fun. Tiresome. Wonderful. Fun. Lot of Beer. The rest stays in Vegas. But I do have to mention that the Donny and Marie show is AWESOME!!! I have pictures of the vacation if anyone wants to see them.
Friday...ugg I am tired. Another party tonight. Turns out to be VERY VERY wonderful. I could not have asked for better people to show up. Thanks to everyone for my birthday wishes and for all your love.
Oh I also found out that my homeless friend at work is an artist. She works mostly in graphite and water colors. I hope to see some of her work some day.
Tuesday was one VERY CRAZY day on the rails...
On the blueline on the way to my parents house there was a man sitting next to the door and just listening to his music. Best part about it was that he was listening to a CD WALKMAN...not even an ipod or a zoon. When all of a sudden he started talking to his hands and making hand gestures like he was strangling someone. Then he just stopped. Then a few minutes later he started to look and yell at his hands like they were attacking each other. Then he was a robot...sounds and movements, all of it. He relaxes for a few minutes and then it happened. He pulls out (at least)350 ML bottle of Grand Marnier pops off the top and take a BIG swig. I so wanted to video tape the guy on my cell phone for you all but I just could not get myself to do it. He then says "Damn my ass is drunk!" LOL seriously...I'd never guess. He stops his cd, pulls out stacks of other cd cases from his pockets and pops a new one in. Jumps up and starts raping and dancing. Most words are absolute gibberish. Only thing I could understand clearly was "No mama I dont want to be a slave mama, that is why Jesus is white." Yep that is what is said...and I have no idea what is means.
But here is were things get absolutely just plain messed up. I hope off the blueline away from this crazy and hope onto the greenline. I make sure I sit so I can see everyone like always and things are quite. Then about one exit before I am to exit the train (yes I chose those words wisely) a man gets on the train. He looked a bit out of it, but many people do. He sits in a row to my right next to the door. Then he starts bobbing his head and slapping his "lap" with his hand. I giggle a bit and think to myself those must be some good tunes. I am ignoring him and reading my book when I figure it is time for me to get my stuff together. Why is this man looking at me? Weirdo. As I stand up to put my backpack on I happen to glance his way and OMG NO WAY! There is no way that what I think is happening is happening. So I go to grab my purse and stare out the windows opposite of him and YES my nightmare has come true. This man is not listening to music but having his way with himself! I did not want to see a big black penis today! NOPE. Well I did not care what the next exit was I was getting off...damnit and so was he. GROSS. Wow what a way to start my vacation.
Vegas- it was great. Fun. Tiresome. Wonderful. Fun. Lot of Beer. The rest stays in Vegas. But I do have to mention that the Donny and Marie show is AWESOME!!! I have pictures of the vacation if anyone wants to see them.
Friday...ugg I am tired. Another party tonight. Turns out to be VERY VERY wonderful. I could not have asked for better people to show up. Thanks to everyone for my birthday wishes and for all your love.
Oh I also found out that my homeless friend at work is an artist. She works mostly in graphite and water colors. I hope to see some of her work some day.
Monday, February 16, 2009
What a cruel trick of nature...

Today it did not rain until I got out of the car to walk to the train and then of course kept raining harder while I waited for the train. Then it stops on and off through out my ride...I think but since I am asleep most of the time I really don't know. I walk up from the subway and guess what...rain! Ok up goes the umbrella and I head towards my walk down the hill. One thing working for me, green walk sign. Yeah. So I start walking and then in the middle of the cross walk and scrreeetch......a lady in a bright red SUV slams on her breaks before she HITS ME! I mean for pete's sake. I really wanted to write something else there. I just gave her the evil eye and then looked at the bus driver next to me who gave me a look like "What the Hell." I'm still alive as you can I am sure tell. I can't die 2 days before my birthday and right before I leave for Vegas.
Today I joined my Pastor in his commitment to run 3 miles 3 times a week. So like a good girl I went to the gym at work today and walked 1.25 miles and ran 2.75 miles. Yeah me! Then of course with the wonderful twist of fate ALL of the escalators are out in the subway and train station. This is just mean! I mean I know that I need the exercise but seriously!
Tomorrow I will have a big suitcase and PLEASE don't let the escalators be out.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Library on rails
Mascara: As many of you know I am not a big make-up person but I do wear some. But it only take me like 5-10 minutes. Today, I watched a girl put on mascara for 20 minutes. No seriously...she just kept brushing and brushing and brushing. I was surprised she could even bat her eyes after that. I mean is that sexy? Come on is it? I mean if it is I will try it in Vegas this week. HAHA. Can you see it? Big black spider legs eyelashes on my face with my nice new little red dress. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.
Today we had a staff meeting and I totally forgot about it. Why does that matter to my blog you may ask, because it was from 3-5pm. Last train from Union station to Solana Beach is 5:10pm. And as I have already testified one should NEVER run to the train especially with a suit case. Sort of bummed that I was gonna be force to stay in LA tonight. The meeting ended at 4:45pm Yipee. I grabbed my stuff and hauled ass up and over to the subway. Of course the train doors are closing as I walk up. OF COURSE! I jump on the next one and lightly jog up the stairs and through union station. Up track 12 and no train. NOOOOOOOOOO I missed it again...no wait it is just a few minutes late. Cross my fingers a few minutes. I wait and wait then I hear it is gonna be a little longer. Well as you all know if you have been reading for sometime they never know how long it will be. So I got into the station to the info booth and she tells me with a smile oh about an hour or so late. But where are you going..you know you can take the Metrolink. Yes, thank you...but the metrolink stops at Oceanside one stop before my stop. Looks like I am hopping back on the subway and home to mom and dad. At least I have options, right.
As I hop on the blue line it gets more and more crowded. I'll be pretty bummed if the budget cuts that Arnold pushed through takes away some of the train times...these cars will be packed. Any way as we take off I start to read my book. Which by the way is a good book, but not so drawing that I have gotten that far into it. Like you care, sorry. Any way I start reading my book and about 10 minutes later I start looking around and the guy next to me is reading a book, the lady in front of me, the lady and guy next to me and the lady behind the are all reading a book. I started to giggle and just started thinking that it was like a library on wheels or rails. Don't you love how I always work the title of the post into my blog. It's like the title of a movie that makes no sense until you start watching the movie and then BAM you are like oh yeah i get it. Like Steel Magnolias..I mean there are not real steal magnolias, but then they fight over a magnolia tree. Ah ha i get it. I could go on and on about that but you are not reading to hear my ramblings on movie but my ramblings on the rails.
I failed to mention that BECAUSE of my job location and my need to ride the rails every day I missed my opportunity to meet the man of my dreams...or well maybe just a man. A local radio station but on "The Mile of Men" on Thursday and I missed it! Oh well, I guess I will stick to meeting people on the train...yeah that's working. HAHA Here check it out:
On the way home today - Friday - there was this guy behind me and he was priceless. Not like he is hot or anything but more like are you serious buddy? LOL. First he was teaching one of his guy friends to tell his girlfriend to shut up in Arabic. Then they guy on the other line was telling him what he was going to make for dinner (I am assuming for Valentine's Day) and this guy was like Bobby Flay. You should cook this with that and no that is not good. That is all carbs you need to add this. This will make a good impression and this will make her blah blah blah. So now of course I am curious if the guy is married so I get up to go to the bathroom and check out his hand. Nope, not married but her firmly believes he know what women want and how to impress us. My favorite was this line "If you feel daring do Beets" daring? How about GROSSSSSSSSS. I mean I love to cook, oh did I tell you all that I am entering the Pillsbury $1 million Bake-Off. I'll let you know how it goes. Last thing I listened to from this guy was this..."I will never eat Ramen noodles again. I looked up the nutritional info and it is just aweful." Seriously, did you really need to read the nutritional information to know that Ramen noodles are bad for you? I mean we can just start with the amount of salt. That alone should stop you. However, I will go on record and say if you have no money for food you better eat something, who cares what that the salt amount could kill you..drink more water. HAHA Also there are a lot of things you can do with the noodles without the flavor packet. Pampered Chef has a great main dish you can make. I have also used the noodles in many different ways. Become poor one day...I think it makes you a better cook. Paula Deen did it and the Lord knows that I have been there done that as well. I still open Kristi's fridge and whip up some meal and she'll be like we had that stuff in there.
Next week's blog will be a combo of amtrak, metro and car trips. You can beat you will hear of our adventures to Vegas...4 girl car trip should bring plenty of good stories. Take Care. Last 3 days of my early thirties has arrived...mid 30's here I come. Though seriously I can't believe how fast life moves past us. Seems like yesterday that I was in college, but that was almost 13 years ago! Where does the time go. Can't even imagine my life in 5 years.
DONNY AND MARIE here I come! Oh yeah and for my 40th I will celebrate it with Linda Ronstadt. :-)
Today we had a staff meeting and I totally forgot about it. Why does that matter to my blog you may ask, because it was from 3-5pm. Last train from Union station to Solana Beach is 5:10pm. And as I have already testified one should NEVER run to the train especially with a suit case. Sort of bummed that I was gonna be force to stay in LA tonight. The meeting ended at 4:45pm Yipee. I grabbed my stuff and hauled ass up and over to the subway. Of course the train doors are closing as I walk up. OF COURSE! I jump on the next one and lightly jog up the stairs and through union station. Up track 12 and no train. NOOOOOOOOOO I missed it again...no wait it is just a few minutes late. Cross my fingers a few minutes. I wait and wait then I hear it is gonna be a little longer. Well as you all know if you have been reading for sometime they never know how long it will be. So I got into the station to the info booth and she tells me with a smile oh about an hour or so late. But where are you going..you know you can take the Metrolink. Yes, thank you...but the metrolink stops at Oceanside one stop before my stop. Looks like I am hopping back on the subway and home to mom and dad. At least I have options, right.
As I hop on the blue line it gets more and more crowded. I'll be pretty bummed if the budget cuts that Arnold pushed through takes away some of the train times...these cars will be packed. Any way as we take off I start to read my book. Which by the way is a good book, but not so drawing that I have gotten that far into it. Like you care, sorry. Any way I start reading my book and about 10 minutes later I start looking around and the guy next to me is reading a book, the lady in front of me, the lady and guy next to me and the lady behind the are all reading a book. I started to giggle and just started thinking that it was like a library on wheels or rails. Don't you love how I always work the title of the post into my blog. It's like the title of a movie that makes no sense until you start watching the movie and then BAM you are like oh yeah i get it. Like Steel Magnolias..I mean there are not real steal magnolias, but then they fight over a magnolia tree. Ah ha i get it. I could go on and on about that but you are not reading to hear my ramblings on movie but my ramblings on the rails.
I failed to mention that BECAUSE of my job location and my need to ride the rails every day I missed my opportunity to meet the man of my dreams...or well maybe just a man. A local radio station but on "The Mile of Men" on Thursday and I missed it! Oh well, I guess I will stick to meeting people on the train...yeah that's working. HAHA Here check it out:
On the way home today - Friday - there was this guy behind me and he was priceless. Not like he is hot or anything but more like are you serious buddy? LOL. First he was teaching one of his guy friends to tell his girlfriend to shut up in Arabic. Then they guy on the other line was telling him what he was going to make for dinner (I am assuming for Valentine's Day) and this guy was like Bobby Flay. You should cook this with that and no that is not good. That is all carbs you need to add this. This will make a good impression and this will make her blah blah blah. So now of course I am curious if the guy is married so I get up to go to the bathroom and check out his hand. Nope, not married but her firmly believes he know what women want and how to impress us. My favorite was this line "If you feel daring do Beets" daring? How about GROSSSSSSSSS. I mean I love to cook, oh did I tell you all that I am entering the Pillsbury $1 million Bake-Off. I'll let you know how it goes. Last thing I listened to from this guy was this..."I will never eat Ramen noodles again. I looked up the nutritional info and it is just aweful." Seriously, did you really need to read the nutritional information to know that Ramen noodles are bad for you? I mean we can just start with the amount of salt. That alone should stop you. However, I will go on record and say if you have no money for food you better eat something, who cares what that the salt amount could kill you..drink more water. HAHA Also there are a lot of things you can do with the noodles without the flavor packet. Pampered Chef has a great main dish you can make. I have also used the noodles in many different ways. Become poor one day...I think it makes you a better cook. Paula Deen did it and the Lord knows that I have been there done that as well. I still open Kristi's fridge and whip up some meal and she'll be like we had that stuff in there.
Next week's blog will be a combo of amtrak, metro and car trips. You can beat you will hear of our adventures to Vegas...4 girl car trip should bring plenty of good stories. Take Care. Last 3 days of my early thirties has arrived...mid 30's here I come. Though seriously I can't believe how fast life moves past us. Seems like yesterday that I was in college, but that was almost 13 years ago! Where does the time go. Can't even imagine my life in 5 years.
DONNY AND MARIE here I come! Oh yeah and for my 40th I will celebrate it with Linda Ronstadt. :-)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Rain Rain go away...
not totally rain, just between 6:30 am and 6:50am then again around 8:50 am -9:15 am. Then have your fun all day long and then stop around 3:45 pm and again around 6:30pm. Ok? Thanks. Have I ever told you how not fun it is to wait for the train in the rain?

It is Monday morning and the bottom of my pants are wet and my feet are wet and I am cold. Brrr. Remind me when I am getting ready for my annual move (in a few months) that I don't want to move to any place cold or that has snow or more rain. No Chicago, no New York or really anything outside of California. Even though California is falling apart as we speak. But, I guess every state has it's problems. I guess being the 48 out 50 states in k-12 education is not too bad. Right? There are still 2 other states the suck more. But I digress...keep me here is never goes lower than 30. Ok thanks.
Tonight I met an older man and we talked about Facebook, virtual picture frames, the apple store (his daughter works there) our jobs and more. He was a very nice man. He was very sold on the virtual frame and he could have done a infomercial for them. HAHA. He even offered me a mint...but my mom always told me not to take food from strangers. I mean just because he ate one does not mean that the last one was safe. My mom always checked all of our candy after Halloween to be sure that none of them were poisonous. Right mom? I mean now I tell my nephews the same thing but I am lying to them I am really stealing the pieces that I want to eat. But my mom would never lie to me. Right mom? You really were checking them for small pin pricks. Or maybe he's like the Dread Pirate Roberts who has been working for the last several years to build up an immunity to the poison he was offering, even though he looked so nice. We can never know...so we have to say no thank you .
It is Monday morning and the bottom of my pants are wet and my feet are wet and I am cold. Brrr. Remind me when I am getting ready for my annual move (in a few months) that I don't want to move to any place cold or that has snow or more rain. No Chicago, no New York or really anything outside of California. Even though California is falling apart as we speak. But, I guess every state has it's problems. I guess being the 48 out 50 states in k-12 education is not too bad. Right? There are still 2 other states the suck more. But I digress...keep me here is never goes lower than 30. Ok thanks.
Tonight I met an older man and we talked about Facebook, virtual picture frames, the apple store (his daughter works there) our jobs and more. He was a very nice man. He was very sold on the virtual frame and he could have done a infomercial for them. HAHA. He even offered me a mint...but my mom always told me not to take food from strangers. I mean just because he ate one does not mean that the last one was safe. My mom always checked all of our candy after Halloween to be sure that none of them were poisonous. Right mom? I mean now I tell my nephews the same thing but I am lying to them I am really stealing the pieces that I want to eat. But my mom would never lie to me. Right mom? You really were checking them for small pin pricks. Or maybe he's like the Dread Pirate Roberts who has been working for the last several years to build up an immunity to the poison he was offering, even though he looked so nice. We can never know...so we have to say no thank you .
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wow what a week!
Today is Tuesday...I'm up and ready for a new week of work. I've got the coffee ready, I have a lunch packed and I even had time today to make myself a smoothee for breakfast. I'm having a good morning. Ok time to head out. Backpack on, purse on, coffee in one hand and CRAP there goes my smoothee all over the floor. NICE! I clean it up and somewhat made I stomp out of the house. ooooooooooooooooh Silver lining...Denny's free breakfast! Whoohoo I can go get a FREE, and I like FREE. I mean who doesn't like FREE Grand Slam breakfast. Though I really don't like eggs too much and I try not to eat bacon very often and well to be honest I am really not a breakfast person...but it is FREE and I am hungry. Besides how many people could there really be at 6:15 in the morning? How about just every single person that lives in Del Mar/Solana Beach! Hell, no grand slam either. Oh this is going to be a banner day! I have recently added the word "banner" to my vocabulary and I try to squeeze it into a sentence as much as possible. It reminds me of the movie Grease. I guess you'd have to have memorized the movie to understand. Try some time, you might like it. Where was I...Oh yeah this is turning out to be a BANNER day (you like that I did it twice in one blog). Only thing that could make it better is...All together now "A sleepy car" and the harps from heaven started and the train pulls up with my old friend, the sleepy car. Thank you God, for the little things in life. I nestle down for my long winters nap. Sleep sleep sleep. "This stop Fullerton"...that's my wake up call. Up and adam? Is that really what they say? Or is it Up and at them? Or up and atom? What is it? And where the heck did it come from. The world may never know...just like we may never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Ok, back to my story...I get up and grab my stuff and head to MY dressing room. Where I hope to find and empty room, nemesis free. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now there are 2! Two of them. Two of them! Why me? What did I do to deserve this. This is supposed to be a secret room like the one in the closet for Narnia. BOO HOO HOO.
Denise asked me to have dinner with her on Tuesday so I stayed and hopped on the Metro towards Redondo Beach. The blue line pulls up and tons of people pill out and the rest of us push in. No sooner did we sit down to do we hear "This trains final destination is Willow. At Willow station this train will be out of service." Then slam the doors and we are off. First station..doors open and 15 seconds later "Stand clear doors are closing" Next station open and shut. WOW this man is in a hurry. We don't stay at station longer than 20 seconds. It was like GET OFF NOW...Don't you even think about getting on this train.
The next morning my Dad has to be at work by 7:00 in the morning and there is no way I am getting to work at 8:00 in the morning. So my dad drops me off at the station I hop on the first train and get off at aviation and take a nap at my Grandma's house. HAHA. I get up, fix my face..that's what old ladies say when they put their make up on. I did not really literally fix my face, because honestly there is nothing really wrong with my face. Now my hair, well that is another story all together. I grab my stuff walk back to the train and hop on. This man get on and sits down in the front. Then he gets up and walks about 4 rows back. Then he gets up and walks 6 rows up. No clue what he was doing. Oh I forgot to mention my work out with Denise on Tuesday night. We were supposed to hit the gym after dinner but I talked her into going to target and spending my Christmas gift cards. Here is our "workout" pics.

Lastly my favorite quote so far from my new favorite conductor (one I even found handsome until these words of wisdom came out of his mouth.) This was said in regards to removing your luggage off of the chair next to you to a new rider. "How are you going to meet your furture EX-Wife, they can take your money from you." To which I followed it up with "Hey some people want to be married for life" to which he followed up with "...and some people get just the LIFE" I don't think he was referring to the board game but more like prison. UGGG MEN!
Denise asked me to have dinner with her on Tuesday so I stayed and hopped on the Metro towards Redondo Beach. The blue line pulls up and tons of people pill out and the rest of us push in. No sooner did we sit down to do we hear "This trains final destination is Willow. At Willow station this train will be out of service." Then slam the doors and we are off. First station..doors open and 15 seconds later "Stand clear doors are closing" Next station open and shut. WOW this man is in a hurry. We don't stay at station longer than 20 seconds. It was like GET OFF NOW...Don't you even think about getting on this train.
The next morning my Dad has to be at work by 7:00 in the morning and there is no way I am getting to work at 8:00 in the morning. So my dad drops me off at the station I hop on the first train and get off at aviation and take a nap at my Grandma's house. HAHA. I get up, fix my face..that's what old ladies say when they put their make up on. I did not really literally fix my face, because honestly there is nothing really wrong with my face. Now my hair, well that is another story all together. I grab my stuff walk back to the train and hop on. This man get on and sits down in the front. Then he gets up and walks about 4 rows back. Then he gets up and walks 6 rows up. No clue what he was doing. Oh I forgot to mention my work out with Denise on Tuesday night. We were supposed to hit the gym after dinner but I talked her into going to target and spending my Christmas gift cards. Here is our "workout" pics.

Lastly my favorite quote so far from my new favorite conductor (one I even found handsome until these words of wisdom came out of his mouth.) This was said in regards to removing your luggage off of the chair next to you to a new rider. "How are you going to meet your furture EX-Wife, they can take your money from you." To which I followed it up with "Hey some people want to be married for life" to which he followed up with "...and some people get just the LIFE" I don't think he was referring to the board game but more like prison. UGGG MEN!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Great American Cat Alarm
I want to sell you all on a new product. It is called the Great American Cat Alarm. They are rather cheap to purchase, you can sometimes get then for free. I picked up one of these 3 years ago and I have never been disappointed. They are always on schedule like clock work. Today, mine saved me from missing my Train again. At 5:50 am Nacho (that is what I named my alarm)jumped on the bed and got in my face and meowed until I opened my eyes. I said good morning what time is it? He just meowed louder. So I grabbed my cell phone and saw the time. Jumped out of bed and ran around like crazy. Oh yeah I fed him first. Time I buy an alarm clock? Nah this is more fun.
I jump in the car and head off to the train in 15 minutes! Damn I am good! Get to the train station with 5 minutes to spare. Then I was some what pleasantly surprised by the Sleepy Car. I settle down in a nice dark seat by myself and then OH SHIT! Guess who forgot to swap out her train passes. I still have my January pass in my purse instead of ah duh the February pass. Well it is a good damn thing that the morning conductor knows me so well that he never asks me for my pass. We'll just have to figure out how to get pass the pm conductor.
Fullerton came and sat up got my makeup backpack ( I have a strawberry shortcake kids tiny backpack with my makeup) and my glasses case and walked downstairs to the dressing room. And then why in the world did I really think that anything good could happen today. First I wake up late, then I don't have my train pass and then this! SHE GOT THERE FIRST! My Nemesis...the beautiful, tall, hot brunette that does not need the dressing room to get any hotter! DAMNIT. Well I'm sure that the day can and will get better.
PM train come and I really don't want to spend my money on a one way ticket home, when I have already paid for the whole month. Find my seat on the train and I am just squirming really hoping the conductor the comes by knows me or just is nice. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a way to pull this thing off. Maybe I just nonchalantly grab my pass and then when they say that is January, said Damn...I totally forgot to swap out my pass. Or maybe I just tell them the truth. Maybe I can distract them. So many options. Oh no here she comes. Pretend you're typing on your computer and working.
"Ticket please" she says
"Oh hi" reaching for my pass...
"Where you going"
open ticket pocket and "huh, oh damn, oh ah sorry...Solana Beach"
"HAHA no problem it's monday"
"Yeah I had to remember when I was for a moment..where am I going LA or Solana. Gosh what a day. Thanks, bye"
I did it! Wow, am I that good of an actress or was the force with me.
"You don't need my ticket"
"I don't need your ticket"
"You will give me a blue seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Here is your seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Now move on"
"I'm moving on"
p.s. What if you don't have a screwdriver?
I jump in the car and head off to the train in 15 minutes! Damn I am good! Get to the train station with 5 minutes to spare. Then I was some what pleasantly surprised by the Sleepy Car. I settle down in a nice dark seat by myself and then OH SHIT! Guess who forgot to swap out her train passes. I still have my January pass in my purse instead of ah duh the February pass. Well it is a good damn thing that the morning conductor knows me so well that he never asks me for my pass. We'll just have to figure out how to get pass the pm conductor.
Fullerton came and sat up got my makeup backpack ( I have a strawberry shortcake kids tiny backpack with my makeup) and my glasses case and walked downstairs to the dressing room. And then why in the world did I really think that anything good could happen today. First I wake up late, then I don't have my train pass and then this! SHE GOT THERE FIRST! My Nemesis...the beautiful, tall, hot brunette that does not need the dressing room to get any hotter! DAMNIT. Well I'm sure that the day can and will get better.
PM train come and I really don't want to spend my money on a one way ticket home, when I have already paid for the whole month. Find my seat on the train and I am just squirming really hoping the conductor the comes by knows me or just is nice. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a way to pull this thing off. Maybe I just nonchalantly grab my pass and then when they say that is January, said Damn...I totally forgot to swap out my pass. Or maybe I just tell them the truth. Maybe I can distract them. So many options. Oh no here she comes. Pretend you're typing on your computer and working.
"Ticket please" she says
"Oh hi" reaching for my pass...
"Where you going"
open ticket pocket and "huh, oh damn, oh ah sorry...Solana Beach"
"HAHA no problem it's monday"
"Yeah I had to remember when I was for a moment..where am I going LA or Solana. Gosh what a day. Thanks, bye"
I did it! Wow, am I that good of an actress or was the force with me.
"You don't need my ticket"
"I don't need your ticket"
"You will give me a blue seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Here is your seat marker to Solana Beach"
"Now move on"
"I'm moving on"
p.s. What if you don't have a screwdriver?

Friday, January 30, 2009
Post 3 of 3 - Can't a girl get some sleep!!!
Today I got to the track on time, the train was on time but then it just it stopped. No not stopped to just let us on, but turned off. We sat there no news then a couple minutes later it turned back on. We started off and about 8 minutes into the ride and no one has taken my ticket yet. I just want to fall into my heavenly sleep. Take my ticket!!! Oh Hi about time. I'm going to LA. Thanks and good night. I noticed that she gave me a yellow ticket today for a seat marker...hmm maybe the switched colors. Oh well wear is my headset? Ahh there they are, off to sleepy land in the normal every day your not special seats. We travel on and on past Oceanside, San Juan into Irvine. And SLAM! this very disrespectful lady slammed her seat tray. I jump and all she can do is smile and say nonchalantly sorry. Like I have to say sorry but I could really care less. Oh I was not happy, but back to my music. We leave Irvine and leave Santa Ana and as we pull away. TAP TAP TAP (and no not my initials) but rapid tapping and hey hey where were you supposed to get off. OOOOO NO U DIDN'T! Los Angeles I try to say as nicely as I can. Why? I have 3 more stations to go. Oh and he walks away! You heard me right OH! Not I am sorry, or please excuse me but OH. Like I did something wrong! (apparently I like exclamation marks) Hold me back now I have been woken up twice today. Any other person would let this crappy morning ruin her day, but not Teresa Ann Perkins. I'm going to turn another cheek and just read my book. Apparently I have had enough sleep.
10 things I've wondered about or saw this week:
1. Can someone really chew to the rhythm of someone typing? Chomp Chomp Chomp with a simultaneous tap tap tap of the keyboard.
2. Is it ok to ask this man or anyone if they are wearing a Toupee?
3. Is this a hot look?

4. I know you can pick your friends, pick your seat and even pick your nose, but can you pick someone else's wedgie?

5. Is it strange to see a Buddhist Monk on the Subway?
6. Are Blue hair and red pea coats in style?
7. Don't you think Mush Mushi is a great way of saying hello?
8. When riding the rails if you can find a hot single guy to sit by find a group of people sitting in the four seaters...they usually give you a lot of good stuff for your blog.
9. Some people who ride the train do not think any of the announcement the conductor says pertains to them...especially if it means taking their things off the seat next to them.
10. Taking the 4:10 train home is awesome...I actually have a life when I get home at 6:30 instead of almost 8pm.
Good Bye until next week. Thanks for reading
10 things I've wondered about or saw this week:
1. Can someone really chew to the rhythm of someone typing? Chomp Chomp Chomp with a simultaneous tap tap tap of the keyboard.
2. Is it ok to ask this man or anyone if they are wearing a Toupee?

3. Is this a hot look?

4. I know you can pick your friends, pick your seat and even pick your nose, but can you pick someone else's wedgie?

5. Is it strange to see a Buddhist Monk on the Subway?
6. Are Blue hair and red pea coats in style?
7. Don't you think Mush Mushi is a great way of saying hello?
8. When riding the rails if you can find a hot single guy to sit by find a group of people sitting in the four seaters...they usually give you a lot of good stuff for your blog.
9. Some people who ride the train do not think any of the announcement the conductor says pertains to them...especially if it means taking their things off the seat next to them.
10. Taking the 4:10 train home is awesome...I actually have a life when I get home at 6:30 instead of almost 8pm.
Good Bye until next week. Thanks for reading
Post 2 of 3...more from this week
I absolutely love the Golden Girls so when I was able to ride on the train behind them this week I was so excited. All four of them were there. It was so fun to hear their conversations. I only really remember two of them. They said that the tortilla encrusted Tilapia from Costco is amazing. Someone needs to try it and let me know. She was raving about it. The second one really made me laugh! One of them was telling a story about their grandchildren. She said that her daughter's husband bought the kids bean bags for their rooms. Which sounds pretty innocent if I stop there. But then she said that they also had bunk beds in their room. On night she said her daughter kept hearing a thumping noise and she when she got to the room she found the kids jumping off the bunk beds onto the bean bags. Next morning...bean bags are gone. It really made me remember all the "stupid" but FUN stuff my dad used to let us do. Like the big blue van that had no seats in the back. At first he would let us ride in the van sitting on lawn chairs. Then when he stopped we went flying into the back of the van. Laughing our asses off. (why do people say that? I mean as much as I laugh, my ass is still there) Then he but plywood bench seats over the wheel wells. Oh the numerous splinters we had. We also used to let Lisa Elliott fly around in the back with us. She was like a sister to us so why wouldn't we put her in danger too? HAHA Sorry Debbie. Oh yeah and when we started playing soccer...if he drove by one of those tall skinny cones he'd slow down to almost a stop and we'd open the side door jump out steal the cone and jump back in slamming the door.
Yesterday the Amtrak police came up and down the aisle with his K-9 dog. Can you pet them? I mean he was sooo cute. After I noticed the cute puppy, I turned to see a beautiful sunset. It was such a pretty shade of orange/yellow and red. It was so clear I could see Catalina. God made such a great thing when he created sunrise and set. Then after the cute puppy, the beautiful sunset...I saw the handsome Andy. He actually side hi to me this time. We had some small chat and I let slip into the conversation that I have been taking the 4:10pm train. You know in case he was looking for me. And then...we said good bye. No Date Still!
Today I managed to become a mother to 5 15 year old girls from Malibu. The were riding on the train by themselves and they wanted a discount on the tickets. The conductor told them that only if they had an adult. HAHA so I said of course those are my kids. The were classic. Totally teens! Then they started singing rap and OMG I never knew how to fake and orgasm at their age...or even what one was. Not only that they were talking about how much they wanted to take shots right then. And no not with their camera. Where has the world gone?
Yesterday the Amtrak police came up and down the aisle with his K-9 dog. Can you pet them? I mean he was sooo cute. After I noticed the cute puppy, I turned to see a beautiful sunset. It was such a pretty shade of orange/yellow and red. It was so clear I could see Catalina. God made such a great thing when he created sunrise and set. Then after the cute puppy, the beautiful sunset...I saw the handsome Andy. He actually side hi to me this time. We had some small chat and I let slip into the conversation that I have been taking the 4:10pm train. You know in case he was looking for me. And then...we said good bye. No Date Still!
Today I managed to become a mother to 5 15 year old girls from Malibu. The were riding on the train by themselves and they wanted a discount on the tickets. The conductor told them that only if they had an adult. HAHA so I said of course those are my kids. The were classic. Totally teens! Then they started singing rap and OMG I never knew how to fake and orgasm at their age...or even what one was. Not only that they were talking about how much they wanted to take shots right then. And no not with their camera. Where has the world gone?
Part one of three...I need to write more often
This is part one of three posts because I have not written all week and probably should do it more often.
So picture this the announcer says "Civic Center, last call" and you finally realize that you have almost missed your stop. You and a girlfriend jump up and run for the door. You get stuck in the slamming door! All the bystanders hear is "Doors are closing please stand clear" All you hear is your whole body getting crushed in the doors (not really they don't totally close). You squeeze out and your friend tries to jump in and replace you as a door stop...you make it out and she gets stuck behind the closing doors! Ok maybe if it was actually you, you'd probably not think that it wsa too funny. However, if you are the bystander...OMG you try not to laugh. Seriously, it is the metro you have to be alert. They don't care it is open and close with in 30 seconds. You snooze you lose. Ok I really was not that mean, I did not laugh. I actually told her friend when she got off at Union Station that she could jump right back on the train about to leave across the track.
I love the smell of men's cologne. Most any type really makes me melt. I love to walk by a great smelling guy, waiting in line behind one, and cuddling with one. But today I stalked one. HAHA Ok I was not really stalking him, but he walked in front of me and WOW he smelled great. Unfortunately he was not my type. You are asking yourself..Terri should you have type? I mean you're single. Beggars can be choosers. Where was I? Oh so he walked past me and I smelled him. Then instead of going up the escalator, I took the STAIRS! Yep, he smelled that great. Then he got on the long escalator and I loved him more. He saved me from having to walk up 35 stairs. Alas, he walked one way after getting off the escalator and I went the other way. No more smell goodies.
This week on the train home there was a guy next to me playing the guitar. I'd like to say that he was serenading me. No singing but just strumming along a nice quite song.
Ok remember how I have told you about the sleepy car and how it has a bathroom and a changing room downstairs. Well I'm not sure I have told you but there is not a real exit down there. Most of them just have baggage storage, there is a door but they never open it. There is a sign posted on the wall on your way down there just in case you forget. So this week a lady who needed to get off in Fullerton grabbed her stuff and walked down those dead end stairs. As she starts walking down there we all said there is no exit there. She kept walking and then it happened...HELP HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME! (as she was banging on the window). Even the people that were sleeping jumped up to see what the commotion was. I was crying laughing. She then ran up the stairs and down the aisle and then back down the RIGHT stairs and out the door. Even the conductor was smiling.
So picture this the announcer says "Civic Center, last call" and you finally realize that you have almost missed your stop. You and a girlfriend jump up and run for the door. You get stuck in the slamming door! All the bystanders hear is "Doors are closing please stand clear" All you hear is your whole body getting crushed in the doors (not really they don't totally close). You squeeze out and your friend tries to jump in and replace you as a door stop...you make it out and she gets stuck behind the closing doors! Ok maybe if it was actually you, you'd probably not think that it wsa too funny. However, if you are the bystander...OMG you try not to laugh. Seriously, it is the metro you have to be alert. They don't care it is open and close with in 30 seconds. You snooze you lose. Ok I really was not that mean, I did not laugh. I actually told her friend when she got off at Union Station that she could jump right back on the train about to leave across the track.
I love the smell of men's cologne. Most any type really makes me melt. I love to walk by a great smelling guy, waiting in line behind one, and cuddling with one. But today I stalked one. HAHA Ok I was not really stalking him, but he walked in front of me and WOW he smelled great. Unfortunately he was not my type. You are asking yourself..Terri should you have type? I mean you're single. Beggars can be choosers. Where was I? Oh so he walked past me and I smelled him. Then instead of going up the escalator, I took the STAIRS! Yep, he smelled that great. Then he got on the long escalator and I loved him more. He saved me from having to walk up 35 stairs. Alas, he walked one way after getting off the escalator and I went the other way. No more smell goodies.
This week on the train home there was a guy next to me playing the guitar. I'd like to say that he was serenading me. No singing but just strumming along a nice quite song.
Ok remember how I have told you about the sleepy car and how it has a bathroom and a changing room downstairs. Well I'm not sure I have told you but there is not a real exit down there. Most of them just have baggage storage, there is a door but they never open it. There is a sign posted on the wall on your way down there just in case you forget. So this week a lady who needed to get off in Fullerton grabbed her stuff and walked down those dead end stairs. As she starts walking down there we all said there is no exit there. She kept walking and then it happened...HELP HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME! (as she was banging on the window). Even the people that were sleeping jumped up to see what the commotion was. I was crying laughing. She then ran up the stairs and down the aisle and then back down the RIGHT stairs and out the door. Even the conductor was smiling.
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